📜 ⬆️ ⬇️

Development of plug-ins for Atlassian JIRA

All of us in IT faced bug tracking systems - with so-called bug trackers, issue trackers. One of the popular products of this kind is Atlassian JIRA.

In fact, Atlassian JIRA is more than just a bug tracking system. JIRA can be used quite widely - including for project management. You can say that JIRA is a system for tracking task status. Tasks can be different: it is the collection of requirements, testing, development directly, etc. I have even seen attempts to add accountants to JIRA - and what, they say, will be our agile accounting!
On the official JIRA website, it is described as follows:
JIRA is a tracker for teams. It’s important to keep track of your work. JIRA helps your team get the job done. In general, the main idea of ​​JIRA is that it allows you to plan work.

In this article I will talk about how to develop additions to this program. However, the question may arise - why develop add-ons for JIRA. Therefore, let's consider what additions are.

Atlassian JIRA add-on examples

But before talking about how to write add-ons for JIRA, let's see what you can do with them at all - for this we will do a small overview of several add-ons for JIRA.

Plain Tasks simplifies task management. Thanks to this addition, you can easily work with simple tasks that do not need a workflow - in some cases, displaying the workflow is really unnecessary. Thus, the task is either there or it is completed - when you put a check mark, the task is closed, and that’s all, and you don’t need to fence an additional work flow, consisting of two actions, into an existing project. This same feature is standard in Confluence - another Atlassian product - there it is called “action points”. The cost of this add-on is very high - so, for 250 users, this small add-on costs $ 800.

The following addition which we will consider - more difficult. This is Folio . It costs already 4000 $ for 250 users. In fact, this is an attempt (rather successful, it must be admitted) to “plant” on the JIRA personnel department. Folio allows you to see how many hours the company employees have worked for a certain period. Also, in this supplement all the data on the costs of the project are recorded - for example, what salary is paid to employees. You can make a single expenditure - for example, if you bought two MacBooks for the project. You can also make permanent expenses - for example, the monthly payment for the Internet, etc. Therefore, in a sense, it is also a tool for accounting. All this is beautifully displayed in the form of reports and charts.

The idea of ​​complementing Tempo Timesheets is time tracking. Worth $ 4000 for 250 users. This addition solves the problem of reporting - working time tables can be exported to different formats, printed and put on a table to a manager or customer - so that he knows how much time is spent on projects. There is also time planning - there you can enter vacations, weekends, holidays, etc. There is a note about whether the manager has approved the report on the distribution of working time or not.

The addition of Profields costs less than the previous ones - $ 1400 for 250 users. Profields solves a pressing JIRA problem. At the problem level (issues), JIRA provides the ability to add custom fields. For example, a “customer” is very popular, showing which business user has requested changes. And at the project level, creating custom fields is not provided. In other words, JIRA does not have a mechanism for expanding a project’s schema. Profields solves this problem: it is on the side, in a separate table it stores user fields for the project. However, in the future, according to Atlassian, this function will be standard in JIRA.

JIRA add-on development

So, we looked at what additions for JIRA are. Now let's see how they develop.

Atlassian SDK

It all starts with the Atlassian SDK. Atlassian SDK is a set of development tools not only for JIRA, but also for the entire Atlassian product line (Confluence, Crowd, etc.). Moreover, recently there has been a tendency to highlight a common API for all these products - Shared Access Layer (SAL). ). Despite the fact that different Atlassian products use different libraries, different approaches, etc., Atlassian understands that it would be good to unify everything in some way so that it is possible to create common add-ons. For example, it may be common for all products to log in to the system, which cannot be done yet, because API for different applications varies.

What does Atlassian SDK consist of? In fact, it is packaged, familiar to Apache Maven Java developers, with some additions. At the same time, the SDK comes with a repository with basic JIRA dependencies, the “settings.xml” file is the Maven configuration so that it takes dependencies from the repository rather than downloading them from Maven Central. Also, the Atlassian Maven Repository repository is registered in this file, in which Atlassian public libraries are located - the fact is that Atlassian, besides their products, also has quite a few open source libraries that can be used separately from Atlassian products. So, offhand, I can call Atlassian Seraph (a library for organizing SSO systems) and Atlassian Fugue (Functional Guava Extensions is a small library of popular monads over Guava).

By the way, in our company, we, after having understood the Atlassian SDK, we no longer use it. Instead, we collect our project with the usual Maven, and all the libraries are downloaded from the corporate artifact repository.

Command line tools

This SDK contains some scripts that, in essence, “wrap” Maven tasks. That is, it is, in fact, nothing more than files for different platforms in which the Maven tasks are invoked with a certain set of keys. I divided them into five groups.

The first group (“scaffold”) is what you might need when you create a new addition. These commands create “skeletons” of add-ons: for example, you will be asked what you want to call the REST endpoint, which data format to output (json or xml), you will be asked to specify the path to the class that is the answer, etc. For other components, there is a similar “Console wizard”. But, of course, it’s not necessary to use all these things if you understand how to write regular JavaEE code.

Command Line Tools:

● Scaffold (“scaffolding”)

â—‹ atlas-create-jira-plugin

â—‹ atlas-create-jira-plugin-module

â—Ź Build (build)

â—‹ atlas-clean

â—‹ atlas-compile

â—‹ atlas-package

â—Ź Test (testing)

â—‹ atlas-unit-test

â—‹ atlas-integration-test

â—‹ atlas-clover

â—Ź Run

â—‹ atlas-run

â—‹ atlas-debug

â—Ź Other Tools (other tools)

â—‹ atlas-cli

â—‹ atlas-create-home-zip

â—‹ atlas-mvn

â—‹ atlas-update

â—‹ atlas-help

â—‹ atlas-install-plugin

â—‹ atlas-release

â—‹ atlas-version

From interesting - the command "atlas-clover". Clover is a framework for generating code coverage reports for an embedded testing framework that supports unit and integration tests. Thus, you run the “atlas-clover” command and get a report that says what part of the code you really have covered with tests.

“Atlas-run” and “atlas-debug” - in principle, it is clear what these commands are. For example, Tomcat is launched, a file for the embedded H2 database is created next to test projects and so on, and all this can be tested on a local machine (this includes a special one-day developer license so that JIRA can be run locally using the SDK - this license is issued every time you run JIRA in this way).

I'll also talk about “atlas-create-home-zip” and “atlas-install-plugin”. “Atlas-create-home-zip” allows you to create a zip-archive of current data “Gir”. Suppose you created a project, created some tasks (issues), moved them, created some data: then you started this command, and your current state “ Gira ”packaged in a zip. Next time, if you want to continue working from the same place, you can specify this archive as a parameter to the “atlas-run” command — this is convenient for testing.

The “atlas-install-plugin” command is misleading by its name - it should not be used to install an add-on to the production version, since this command requires a special backdoor in the JIRA copy to which you install the add-on (a special add-on for developers is required fastdev - for fast development, for deploying code, etc.) This is just a warning - there was, for example, an attempt to use this command to deploy an add-on to the production version - it ended up with creepy scripts in “Jenkins”, and th from it all refused.

As for the other teams, they describe themselves.


What technologies are used in JIRA - what will you have to face sooner or later if you are going to make additions? Here's what:

Now more about these technologies:

Plugin descriptor

How does the supplement for “Jira” begin? From the small file “atlassian-plugin.xml” is the starting point of any JIRA add-on. This is the handle.

Here's how it works: you load some code into JIRA (for this, there is a special form on the “Gira” administration page where you can upload a jar file). It is loaded, added to the OSGi-container, starts to work, and then JIRA, to understand what our add-on does, uses this descriptor. The above add-on does nothing — but this file is needed anyway for the add-on to be deployed to JIRA. There is an add-on key, which should be unique ({project.groupId}), etc. - everything is standard. The dollar sign and curly brackets are taken from the pf.xml (that is, the properties are set globally) from the Mavinovsky.

And here is an example of a supplement that already does something:

We added two tags - <customfield-type>
. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.
. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.
. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.
. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.
. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.
. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.
. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.
. , “” (issues). (i18n) “com.atlassian.samples.tutorial” “myjiraplugin.properties”. . - , “myjiraplugin.ru_ru.properties” JIRA, . Java EE .

- JIRA API. , “i18n-name-key”, properties- , “”. , (“MyCustomField”).

- , . “myjiraplugin.properties” - , “The My Custom Field Plugin”.

velocity-: “view” - (“view.vm”), “edit” - (“edit.vm”). - .

, <customfield-type>
. ?

, - . , , - , . -, , JIRA-, - . Atlassian API:

â—Ź Code Sharing
â—‹ Component
â—‹ Component Import
â—Ź JEE Container Integration
â—‹ Servlet Context Listener
â—‹ Servlet Context Parameter
â—‹ Servlet Filter
â—‹ Servlet
â—Ź User Interface
â—‹ Web Item
â—‹ Web Section
â—‹ Web Panel
â—‹ Web Panel Renderer
â—‹ Web Resource
â—‹ Web Resource Transformer
â—Ź Other Types
â—‹ REST
â—‹ Gadget
â—‹ Report
â—Ź UI Enhancements
â—‹ Project Tab Panel
â—‹ Component Tab Panel
â—‹ Version Tab Panel
â—‹ Issue Tab Panel
â—‹ Search Request View
â—Ź Custom Workflows
â—‹ Workflow Conditions
â—‹ Workflow Validators
â—‹ Workflow Functions
â—Ź Custom Fields
â—Ź Custom Actions
â—Ź JQL Functions
â—Ź Remote API
â—‹ SOAP
â—Ź Custom Macros
â—Ź Code Formatting
â—Ź System Tasks
â—‹ Job
â—‹ Lifecycle
â—‹ Triggers
â—Ź Look & Feel
â—‹ Decorators
â—‹ Language
â—‹ Theme

Component Component Import - , Spring'. - , . Component Import - , , Spring, - . , - , xml- “public:true” - , Component Import . , .

UI - . . , Plain Tasks .

Custom Workflows - , , (issue) .

JQL Functions (JIRA Query Language Functions) - , (issue). .

Look & Feel - ( , “”, Confluence - ).

, .

, . : ComponentAccessor. - . , , . .

â—Ź com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
â—‹ getApplicationProperties() -
â—‹ getAttachmentManager() -
â—‹ getAvatarManager() - . .
â—‹ getCommentManager()
â—‹ getProjectManager()
â—‹ getIssueManager()
â—‹ getIssueLinkManager()
â—‹ getCustomFieldManager()
â—‹ getMailServerManager()
â—‹ getMailQueue()
â—‹ getPermissionManager()
○ …

bitbucket (bitbucket, , Atlassian).




Java EE- “pom.xml” - , REST API. , REST endpoint - - JIRA - (, - , - JSON ). . “atlassian-plugin.xml” ( , <customfield-type>

, REST Endpoint:


XML- (“javax.xml.bind.annotation”), JSON Jackson JIRA - , , “javax.xml.bind”. “javax.xml.bind, JSON “autodetect” - , Jackson'. “javax.xml.bind” , , REST Endpoint, , “Produces”:


“MediaType.APPLICATION_XML”, , XML', Json. . Jackson-, , XML, .

, “MyRestResource.java” (. ), Rest Resource Model. , “default” “Hello World”.

Java - JAX-RS , Atlassian.

, , JIRA, . :

“JIRA Development Cookbook” “ ” - . “Practical JIRA Plugins” “Practical JIRA Administration”.

IT NonStop.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273429/

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