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PhoneGap vs. Cordova

Many people mistakenly believe that PhoneGap is a kind of unified system. However, there are three different platforms - Cordova (CLI), Phonegap (CLI) and PhoneGap Build . Each has its own characteristics and minor variations.


PhoneGap was created around 2009 within the Canadian startup Nitobi, as an open source environment that allowed access to native device functions from the embedded webview. The aim of the project was to provide the ability to build mobile applications exclusively on web technologies (HTML5 / CSS and JavaScript), but with the ability to call native code.

In 2011, Adobe acquired Nitobi and all rights to PhoneGap. Kernel source code was provided by the Apache Foundation .
This source code remained open, but it took a new name. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, in the end Cordova was chosen - by the name of the street where the Nitobi office was located.


At its core, Cordova offers a simple but powerful API for invoking machine code from JavaScript. This means that you can transfer any data from the WebView to the device itself.
Many do not quite understand this point. Cordova gives access to a low-level API, using simple plug-ins (for example, to access the camera and compass). Therefore, when someone says that Cordova cannot do what native applications can, he is mistaken. The only limitations are the plugins currently available, and your desire and ability to write the missing plugins.

To work with Cordova, you need to install the SDK of mobile platforms. This problem is solved by PhoneGap Build - a cloud service that compiles your HTML5 into ready-made applications without the headache of supporting native SDKs.


Cordova is an open source framework managed by Apache. PhoneGap is Cordova + Infrastructure from Adobe. You can think of Cordova as the engine that feeds PhoneGap, just as WebKit is the engine that powers Safari, or Blink - Chrome.

1. Cordova is OpenSource, and PhoneGap is owned by Adobe.
2. In addition to the different package names, PhoneGap and Cordova have different documentation.
3. When new OS versions are released (for example, iOS 64-bit), Cordova is updated faster than PhoneGap.
4. Cordova does not have a cloud project collector.

What to choose?

If you do not want to bother with the command line, or you need integration with the cloud, choose Phonegap Build. In other cases, choose Cordova CLI.
The main thing is that whatever you choose, do not mix technology in one project. This will make a big mess.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272873/

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