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Moscow Python Meetup №31

On December 22, the 31st New Year's MoscowPython-mitap will take place on the site of the IIDF City Hall. At the meeting, some “surprises” that we are preparing next year will be announced, and of course, as usual, we will hear interesting and useful reports, including the report of one of the evangelicals of the community.

We will hear the following reports:
Bogdan Evstratenko (HSE, 4th year). Bots in the telegram. What are they needed for?

I wrote a timetable bot for my university. Everyone can get his personal schedule for today and tomorrow from this bot. Therefore, I can tell you about it: general provisions, how to make a bot (which libraries, which API provides telegrams, etc.), methods of use, personal experience and caught pitfalls.

Vladimir Filonov (head of ITCanFly, evangelist of MoscowPython). Safety regulations.

With the development of cloud hosting and utilities for DevOps, more and more often, the developers themselves are setting up servers. And alas, often they do not comply with primitive security rules, reducing the overall level of server security.

In my report, I will try to give some simple but effective tips that will help reduce the level of risk and protect against various types of attacks.

Nina Zavrieva (Co-founder Channelkit, Ambassador Upwork in Russia). Freelance Exchange Upwork.
Analysis of successful experience on the example of the development project Channelkit.

Register here and come.


In February, #tceh starts the course on Python programming . 22 lessons with an experienced teacher, a lot of practice, difficult homework - if you already own, send friends. Let the Python-developers be more!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273101/

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