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Data Storage: Something about 3D Disks

New in data storage is one of our favorite topics. Today we decided to take a look at the technology of high capacity multilayer discs.

/ Photo by William Warby / CC

Since the year 57, when the hard drive for 34 thousand dollars appeared on the market, a lot has changed. Density increased a couple of million times, and the era of terabyte HDD began.
In terms of IT infrastructure, companies have gained the ability to use IaaS, but many still prefer to use corporate hardware in combination with the cloud.

Today, the discs work with a “2D-structure” and a longitudinal magnetic recording, which has already reached the limit of possibilities in terms of recording density. Here are the laws of physics, which can be circumvented only with the consideration of radically new approaches to the organization of data storage.

For this, a perpendicular record was proposed, which was supposed to be a solution to this problem, but in fact raised the bar for a longitudinal record only five times. The problems in this case were similar.

Western Digital and Seagate came to the rescue. They entered the market with thermo-assisted magnetic recording technology - HAMR. Together with this development, another one appeared - ML-3D - a multi-layer 3D-recording that uses three magnetic layers instead of one.

Each level has its own properties, and between them are insulating layers. Of course, there are still many problems with the mutual influence of layers and temperature interaction, but the direction for development has already been set.

PS We try to share not only our own experience in the service of providing virtual infrastructure 1cloud , but also to talk about various research and news in related fields of knowledge.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273273/

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