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JBoss introduced the next version of JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio

At the request of MichaelSorokin .

JBoss , a division of Red Hat, announced the release of two products focused on developing J2EE applications: commercial JBoss Developer Studio and open source JBoss Tools .

The main advantages of the products are:

VPE (Visual Page Editor) - a visual editor;
Flow Editor - flow editor for JSF and Struts;
ORM mapping viewer - visual editor of mapping diagrams;
JBoss Tools Palette - a visual component that contains the tag library;
JBoss Application Platform - includes JBoss Application Sever, Hibernate and Seam;
jBPM (Business Process Modeling) - a platform for modeling business processes.
JBoss has a complete product line for developing J2EE applications. JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio are primarily designed to work with JBoss technologies such as JBoss AS, Seam, jBPM, Hibernate, Drools.

Both products are based on the Eclipse IDE and the Eclipse WTP project. This allows you to develop J2EE applications based on solutions provided by other implementers of the J2EE technology stack - Sun, Weblogic, etc.

JBoss Tools is a collection of Eclipse plug-ins available for free download. In turn, JBoss Developer Studio is a complete set of software necessary for developing and running J2EE applications. JBoss Developer Studio comes as an installer that includes JBoss AS, JBoss Tools, Eclipse IDE, WTP and allows you to configure these components during the installation phase.

JBoss is one of the leading players in the open source market. Each user of JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Tools can contribute to product development by posting a notice of a flaw or writing a request for the required functionality in the Jira project management system.

Both products have full technical support and detailed updated documentation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27314/

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