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Experience Evaluation of Diplomas in the USA (WES)

In the article I will describe my experience of the evaluation (and apostilization for this) of a diploma through World Education Services, USA (hereinafter - WES).
Raw material:
- diploma of higher education, Kazan State University (now - KFU), Faculty of Economics
- Diploma of Candidate of Sciences, Kazan State Technological University (now - KNITU), specialization - economics.
I will try to answer the questions that arose in me when I was looking for information on this topic.

1. What is the evaluation for me personally?
- I am going to apply for an MBA, maybe work, and there they are asked to recalculate the grades, and it is desirable that it be issued to one of their (US) companies (Anticipating the question - yes, with a PhD degree - for the master's program. Because A PhD, although economic, is more scientific knowledge, and now he is ripe for the need to understand international business, as I plan to go to work with the United States). On the same occasion, I do the evaluation of Course Course Course (the type of evaluation for which a diploma is subject to evaluation, and the evaluation will result in a certificate with a detailed listing of the subjects studied, the number of hours and the average score (GPA), which is necessary for admission to US universities).

2. Why WES?
- I was looking for an organization recognized by most US universities. She, unequivocally, was most of all mentioned on forums on a subject and sites of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Although, on the forums, the most comments were just for her.

3. The process with errors and their solutions:
3.1 Filling out the form on the WES website.
There were no problems. The only thing you need to decide, besides the fact that you are going to evaluate, is how much official copies you need from WES. Let me explain what the point is - Universities often require your valid documents from the organization that performed them, not from you. (To read is not a photocopy of what WES has done to you, but a wrapped envelope with your evaluation inside). So I paid for such packed envelopes 4. Maybe they will not be needed, but, as they say, what if?
3.2 Preparation of documents.
You must send to WES:
1. Translation, certified by a notary, of apostilled diplomas (in my case, two diplomas), in an officially approved body of WES. They have a list of organizations in Russia on the site, an apostille (emphasis on “and”) from which WES is accepted (as a rule, this is a department / department of international relations in the Ministry of Education of your region).
2. The originals of the diplomas (but more on that later).
In the beginning - about the Apostille. Here was my first mistake, which cost me 2,600 rubles and time to send the corrected documents. The fact is that I have already apostilled the previous diploma, but it turned out not where it should be. The apostille was set up by the Ministry of Justice, and it should have been the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan. The answer from WES came to the email - We can not accept such documents, you need to apostilize them in the specified body.
The epic in the Ministry of Education, unlike the Ministry of Justice, could be delayed, since according to the regulations they take 45 days to do this (questions about why it’s so long is not for Me).
I will describe the apostil procedure by the Ministry of Education:
- You find the Department responsible for this business, and the one who is engaged in it in it. You call and find out what you need for this.
- You go to them with:
1. Originals of diplomas
2. In Kazan, they ask for a copy of the passport page with a photo, for each apostille (if you have two diplomas, like I have, then, respectively, two copies).
3. Fill out an application for each document with them (1 sheet on both sides)
4. You take a payment for the payment of state duty and pay (1500 rubles per document). Payment for two Apostilles must be made by two separate payment orders (otherwise they may not be posted according to the accounting department). Paid through Sberbank.
Waiting, or trying to speed up the work of universities and the Ministry of Education. Will explain. Regulations - 45 days. Two diplomas. The Ministry sends requests to universities that issued you a diploma, with a request to confirm the issue.
Features The fact is that the KFU is connected to the e-government and the correspondence between them takes time sufficient to send the e-mail. KNRTU - does not have such a system today. Preliminary result: KFU answers in one day. KNITU - waiting for a letter through the Post of Russia. I speed up, please accept the e-mail. I am negotiating with the Ministry of Education, so that they would still send a letter to KNRTU by e-mail (they didn’t want to). And then, it was necessary to persuade the KNRTU to accept such a letter and quickly reply and send the letter with the same e-mail, and the Ministry to accept it in that form. Successfully. Time for everything, instead of 45 days was gone - 7. To the Ministry - sweets, for answering the phone and calling every time something happened (KNITU answered, but the signature of the Rector, KNITU answered, but the date is wrong, KNITU all sent - all is well).
- You take away your diplomas with an Apostille in the Ministry of Education (they put a ring on the diploma, and by means of it they sew a piece of paper with the seal of the Ministry, measuring 10 * 10 centimeters, on which it is written that it is an Apostille).
- You go to the translation agency and do the translation of diplomas with an Apostille. In my case, the translation bureau was closely connected with the Notary, and they assured the translation without transferring the documents back to Me. It took 3 days.
Documents are ready - we send the Apostille translation a second time to WES, I spend another 2600 and three days for courier delivery by UPS.
I get the answer - "Translations are accepted, waiting for the originals."
Why did not send the originals immediately?
Because the site says “They will not be returned.” (And so, the translation, notarized by the notary that you attach, they will not return) I, with my knowledge of English, understood that I did not need to send originals. An - no. Wrong. It is good that I did not send it for the very first time, because, otherwise, I would have to pay for sending the originals back to me, in order to properly apostilize.
I send, creaking with my heart, the originals. I spend another 2600 rubles for delivery, again, UPS.
I’m waiting for my receipt, checking the status of my arrival, and I’m waiting for a letter from WES about whether everything will be all right this time.
They sent it in four days, that all documents were received, and we plan to finish on the third day.
Three days later I received a message by e-mail: Everything is completed, we send you the documents.
On the site in your account, going to the Modify Order section, then follow the link above the description of what you ordered - you can see the result of what they assigned to you. This is, by and large, a scan of your documents, but with NOT-OFFICIAL written on them, apparently, so that you could wait for your originals. We are not talking about the originals of your Russian diploma (they send it in a separate package of documents via USPS mail. You can track the direction on the usps site.)
The originals of the Evaluation, which came 4 days later, after the message that they were sent, of course, pleased.
4. The result:
Bachelor's, master's degree and earned doctorate (Ph.D.)
Total University Semester Credits: 156.0
Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.97

In Russian:
Specialist diploma with our number of subjects and the number of hours equated to Master
Candidate - Ph.D.

Cash - 27,800 rubles:
1. ~ 15000 rubles ($ 505, including:
$ 45 - ICAP Service - a service that will allow in the future, if you need official copies, do not send documents again, but report the code of your previous application and receive documents for $ 35
$ 140 - Includes 4 extra copies in a wrapped WES envelope
$ 60 - sending documents from the US by courier
$ 100 - acceleration of evaluation for 3 working days, instead of 7
$ 160 - proper evaluation)
2. 3000 rubles payment of state duty for Apostille
3. 2000 rubles translation and certification by a notary
4. 2600 rubles sending apostille from the Ministry of Justice
5. 2600 rubles sending apostille from the Ministry of Education
6. 2600 rubles sending originals

Temporary (including three UPS courier shipments, apostille and WES speeding up from 7 to 3 days):
30 calendar days.

What am I lucky?
- The fact that the defense of the candidate was in the same city as I live. Time for apostilization in another city would take quite a while, according to the rules, 45 days, maybe more (Example from the Ministry of Education: one of the diplomas is apostilled for 3 months already, since they are waiting for a response from Moscow, plus it goes by Russian Post)
- The fact that we managed to persuade everyone in KNRTU and the Ministry of Education to accept each other an electronic version of the request and response, respectively, so as not to wait for the time limit of 45 days.

That's all. It would be possible to save 5,200 rubles for 2 sending documents, well, and who needs it, you can do not just $ 505, but $ 160, if you request one original, send everything by Post of Russia and wait for the documents back to her. But, I needed 5 copies, and did not dare to send and wait back the originals by our mail.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273069/

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