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Angular2 is now "beta"

I bring to your attention the translation of an article from the official blog of AngularJS.

We’re happy to share with you the news that the Angular 2 project has reached beta. You can learn about that set of innovations that the second version brought in comparison with the first one from the previous post . The study of Angular 2 can be started on the website angular.io .

What does beta mean?

"Beta" means that now we are confident that most developers have the ability to successfully create large applications using Angular 2.

During the developer preview and alpha versions, we worked closely here at Google, with some major projects, such as AdWords, GreenTea (Google's internal CRM system), and Google Fiber. We even witnessed how Google Fiber released an update completely based on Angular 2.
In addition, we also worked with several other teams that started using Angular 2, including the Ionic Framework in the Ionic 2 project, Telerik in the NativeScript project, Rangle.io in the Batarangle project, and many others.

We processed a huge amount of feedback from these teams, many of which entailed critical changes. Now we are looking forward to new large projects and are ready to improve our product in accordance with the requests of their teams.

How to start

You can start exploring Angular 2 with the updated and expanded Quick Start and Tutorial on angular.io. In the same place you can find several guides for developers and a useful cheat sheet , including the main features of Angular 2.

While the many books and courses on Angular 2 that are being updated as they are developed take several weeks to describe the latest changes, we recommend that you pay attention to clear thoughtram explanations and examples in the thoughtram blog and a comprehensive Angular 2 guide .

Update with Angular 1

You already have an application on Angular 1, and you want to start writing a project on Angular 2, without changing the working project? For this we have ngUpgrade.

In addition to the usual method of updating applications, which is the Big Bang approach, when you freeze updates until everything is rewritten, we offer two options for those teams that want to upgrade from Angular 1 to Angular 2.


We know that many of you have spent a lot of money and energy on Angular 1 and created wonderful applications. Therefore, we created ngUpgrade for all of you, to give you the opportunity to “bleed” an existing application and move on with Angular 2.

ngUpgrade gives you the ability to add Angular 2 to your Angular 1 application code. You will get the benefits of improved performance and the Angular 2 API by replacing all components one by one during your releases. You can learn more about this in the article on thoughtram and in the guide to update from our documentation.


Some teams that have applications that are more sensitive to file size may not like the simultaneous operation of two libraries at once. To do this, we have the ngForward library, which will give you the opportunity to write applications on Angular 1 with Angular 2 syntax. This will allow your team to use the conventions and the Angular 2 style in the application today and shorten the path to a full update to Angular 2 as soon as you ready for this.


As usual, you can describe your problem on GitHub , ask a question on StackOverflow and join the lively discussion in Gitter .

To respond to the content of the site, we recently added the ability to send feedback on each page. Just click on the exclamation point icon in the upper right corner of the screen and tell us what you would like to improve.

What's next?

We are already actively engaged in improvements that will have to be included in the final release of Angular 2. In addition to the many minor changes, there will be the following heavyweights:

1) Reducing the size of the Angular 2 library.
2) Improved Angular CLI for use throughout the development process.
3) Creating a more developer-friendly routing definition and API links in the Component Router.
4) Animation support.
5) Support I18n and L10n.

And that's not all - several cool features are on the way, and we have already begun to implement some of them:

1) More documentation, mostly on the use of ES6 / ES5.
2) Improved performance at startup and runtime.
3) Guide on the architectural style of the application.
4) Improvements in unit and pass-through testing.
5) Improved support for mobile web and installable mobile applications
6) Material Design Components for Angular 2.
7) Tool platform to deepen IDE support.
8) Improved support for ES6 and Babel.

Thank! We are eager to see the applications you created on madewithangular.com !

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273445/

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