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Changes in RAD Studio 10 Seattle Update 1

In December 2015, the RAD Studio 10 Seattle Update 1 update was released , which includes a number of significant changes and improvements to the RAD Studio 10 Seattle development environment, as well as eliminating many of the bugs that were in previous versions.

In some cases, error correction at the same time extends the functionality of certain components of the IDE. In this update, more than 250 improvements and fixes were made, with more than 70 detected by users and communicated through the Quality Portal.


The most significant changes made in Delphi and in C ++ Builder:

- improved drawing of the main menu and form boundaries in the style of Windows 10, local menus have been improved in the same style;
- to connect to the community site, the IDE now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP, and at the same time controls the login to the system and communicates with the remote server;

- AppAnalytics connections also use HTTPS instead of HTTP for security;

- Added a lot of demo examples to RAD Studio 10 Seattle;

- resumed support for C ++ code formatting, which in turn has undergone some changes, which as a result makes writing easier and improves readability of the code;

- IDE offers additional support for deploying applications on iOS 9, including better handling of Apple Transport Security;

- PAServer offers additional support for deploying applications on OS X El Capitan;

- Improved encryption mechanism in AppTethering;

- The installer now installs the latest version of Java 8.


Some bugs fixed in Update 1:

- Win64 compiler errors fixed (RSP-12512, this problem was previously solved with beta fixes available to all users);
- fixed errors in resizing DBGrid columns (RSP-12433, RSP-11797);
- fixed support for high-resolution monitors (RSP-12332);
- C ++ for 32bit beeps, in case of compilation errors (RSP-12250, RSP-11883);
- thematic standard dialogues (RS 11814);
- TPushEvents exception in Android (RSP-12347) and more.

I draw attention to the important points for installing RAD Studio 10 Seattle Update 1.

First, you need a complete reinstallation of the IDE.

Secondly, Update 1 is available only to clients with Update Subscription (this option is purchased separately). If you own a 10 Seattle license without Update Subscription, do not try to install it.

Useful links:

Bug fix list for RAD Studio 10 Seattle Update 1

RAD Studio 10 Seattle Web Install (includes Update 1)
C ++ Builder 10 Seattle Web Install (includes Update 1)
Delphi 10 Seattle Web Install (includes Update 1)

ISO reference:
RAD Studio 10 Seattle, update 1
RAD Studio 10 Seattle

All good mood and good luck in the development of RAD Studio 10 Seattle Update 1

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273081/

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