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Release DataGrip (ex-0xDBE) 1.0 - New IDE for SQL

Hello! We have released an IDE for working with databases.

For a year and a half, we did 0xDBE using the Early Access Program (EAP). It's time to draw a line under our work. We thank everyone who tried 0xDBE on their projects and wrote to us - you really helped. We will miss this title too.

The IDE is now called DataGrip .

Supported DBMS

DataGrip is a universal IDE for working with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, SQLite, HyperSQL, Apache Derby and H2.

Work with database objects and code generation

DataGrip provides tools for working with database objects. If you create or modify a table, add or modify a column, index, key in an existing one, use the graphical interface. Such changes are accompanied by the generation of the corresponding script - you can immediately perform the changes made in the database or copy the generated DDL query into the editor and work directly with the code.


DataGrip supports code completion, which speeds up query writing. When you type the code, the IDE understands the context and does the work for you: not only helps to write code, knowing the keywords and names of database objects, but also takes into account dependencies when writing JOIN, suggests the type of parameters to perform the function, describes the structure of the table in INSERT sentences . In addition, we have added templates (Live Templates) to write the same type of code, and you can create your own.

Search by code and rename

The IDE understands which database objects you use in your code: if you rename an object in a request, the same happens in the database. Rename a variable or alias in one place: it will happen in the whole script.

There is a search for the use of a variable or object (columns, tables) in the query, as well as the possibility of moving from use to the place of the declaration. If you apply the same to an object that has already been created in the database, the cursor will send you to the database structure window.

And if the query uses the name of an object that is not in the database, for example, made a mistake with the column or table name, the IDE will report the problem and suggest possible solutions.

Work with data

The table editor in DataGrip can filter data. Record the condition in the Filter criteria field, as in the WHERE clause, and see what you need. Text search by table is also able to filter - it’s convenient if you are looking for data and have forgotten a column. There is data navigation - if there is a connection by foreign keys, you can get into those lines of tables that refer to these by a foreign key, and vice versa.

Query execution

Choose that IDE should run if the cursor is on a subquery: internal, external, or all script requests. To execute part of the query, select the code and run it. Analyze query execution plan for optimization. Many functions of the Table Editor are available in the query result window, for example, it allows you to change data and text search works in it. Compare two results in adjacent windows.

DataGrip is an IDE based on the IntelliJ platform, which means it has:
Powerful multi-cursor text editor with code syntax highlighting
Integration with version control systems: Git, Subversion, etc.
Plugins: Terminal, Textmate bundles, etc.

Learn about other features, including the CSV editor, charts, queries with parameters, on the DataGrip page on our website.


- Is DataGrip part of a subscription to all JetBrains products?
- Yes, it is available as Single IDE and as part of the “All Products” package. If you have a subscription to all JetBrains products, you can use DataGrip now.

- Does the DataGrip functionality repeat everything that is found in other IDEs from JetBrains with database support?
- Yes. In the first version of DataGrip, we focused on the main.

- Can I use DataGrip with dialects that are not listed?
- Yes. All you need is a JDBC driver.

- Will NoSQL, debugging code and tools for administration?
- Yes, in the next versions.

- Where to express an opinion about DataGrip?
- Here in the comments, on our form, on Twitter or via the feedback form directly from the IDE.

DataGrip command
The Drive to Develop

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273469/

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