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Termination of ULTRA Electronics

The computer shop ULTRA Electronics, known for its lowest prices, ceases operations due to circumstances beyond its control. Since June 2008, the store premises on Kondratyevsky Avenue in St. Petersburg have been rented by ComBrig. The new tenant of the premises intends to fully preserve the retail format of the work of ULTRA Electronics and by the end of June 2008 to open in these areas a retail store under the brand Ulmart. In turn, ZAO “ULTRA Electronics AG St. Petersburg” will return the money for the paid, but not shipped product of corporate clients. And also will close debts to buyers on equipment handed over to the guarantee.

Shops in other regions also ceased or cease operations.

For reference: in the middle of 2007, within a month, the stores of the ULTRA Electronics network worked intermittently. As it turned out later, this was due to the arrest of all the warehouses of the company. All events are completely explainable by the fact that low prices were ensured by the gray importation of equipment into the territory of Russia. The check was ordered by competitors, as the company had huge turnover in this market, as well as profits. However, the “sinful” ULTRA was not only that. Read more in the comments on this topic.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27281/

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