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Megaphone offered "unlimited" mobile Internet for Muscovites

MegaFon was the first of the big three to offer Muscovites unlimited Internet . The package "Unlimited Internet - 24" can be connected for a day, the cost of connection is 150 rubles. Total for the month without limit will have to pay 4,500 rubles, which is expensive, but in certain circumstances it is quite reasonable. Apparently, the pilot launch of the flate-rate tariff in the North Caucasus was a success.

By the way, the first batch of widely advertised usb-modems is already sold out.

An interesting use of no-limit in addition to simple Internet can be watching mobile television, which I already wrote earlier . It’s a pity that MegaFon’s coverage still leaves much to be desired.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27310/

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