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In workshops, start-up platforms, or what you need to get money from an investor

Kazan Startup Weekend , which took place in the IT park, proved that the crisis to investments is not a hindrance, as they say, war is war, and startups have attracted more than $ 1 million - more than last year's Kazan Startup Week.

Without false modesty, we say that 4 out of 6 projects that received the desired checks from the hands of investors are residents of our Business Incubator. Using the good neighborly relations with them, we looked under the hood of applications that attracted attention from the money of the haves, and made a brief overview of the projects with their stories of ups and downs and some technical details.

Let's start with a startup that got the biggest payoff (800 thousand dollars) - Halal Guide.
Halalguide.me is a guide to the market of halal services, consisting of a complex of services: Halaleda.me, HalalSkidka.ru, HalalTrading.ru, HalalWork.ru, Namaz-time.ru.

Through the efforts of the team in the halal guide, a filter was developed that allows you to select the institution based on the presence or absence of parking, the certificate of compliance with halal, check size, rating, distance, etc.

The main traffic of all sites of HalalGuide projects is from SEO search queries.
In addition to sites, there are applications for iOS and Android.
Thus, the project is being promoted with the help of ASO + SEO: SEO requests wind traffic to the site - the user goes from the site to the app - from the app goes to some other service from the HalalGuide complex.
ASO optimization was developed jointly with Anatoly Sharifullin (AppFollow).
CMS samopisnaya in python, DB - PostgreSQL.

The next project is a well-known for Hexlet. This is a platform for remote learning programming in a real environment, that is, without simulators - in each lesson the user works with a full-fledged machine connected to the network.
The platform runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS), and although initially the team did not intend to become strongly attached to the AWS infrastructure, over time it fell in love with it, and now they use more of its services: balancer, cloudfront - cdn, ses - mail, sqs - queues, route53 - dns, s3 - file storage. Despite this, their scheme makes it quite easy to go to any other infrastructure. This is possible thanks to Docker, the cornerstone of the entire platform.

Almost the whole backend is written in Rails. In RDS (Relational Database Service), PostgreSQL (main base) and Redis rotate.

The whole scheme of the service is described in detail in the team blog .

In addition, the guys have a nice bonus for habrogikov - this is a game for programmers → habrahabr.ru/company/hexlet/blog/269613

Another platform on our shortlist on Ruby on Rails is maminfo.ru , an online service for maintaining a pregnancy. The team has been successfully working offline for a long time with the brochure “Mother's Passport” - in 2006, the guys registered media, in 2009 they received a patent # 73059, and in 2014 they became the owners of the “Mother Passport” trademark, and now they plan to conquer online -spaces.

Currently, start-ups are preparing a mobile application for iOS and Android, and plan to design their project so that the offline component of the service and the online platforms complement each other.

The next startup Teleport is a platform that unites free couriers to complete delivery tasks, orders from restaurants, online stores and retail.

Briefly tell about the idea of ​​creating Teleport. Initially, the team developed automation systems for taxis and helped fleets to create regional counterparts for Uber, wrote codes to improve taxi services, wrote a huge platform, but having missed the wave of developing their own services, they began to look for a freer market and found a courier express delivery market.

Initially, the server program was written in PHP, using the phpDaemon framework. But this scheme has not proven itself in the work - the phpDaemon framework constantly hung on in its work, so the developers refused it.

The second version of the platform was rewritten to NodeJS. The new server fixed the hang problem, but over time, the platform ceased to fit the ever-expanding functionality of the application, so the developers rewrote the third version on NodeJS, where they paid attention to the platform architecture, which has more scalability and allows you to take more orders - for 3 years more than 5 million orders.

Code snippet for routing requests between modules

Teleport is currently writing in CoffeeScript, which is then translated to JavaScript. The rest of the scheme is similar to the Hexlet implementation: also based on PostgreSQL using Amazonian RDS, all images are hosted in Docker.

Total: technological stack of the final version - NodeJS on the server + mobile applications on Android and iOS in native languages
Communications inside are built in Bitrix - Corporate portal.

Another transport service among the “winners” of the KSW investment session is the AltoCar corporate drivers service.

Through their platform, companies find drivers to transport their employees. This service serves as a substitute for corporate fleet.

AltoCar is the 4th pivot of the last project of the TaxiNado team, a kind of exchange where the customer placed an order through applications, the drivers offered their prices, and the customer chose what suits him.

TaxiNado failed, but this time the developers armed themselves with a good arsenal: a large platform for interacting with applications, for clients there is a personal account office for orders + mobile applications for iOS and Android, the first versions of which were written in 2-3 days Telerik AppBuilder + KendoMobile JavaScript platform. This was done in order to test the next hypothesis, and not to go into development and spend money on the useless service, as was the case with TaxiNado, the first version of which could be done in 1-2 months and the remaining money on promotion (there were investments then). Instead, 6 months led the development of the first version with useless chips. Sadly, but the good now the guys have become smarter and no longer make such mistakes.

Customer account

And, as they say, last but not least - Unified Supplemental . The service is implemented on the 1C-Bitrix platform.

The main secrets of effective reference work:

• manual rewriting of information on the activities of government agencies and commercial enterprises. Placed more than 57,000 companies and government agencies
• patented technology for the census of companies by regional representatives using a mobile application
• automatic synchronization of information in the Unified Help with navigation and geoservices Yandex and Google
• an intelligent module for processing search queries from users of the Unified Help

Let us tell in more detail about the technology for the census of companies (p.2).

The rights to the technology were registered as a certificate for a utility model. The technology itself - G06Q - is a data processing system or method specifically designed for administrative, commercial, financial, managerial, supervisory, or prognostic purposes.

The solution is to generate a user profile based on the periodic determination of its location. This information can be combined with business classifications or points of interest (POI) of the database to determine the likelihood of users at work or in other places based on the number of visits, time of day and other parameters (user age and gender) and based on the types of places which they visited.

The user profile can be correlated with market segmentation databases for creating marketing rating systems and for collecting information (company census, competitor analysis, etc.).

In 2016, Unified Supplemental launches its own app on the market, which includes information on all the companies located with the ability to navigate and quickly communicate. Separately, I would like to note the focus on improving information support for visitors to shopping centers through a marketing platform.

The principle of the marketing platform

Marketing Platform Tools

Something like that. Write in the comments, we will be happy to answer your questions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273467/

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