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Windows 10 Digest. November-December 2015

Hello! We here thought that it would be nice to periodically collect in one place different technological news around the Windows 10 platform.

A short video about the platform in which we tell you what Windows 10 is like from a developer’s point of view

Therefore, meet our first review for November-December of the outgoing year: from a large update of the operating system itself, a new SDK and new Windows Store chips to the idea contest for HoloLens.

Big update Windows 10 - version 1511

The new version of Windows 10 has already come to the desktop and gradually began to spread on mobile devices. It's time to think about support for your Continuum functionality in your applications. If you see corporate users among your potential audience, then you should definitely look towards a business store inside the Windows Store.

Windows 10 (1511) Developer Guide

Our colleagues recorded a series of videos covering the main news:

Virtual Machines for Developers

For those who do not have Windows 10, but want to try to develop applications or, for example, iOS Bridge for UWP, we have released ready-made virtual machines with a new build of Windows, SDK, tools, etc. Virtuals have a 60 day use limit.

Continuation of the program Windows Insider

Yesterday, we also released a new build number 11082 as part of the Windows Insider program. There are no significant visible changes in this build. Currently, engineering teams are focused on two things:

  1. working out user feedback based on the results of the November update and
  2. improving the internal structure of the code in our single OneCore core (see the video at the beginning), including some code refactoring to facilitate further work on new features.

We also looked at the feedback from the program participants and saw a lot of requests for more frequent releases, so if you use the Fast Ring, expect that the release rate of the new assemblies will increase from January.

New Windows 10 SDK - build 10586

Along with the upgrade of Windows 10, we also updated the SDK for developers. Among the new products are the new Composition API for working with the base UI layer, the inclusion of the SQLite library in the SDK, new input processing capabilities, customizable JumpList for live tiles, updates in work with BLE, network and sensors, access to the Download folder and other features .

Updated code examples for build 10586

Our repository with code samples continues to evolve and, as expected, has been updated with the release of the new Windows 10 build.

Application Development

XAML Behaviors are available in UWP and laid out in open source.

We added support for XAML Behaviors for UWP applications (available through Nuget for C ++ projects and managed code projects ). A source code repository and sample code is available on GitHub .

Instructions for building applications in the development of to order

Especially for those engaged in custom development, whether it is a freelance or mobile development studio, we prepared instructions on how to set up an application build and not ask the customer for the login and password of the developer’s account in the Windows Store.


General Availability (GA) for Silverlight-bridge from Mobilize.Net

The Silverlight bridge is a special tool for converting Silverlight applications for Windows Phone 8.1 into applications for Windows 10. The tool is free, installed as a plugin for Visual Studio 2015 (Update 1) and allows you to automatically convert most of the API.

In the repository on GitHub, you can also find the source code of the mappings and auxiliary code.

IOS Bridge Update for Universal Windows Platform

We continue to develop our iOS-bridge (bridge) to transfer the code of applications from iOS to UWP. Let me remind you that this is an open-source project that allows you to develop UWP applications on Obective C directly from Visual Studio and with the support of displaying the main iOS API on UWP.

Since August, when we initially laid out the project in open source, thanks to the help and recommendations of the developers, we added support for GLKit, Xibs, AutoLayout and Storyboard, KVO / KVC and many other features, not to mention fixing bugs and errors.

News from the holographic universe

If you look closely at the APIs that appeared in the SDK, you will quickly notice a large new block associated with working with holograms. It is no coincidence. The HoloLens team is gradually expanding interaction with external developers and teams and sharing the details of developing solutions for a new type of device.

How does the team for the development of holograms

In this small note, the Hololens team shares its experience in small mobile teams that can create a working prototype of the application for several. Minimum set: developers, artists, designer, and occasional audio designer assistance.

Visual objects in holographic applications

A note about working with 3d graphics used when displaying holograms: DirectX for display, tools like Audtodesk Maya for creating and magizan ready-made models, for example, Unity Asses Store.

Idea Collection Campaign - “Share Your Idea”

The HoloLens team launched a large project of collecting ideas for HoloLens: the best will be implemented in practice, and the development team will tell you how it works on the project.


And, of course, Tanchiki on Windows 10!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273339/

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