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Birthday of the founder of the oldest hacker club Chaos Computer Club

At Edison, we found an excellent reason to drink a bottle of Club Mate for the bright memory of the founder's grandfather.

On December 20, 1951, Herwarth Holland-Moritz, known as Wau Holland, co-founder of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) in 1981, was born, one of the oldest hacking clubs in the world.
image received worldwide fame when its members revealed vulnerabilities in the security system of the German teletext operator Bildschirmtext (Btx). Hackers received 134,000 German marks from the bank, repeatedly accessing its page on Btx. A few days later, hackers returned the money.

Wow Holland was a brilliant orator, a man with a great sense of humor, standing in positions of openness and freedom of information exchange.

image Holland was also a co-founder of the CCC hacker magazine, called Datenschleuder (The Data Slingshot: The Scientific Trade Journal for Data voyagers), in 1984. The magazine praised the possibilities of the global network and powerful computers. There, for example, detailed modem assembly schemes were published for themselves and cheaply. The then monopolist telephone company, Deutsche Bundespost, had to approve the modem models and was selling its own devices, slow and expensive. Now the privatized network of Deutsche Bundespost called Deutsche Telekom (Deutsche Telekom)

A poem from the first issue of the magazine
Die hacker-hymne

Zu singen nach der Melodie: "Put another nickel in"

Put another password
Bomb it out and try again
Try to get past logging
We're hacking, hacking, hacking

Try his first wife's maiden name.
This is more than just a game.
It is the same
It's hacking, hacking, hacking.

Sys-call, let's try a sys-call.
Remember the great bug from v 3,
Or RSX, it's a here! Whoppee!
Du Hacker, Hacker, Hacker!
Put another sys-call in,
Run those passwords out and then,
Dial back up, we're logging in,
We're hacking, hacking, hacking!

Cheshire Catalyst, TAP-magazin

Archive of numbers

Due to the continuous participation of Holland in the activities of the club, CCC acquires credibility and fame. Holland lectured on the control of information (information control) for government agencies and for business; fought against copy protection (copy protection), against any forms of censorship, as well as for an open information infrastructure (open information infrastructure).

Wau at the 17C3

Wow compared the censorship requirements of the authorities with the activities of the Christian church in the Middle Ages, and considered copy protection as a product defect. In the last years of his life, the great hacker spent at the youth center, where he taught children at the same time the art and ethics of hacking, with humor and in his own particular manner.

Holland was also a radio amateur, his callsign was DB4FA.

Died Vayu in Bielefeld (Bielefeld), July 29, 2001 from the effects of a stroke.

Wau holland foundation


The Wow Holland Foundation (http://www.wauland.de/ ) is a non-profit organization based in Hamburg, Germany.

The foundation was founded in 2003, in memory of Wow Holland. The foundation focuses on preserving and promoting Holland's ideas, in areas such as: technology assessment forecasting (technology assessment), technology history and freedom of information. Separately, the organization promotes the use of electronic media for educational purposes, as well as for covering events related to the social aspects of new technologies.

The Foundation’s projects include the “Archive of Modern History of Technology (Hacker archive)”, which documents the history of the world (scenes) of hackers and the campaign against voting machines ( voting machines ) - both projects are underway in collaboration with CCC.

The Foundation also accepts, in Europe, donations in support of WikiLeaks (WikiLeaks).

At the time of December 2010, their donations amounted to 62,000 euros. The fund owns land assets worth about 1,500 euros, the assets are leased to public institutions (literal translation of the public institution).

Relationship with Wikileaks.

The fund has collected over $ 1.2 million for Wikileaks since October 2009, when they began to accept payments. On December 4, 2010, PayPal stopped donating because the organization was associated with Wikileaks. PAyPal referred to the fact that the account was used for “supporting, assisting, helping or instructing others to engage in illegal activities”.

On December 8, 2010, the foundation made a statement to the press that a lawsuit was filed against PayPal, for blocking an account and for defamation from PayPal of illegal activity.

Subsequently, for collecting donations for Wikileaks, the status of the organization as a charity was cut down and, later, canceled by the German authorities. Charity status was returned on December 12, 2012, as well as retroactively, for 2011 and 2012.

Whoever spresh in German, write interesting facts about the “grandfather of all hackers”.

Wow article in German.

Many videos in German:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273407/

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