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Create a simple Realtime chat.

This article will look at an example of a simple chat between users where all users communicate in one common room. Chat will be created using comets saas service . To implement the chat, you will not need to write server code, instead the api of the comets of the server will be used.

The principle of the organization of the chat

All example code:

Chat layout
<div style="border: 1px solid #ccc;padding:10px;"> <div id="WebChatFormForm" style="overflow: auto;max-height: 100px;"></div> <input type="text" id="WebChatNameID" style="margin-top:10px;" placeholder="  ..."> <div id="answer_div" style="float:right;"></div> <textarea id="WebChatTextID" placeholder="   online ..." style="max-width: 600px;max-height: 100px;width: 600px;margin-top:10px;display: block;"></textarea> <div style="margin-bottom: 0px;margin-top: 10px;"> <input type="button" style="width: 220px;" onclick="web_send_msg();" value=""> <div id="answer_error" style="float:right;"></div> </div> </div> 

Fully chat source code. ( demo )
 var timer = new Date(); function web_send_msg() { //     . var text = $("#WebChatTextID").val(); var name = $("#WebChatNameID").val(); //   $("#WebChatTextID").val(""); //       timer = new Date(); //      CometServer().web_pipe_send("web_chat_pipe", {"text":text, "name":name}); //            comet_server_signal().send_emit("AddToChat", {"text":text, "name":name}) } //       $(document).ready(function() { //          . CometServer().subscription("web_chat_pipe", function(msg){ console.log(["msg", msg]); //      . $("#WebChatFormForm").append("<p><b>"+HtmlEncode(msg.data.name)+": </b>"+HtmlEncode(msg.data.text)+"</p>"); }); //        ,          //              comet_server_signal().connect("AddToChat", function(msg){ console.log(["msg", msg]); //      . $("#WebChatFormForm").append("<p><b>"+HtmlEncode(msg.name)+": </b>"+HtmlEncode(msg.text)+"</p>"); }); //             . CometServer().subscription("#web_chat_pipe", function(p) { //          var etime = new Date(); console.log(["answer_to_web_chat_pipe", p]); $("#answer_div").html("  "+p.data.number_messages+"   "+ (etime.getTime() - timer.getTime() )+"ms"); $("#answer_error").html(" "+p.data.error); }); }); function HtmlEncode(s) { var el = document.createElement("div"); el.innerText = el.textContent = s; s = el.innerHTML; return s; } 

It should be noted that messages from those sent to the channel come to everyone besides sent this message, it receives a delivery report or an error notification.

The delivery report contains the number of people who received the message. That is, if two people were subscribed to the channel and one of them sent a message to this channel, then the number of recipients in the report would be 1. And if only one person was subscribed to the channel and he also sent a message to this channel, the report will indicate 0.

More examples

There are more examples of chats created using the service comet-server.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272817/

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