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Enough of talking about the fact that each task has its own tool, we already know

In any topic devoted to the comparison of the two technologies, be it operating systems, programming languages, or banal task trackers, there will definitely be a commentator who will say - “you cannot compare the incomparable, each task has its own tool”.

Nothing in such topics puts me off my head more than this phrase. It does not help to understand anything, does not clarify anything, and most importantly, in the context of the topic, as a rule is absolutely meaningless!


If you ask the commentator to describe the tasks for which you need to apply the first tool and the tasks for which you need to apply the second, then suddenly it turns out that his views radically diverge from the views of about half of the audience. And he does not understand that, in general, the whole point of the discussions on what is better is to determine in what cases which tool to use.

A commentator, by the way, can ask where those people come from who disagree with him. And he will be happy to answer that he presented an objective view of the problem, and the rest are just fans of the technology they offer, that's all. That is why, instead of choosing a tool for the task, they shove their favorite tool wherever possible.

Especially well this behavior is illustrated in the Windows vs Linux discussions.

A person appears, says that each task has its own tool and that disputes on this topic are meaningless. When asked what he had in mind, and what tasks he proposes to solve with which OS, he calmly answers that, of course, Linux should be installed on servers, and when it comes to desktops or laptops, Windows should be used. Actually, completely ignoring the fact that most of the discussion is devoted to proving that Linux is great for home use, and in the rest of the world people argue that nothing is better than installing Windows to the server. They are in his eyes fans, whose opinion does not deserve attention. But, instead of joining the discussion and trying to prove his position with facts, he positions himself as the bearer of absolute truth.

It would be better if he directly said - “Linux is on the server, and the Windu are simple users, and those who disagree with me are morons.” It would be somehow more honest and polite.

And now I will explain in detail everything that in my opinion the authors of such comments need to know.

Everything is already aware that for each task it is necessary to select your own tool!

Nobody argues with this, the whole point of the discussion is to find out which tool to choose for a certain range of tasks. If you came to the discussion and began to broadcast the obvious things with a wise look - you obviously either do not understand what the conversation is all about, or consider your opinion a priori correct. In the first case, relax and read what people want to say to each other, in the second - welcome to the discussion. Just do not forget in your comments to specify which particular tool is suitable for which specific task and write why. You will be greatly surprised by the number of people who disagree with you.

By the way, yes, about the people.

Your opinion is often radically different from other people's opinions.

Radically. For example, if you think that the complete futility of using LISP for writing operating systems is obvious to everyone, then the surprise is, people write them. Therefore, do not think that your captain's crap about tools and tasks in general contains at least some useful information. The only thing you can learn from there is that you think the tools are different and have your own opinion on which one to use.

So everyone here is in solidarity with you and also have their own opinion.

Or do you want to say that the compared tools are very different, and the comparison procedure loses its meaning?

You would not believe, but ...

Compare only different things.

Because identical things are equivalent by definition.

They compare different things and compare them according to a certain criterion.

In order to better convey your point of view, I propose to compare the rabbit and the kettle by the criterion of ease of boiling water. The teapot is clearly better, because the rabbit doesn’t especially boil water, although of course, I am sure that there are alternative points of view.

You can not compare things only if there are no criteria.

It is important to mention one more fact.

In articles A vs B, criteria are always present, albeit implicitly.

Break into the discussion of what is better - Go or Rust and ask how these languages ​​support the moral character of programmers. Of course, they will look at you as an abnormal one, but you will learn an important lesson for yourself - all the debaters have a good idea of ​​the criteria for comparing programming languages. Only they understand what they are talking about, and they don’t see a clear need to list the criteria. The discussion quickly enough turns into a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of languages ​​in solving various problems, including the simplicity of reading the code and the ease of writing it.

Or maybe you wanted to say that the choice of instrument is unique for each specific situation and, without having all the details of the context, it is impossible to discuss the instruments?

So, believe me, we know. But we are also aware of the existence of sets of tasks that are easier to solve with a certain set of tools and, in case you want to tell us that there are exceptions from any rules, we also know this. And the choice, we will naturally make independently, intensively using the knowledge gained by us during the discussion of the relevant topics, in the comments to which, by the way, you did not say anything useful to us.

In general, what I want to say to you on behalf of everyone who thinks that go sucks, because there are no generics in it and everyone who thinks that the lack of generics is never a problem, and also on behalf of those who believe that nodejs is taxing go to minus
Thanks, Cap!

And now join us, state your point of view, tell us how you manage without generics, or why you can't live without them, or tell us what you are a manager and what generics you don't know, but you know how hard it is to find an intelligent gopher now.

Or fly further, other topics suffer without your invaluable help and are waiting for your imminent visit!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273379/

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