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DB hacking or excursion into the world of DBMS

This review focuses on typical deployment errors for a variety of DBMSs, from the most well-known and used on thousands of servers, to specialized and relatively rare. There were no tasks to create a comprehensive course on all possible vectors and vulnerabilities, so small video clips turned out, revealing the main nuances of network attacks on the DBMS.

It is also worth notifying right away that web applications and web vulnerabilities were deliberately left behind and were not considered.

Test the strength of Oracle RDBMS

Each episode begins with examining the target, finding open ports and determining the version of the DBMS, if possible. After identifying and studying the service, techniques are considered to enable the execution of OS commands, including the ODAT tool, which automates many routine actions.

Classic MS SQL confrontation and Metasploit framework

In this video, you can look at the now classic method of using xp_cmdshell to execute the payload and gain access to the DBMS server.

PostgreSQL and possible threats

At this time, an open source solution is considered, which enjoys a certain popularity with small bases. Traditionally will be considered scanning, the study of the purpose and brute force accounts. At the end, an attempt is made to get a shell using only regular PostgreSQL functionality.

MySQL at gunpoint

In this series, special attention is paid to the famous MySQL system. After a careful study of the server, an attempt is made to load an external user library, which in turn will be able to allow the execution of operating system commands.

MongoDB and the situation in the world of NoSQL

This time we will move away from the classic relational DBMS and briefly look at NoSQL, or rather the most famous representative of this direction - MongoDB. Specific features, potential threats associated with default settings will be considered, and their possible consequences will be demonstrated.

Firebird and the "impossible" RCE

In the final episode of the series, Firebird DBMS will be reviewed. This is not such a popular system as previously discussed, but one way or another it can also be encountered during the penetration test, and it would be nice to figure out what features you will encounter. Separate attention is paid this time to the default settings, and the situation related to the ability to execute OS commands on Firebird is also examined, and it is assessed how difficult this task is.

Thus, in a very short time, you can get acquainted with the basic, typical vectors and methods of operation of a wide variety of DBMS found in corporate networks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273125/

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