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Google + yahoo = Adsense-friendship

Let's start not with friendship.

According to the official blog, Google search has changed a little. Namely, the hint mechanism has changed during the search. True, it works quite selectively - to be honest, I did not manage with a single search query, except for those indicated in the official report.

Here's what it looks like:
google related search
In general, such an approach contributes both to speeding up the search, and the ability to find what the advertiser needs, and not the user - after all, you can take some money for related search suggestions, I get the "necessary" search queries. Something like tips: "With this product, most buyers take and ..."

Let's go back to the friendship itself.
The same official blog announces the beginning of an agreement between Google and Yahoo!

On June 12, 2008, Google announced an advertising agreement that Yahoo! access to AdSense for search and contextual advertising program for their users from the USA and Canada. Additionally, interaction will be developed between the messaging systems of both companies - GTalk and Yahoo! Messenger.

Yahoo! not the only company with which such interaction is planned (advertising and messaging systems).

The official blog separately highlighted the following items:

cross post from my blog

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27308/

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