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The WikiLeaks Revolution: The Digest of Mishaps

Now on the network you can find many references to WikiLeaks. Especially in light of his harassment by government intelligence agencies. However, there is not so much systematic and concise information that can be useful in conducting information security trainings. I present to you my version of such a systematically brief description. This article is a concise summary of thematic clippings of the book Shifropanki: Freedom and the Future of the Internet, concerning WikiLeaks.

The WikiLeaks infroject over the past six years has come into conflict with almost all the influential powers on the planet. The mission of WikiLeaks is to receive insider information, place it in open access and further protect it from inevitable legal and political attacks. Influential states and organizations are constantly trying to ban WikiLeaks, but a project that publishes something that no one else will publish is initially protected against such attacks - based on cryptography and anonymous TOR. In 2010, WikiLeaks carried out the most famous action to date, exposing the abuse of diplomatic secrecy in the army and the US government. These publications are known as “Companion Murder,” “Logi of War,” and “Cabelgate.”
Thirst for violence. In response, the US government and its allies launched a well-coordinated and ongoing attack to destroy WikiLeaks in general, and Julian Assange - its founder - in particular. For this, so-called "Grand Jury", which works without judges and lawyers. In addition, in December 2010 after the "Cablgate", various American politicians began to call for extrajudicial reprisals against Julian Assange, including with the help of an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone). US senators branded WikiLeaks as a “terrorist organization” and called Assange a “high-tech terrorist” and “enemy agent” involved in “cyber war”.

Direct censorship. Government agencies, such as the Library of Congress, the Department of Commerce and the US Army, have blocked access to WikiLeaks materials in their networks. The lock did not extend only to the public sector. US government officials notified higher education institutions that students who are hoping to enroll in the civil service should refrain from using materials published by WikiLeaks in their works and not reading them on the Internet.

Banking blockade. WikiLeaks exists on donations from people who support it. In December 2010, key banking and financial institutions, including VISA, MasterCard, PayPal and Bank of America, succumbed to unofficial US pressure and began to refuse to provide financial services to WikiLeaks. “Banking blockade”, as the media called it, is carried out without judicial or administrative rulings. This demonstrates that the authorities have the ability to control the financial transactions of third parties. This is a direct attempt on the economic freedom of man. Moreover, the blockade that threatens the existence of the WikiLeaks project is an example of a new, very dangerous form of global economic censorship. A number of people allegedly associated with the WikiLeaks project have had mysterious problems with banks, from errors in the details to the complete closure of accounts.

Harassment supporters. July 17, 2010 Julian Assange was to participate in the HOPE hacker conference in New York. He canceled the gig, and Jacob Applebaum spoke for him. After that, the law enforcement agencies began persecution of Appelbaum and his relatives. Jacob was often detained, searched, he was not allowed to contact a lawyer and interrogated at the border crossing whenever he entered or left the United States. His technique was seized, his rights violated, threatening with even greater problems. Appelbaum was detained and harassed by more than a dozen US law enforcement agencies, from the immigration and customs police under the Department of Homeland Security to the ground forces. During the arrests, Applebaum was pressured to the point that they were not allowed to use the toilet. At the same time, no charges were brought against him, the authorities never once explained why Jacob Applebaum was being harassed. Appelbaum is just one of a long list of friends, assistants, and supposed associates of Julian Assange, who were hunted down and followed by the American authorities.

Withdrawal of electronic records without a warrant. On December 14, 2010, Twitter received an “administrative court order.” The US Department of Justice required the company to share information that might be relevant to the investigation of WikiLeaks activities: account names, message logs, addresses, phone numbers, bank account details and credit card numbers of people allegedly associated with WikiLeaks. The paper from the court was a "order 2703 (d)" with reference to the "law on stored information." According to him, the US government has the right to seek disclosure of records of private electronic conversations without a search warrant issued by the judge. In addition, the warrant forbade the company to inform anyone about the requirements.

The cause of oppression. According to Julian Assange, the harassment of WikiLeaks, Jake and other supporters of WikiLeaks, because technical security and state security are completely different things. The authorities may not like the fact that your system is technically absolutely reliable. The authorities will find it bad, because, from their point of view, security means that they can monitor the system, control it, break the protection. The point is not that WikiLeaks, Jake or someone else wanted to get into the airport, kill someone, seize the plane, etc. The fact is that they can influence state security by traveling to other countries, talking to people and spreading their ideas. This is the worst thing that can happen today with the government - the emergence of a man whose ideas are better than state policy.

And what will you do, dear reader? Are you ready to fight for the freedom of your private life? Or accept the fact that all your communications are constantly monitored by special services, and their records are kept forever?

Ps. Before you write a comment to this article, please note the fact that this comment may be regarded by the special services as an act of support for WikiLeaks. With all that it implies. Are you ready for this?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272703/

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