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Data storm

The translucent screen is filled with abstractions. Geometric objects moving in quasi-three dimensions, tracers, contours, zigzags, curves and straight lines, and also something that is poorly described by description in ordinary language. Sometimes in this geometric chaos appears text, a fragment of video, logos and drawings. Abstractions that visualize the direct and indirect semantic links, the density of meanings and the possible consequences of the reasons are understandable only to those who spent half a day in the settings menu.
She does not like the "natural" interface. The “Augmented Reality”, layers of dice imposed on physical objects, confuse the flow of my thoughts. This is for those who use the mouse and control the operating system by pressing the right button with one finger. She thinks with matrices and lines, charts and graphs. Therefore, her meditations on incoming traffic and the creation of new meanings are more like the game of a pianist using all fingers.

She sits in the lotus position on the "prayer rug", whose multi-colored surface is the field with which I can operate with data arrays. The pattern of "prayer rug" in structure and complexity is not inferior to the mandala, which the monks laid out for a month of colored sand. Actually it is copied from it. She was trained by Net4er for more than two years before she was able to conduct a half-hour data processing session in real time. DataStorm is not Decada, which can be controlled with a standard keyboard and a mouse.

But the picture does not add up. Output probabilities are too low. The pattern on the screen slows down the frantic pace, subsides and freezes, leaving a few text documents resulting in today's session. It's time to reconfigure the system. She already reads the basic libraries of Dys and the First Gym Combinations without any problems.
There is not enough data. The picture did not work out. The linear text of the conclusions confirms what she understood before the completion of the analysis. It's time to change the program basis.

She offered a prayer to Brahma and added a few more words of apology addressed to her teacher. He could not have heard her anyway, but in some way this calmed her down. Wearing glass, she launched Sansara in the macro mode of the first level.

A clear contour of the city, dissected by the axes of the main avenues and the central transport arteries, between which a grid of streets and roads is stretched, with spots of parks and water reservoirs, where the urban buildings smoothly surround, where they are shaken regularly and not very well.

First approach. In fact, the broadcast from the Snowy Owl, one of the hundreds of satellites providing the “portrait” semantic plane of Cyybeglob, slightly retouched to the required clarity. The very first, most primitive image of the City, an analogue of a geographical map, which people drew for several thousand years before they invented binary code.

Everyone knows this image.

This does not go crazy.

She is one and the few who have seen the other masks of this City.
Several movement palms on the rug of the mandala and the image changes. The prevailing information layer is the pedestrian and traffic data. Molten lava flowing from a volcanic vent and filling all the cracks in its path. Prospectuses and central boulevards light up with bright yellow stripes, the traffic flow on them goes continuously and in order to examine a separate object you need to change the resolution. With secondary streets and alleys easier, even now - small dots, crawling along straight and curved lines, when observing, when not, the rules of the road. In this mode, it is impossible to distinguish a person from a car. It is necessary to connect other information plane Seybergloba.

Five million people.

Three million cars, buses and other transport.
All this in constant motion, which does not stop even at night.
They think that traffic stops at night, when most people sleep, that only taxi drivers with night owls traveling from nightclubs remain on the streets. This is not true. Cities do not sleep ever.

The tangled fabric of causal relationships, defined by the road network, the official services schedule, prices and the length of store shelves, corporate hierarchical structures and small repair shops, personality phobias and ambitions, thousands of other factors, continues to change and be rearranged even at night to in the morning to puzzle with circumstances that are sometimes stronger than us.

A few more movements with palms. The second and immediately third approximation with simultaneous connection of eighteen semantic planes of Seibergloba. Now it is not only possible to distinguish a person from a car. The image of a part of the city is covered by a complex network of lines and volume dys-glyphs, in which information is collapsed equal in size to three to four pages of a linear alphabet. Her fingers begin to tap a small fraction and now her brain is working at ten conditional percent. By absorbing all the new and new information, connecting the accelerator analysis modules to Sansaru, it generates two subpersonalities that take on the processing of secondary information. The causal relationships between the objects of this zone are becoming more and more clear. Twenty, twenty-five percent, two more subpersonalities, reading dysa hieroglyphs from forty-two semantic planes, creating, correcting and destroying the meanings of information.

Wave crest Now she does not need analytical modules "Sansary". Now she and her four subpersonalities, perceiving the image of the City chosen by her themselves, are Algorithm and her ability builds the Meanings of the Future much more powerful than the forecast modules of Sansary.

Among the iconic tissue that changes every moment, tracers begin to appear in bright red. Lines of Fates, those who are in the spatial sector covered by its attention.

Some have a clear focus and pulsate slowly in the seeming chaos of cause-effect relationships. Others cross the sector like a flash of lightning and go to where its algorithm has no power. She can trace their progress, but this is not necessary. Only those whose rhythm is interrupted by disturbing black crosses make them concentrate on their attention.

The city is grinned by a mask of thousands of wrinkles and the squares are the failures of empty eye sockets.

From this you can go crazy.

From the realization that at that moment when you slowly drink your morning coffee with crispy croissants, dozens of people die in this maze.

She sees death. Generating another subpersonality, she sends her on a trailing red-black wake beyond the limits of the space controlled by her Main Avatar. Sometimes the Herald brings good news. Sometimes not.

She had great difficulty not paying attention to it when she was just beginning the practice of Patrol. And although the years have taken their toll, sometimes she disappoints Master.

She knows that this can not be done, but behaves like a child in front of a full box of chocolates.

She inputs the keyword.

The name of man.

Now it is much more than the usual last name, first name and patronymic. This is a dense clot of the information that this person left in the infinite multidimensionality of Cybergloba’s virtual space. Dice-glyphs fold this information into code that it takes in a few seconds of real time. Another moment and its Main Avatar transfers attention to another sector of the City.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27312/

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