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On the open data of the Federal Treasury. Report to the next public council in February 2016

It so happened that I am a member of various councils and commissions, including public councils and expert councils. They all have different functions and tasks and very different efficiencies; however, some are quite interesting and concern open data. Therefore, I want to make it a rule to make a good habit of telling in open access in the format of mini-reports on what is going on at such public councils.

So, today, for example, a public council was held under the Federal Treasury, and I also join this council. Why do we need public advice? It is assumed that representatives of the society participate in them and, on behalf of the society, suggest that departments make changes in their activities, comment and make proposals to their work plans, and so on. Some departments do not resist this, but public councils in them are more formal than practical. And others, on the contrary, are more than informative.

For example, this public council met for the 4th time and each time one of the leaders of FC (Federal Treasury) spoke on the council and talked about what they were doing and what they were planning. For example, in June, the deputy head of the FC Vasin and Demidov spoke this way and talked about treasury accompaniment, and in November Oksana Rud spoke and talked about the GIS GMP system.
Well, today, December 18, was the head of FC Artyukhin Roman Evgenievich and he spoke in some detail about the single treasury account, about the publication of data, the treasury accompaniment and everything else.

From the questions that I personally raised at this meeting:

In the first case, FCs are ready to disclose everything and asked to send a detailed proposal of what to publish and in what form. In the second case, they themselves cannot take such a decision; they can only take into account the position of the public council when talking with the departments responsible for the state policy in this oblatis - this is the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

But the most important thing is that the work plan of the public council for 2016 was discussed. I made a commitment to make a report and suggestions on what kind of open data FC would like to see in the public domain. This will be at the next meeting, which will be held in February 2016, after about 2 months.

If you have ideas and suggestions on what exactly you need from FC in open data format - write to me, I will include in the final report with a link to you. Write best by mail to ibegtin@infoculture.ru - I ask only to indicate who you are: full name, which organization or project you are representing and what exactly is needed.

As an aid, here are the important links:

Also look at their website for information about what they publish and can be transferred to open data and look at the GIS section roskazna.ru/gis with a list of their information systems.

In the comments I am ready to give answers to the questions, I know not everything about their internal systems, but what I know I will tell you.

And if you're interested, I am ready to tell you how communications with government agencies are generally arranged in terms of convincing them to open more data.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273439/

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