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Now we choose faces

Connect, a couple of mouse clicks and you're here. In a split second you find yourself thousands of kilometers from your home. The network is the only place where you can travel across the entire planet at supersonic speeds. Turning into protons and electrons, you dissolve in a completely different world, the world of imagination and distorted reality, in the world - the library and the world - the dump.

It all depends on your personal preferences. Entering the network, everyone chooses a face that suits him. What an endless string of images pops up in your head, and it's all yours. You can be Pamela Anderson, Brad Pete, Vasya Pupkin, cool megahacker. There are no hard and fast rules for the etiquette of communication between people; everyone treats you the way you are here and not in real life. There, on that side of the screen, you can be a scum and a scumbag, but here you are who you have provided yourself. The life of the Internet as always runs its course. Beginners who get here think that she is too lazy and uninteresting ... But this is at first glance. Here are their laws, at first not very clear, but after fascinating. And so, you are reaching for the next portion of beer, a sip - and you are already opening long bored sites, looking for something new. You do not think about what is happening beyond the monitor. Having plunged into another reality, a completely different life begins. Without emotions and feelings, without fear of losing your reality in a deaf string of information. Where all you know for a long time, each of your ICQ contacts is your age mate. You start to build your new communication, based not only on information, but on emotions, because here you can tell heart-rending stories of your life that the same person cannot say in real life. Here are the interests, and each point of view can be expressed without any consequences. Here opinions change and dogmas are built. Support for later existence. Thoughts and emotions connected by invisible threads instill a creative positive. You start to create. Maybe coding, breaking websites or just giving people valuable advice and getting them. It does not matter where you are: behind a huge Internet café terminal or at home in the kitchen, sometimes nervously sipping a cigarette.

The only thing that saves you is the lack of loneliness. You know that someone can help you with your ideas. You can choose the people you like, sift everyone through an invisible sieve and at the same time do not have to leave the answers, foolishly apologize or maliciously rude. Somewhere you can trust, somewhere to fear and still know that whatever happens, there is something that does not exist in real life - there is a disconnect. You can easily correct mistakes and mistakes that you have done. But is it right?
Maybe yes, although life situations are rare here.

But each time, going into another reality, we forget about the outside world, where, perhaps, a girl is waiting for you now or eating a cake bought for you in the hope that you will finally arrive, your parents. And part of life on the other side of the screen becomes more ordinary for you. People outside the window do not inspire positive, and you see in them only cemented souls. It's so good here. You chose an image, a face, and constantly strive for the ideal. Trying to embody yourself the way you are in the network. And now even your own girlfriend will not recognize you. All feelings and emotions become so enslaved that they remain only in the network.
Even at birth, parents chose a name for us, taught us to live, fear and learn, after uni girls spent evenings with us, and it was good, but now it all seems so commonplace and uninteresting, because here we don’t see vices, we don’t need to fight, there are no weaknesses, hypocrisy and delicate situations. And all because now we are choosing people we want to live with ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27319/

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