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Multi IP-SIM in the small business service. Special SIM card for free ad sites

In our blog on Habré, we describe interesting schemes for the modernization of corporate telephony, which can be built using FMC-technologies, cloud PBX and integration with CRM-systems. Judging by the fact that almost half of our customers are interested in integration solutions, and the white clouds in their original form, only telephone SaaS are of little interest to anyone, we have guessed the trend in the VoIP market and are moving in the right direction. Typically, integration of telephony, cloud PBX and mobile communications is the lot of at least small and medium businesses, and we also thought so until recently, until it became clear that IP SIM-cards, virtual PBX and VoIP wonders can work on the micro business. On the business, where the entrepreneur is “one men show” and “the Swiss and the reaper and on the dude igrets”, where sales are built on the promotion of goods through free ads, incoming calls from customers throughout the Russian Federation. In other words, today we will talk about what we have invented to help entrepreneurs earning on sales through the bulletin boards.

A very small introduction in which we recall how our basic product works - the Office in the Pocket, the genetic father of the hero of today's publication - Multi IP-SIM . By itself, the idea of ​​the Office in Karman already implies full mobility of employees who resolutely reject the real office and landline phones and use cell phones as the main and only “dialer”. In order for this to work, you need to connect special IP SIM-cards and HIVE virtual PBX. It turns out a kind of cloudy and fully mobile PBX, such as shown in the picture.

Clients call the company's advertising number, they are met by a polite IVR, after which the call is sent to the desired employee’s cell phone, recorded, entered into statistics or CRM just as if he had come to a stationary office machine. This whole scheme revolves on a HIVE virtual PBX and special IP SIM cards that are connected directly to the cloud like ordinary IP phones.

What and for whom we automate

Developing our HIVE, we unexpectedly came to understand that a client’s business may not only be small, it may be quite small and at the same time a “very small business” has “very large telephone needs”. The reason is obvious - where one or two people work, the help of the electronics robot is simply vital, and Syraezhkin’s hands are not enough for everything. A typical example of such a business is selling through free ad sites. It is enough to type in the search engine the request “Earn on Avito” to understand how tangible number of entrepreneurs promote their products and services through the good old, free message boards throughout the Russian Federation.

The business model of such an entrepreneur has changed in recent years thanks to IP telephony and the triumph of broadband access. If before ads for the sale of spare parts or smartphones from China were placed only on the sites of their home city, now the restrictions have disappeared and you can conduct business throughout the country, indicating the virtual number of the desired city or region as a contact phone, and the goods are perfectly sent by courier service.

An Internet entrepreneur buys many, many virtual numbers from different regions, indicates them in the ads, and potential customers, when calling this number, are sure that they are calling the seller in their hometown. This is not a hoax, rather, such a scheme works to increase conversion and reduce the cost of telephone communications for all interested parties. At first glance, everything looks simple and there is nothing to automate, but this is not so: the main headache of the Internet vendor is the management of the whole zoo of virtual numbers, the processing of applications and correctly aligned dialogue scripts. A product in different regions can be sold at a different price, and it is best to understand from which region and for which product a customer calls for an incoming call in order to correctly build a dialogue. Entrepreneurs go to all sorts of tricks, search the Internet for free cloud PBX, CRM, or set up something “near military” on their own. Unfortunately, such “zoos” are poorly managed and unreliable.

The second problem is the need to sit all day in front of the computer in a headset with a running softphone. This is a very tedious task and sometimes you want to run out into the street to walk. In such cases, call forwarding from all 55 virtual numbers to a single mobile phone is configured, which means that incoming calls are no longer free and minute-by-minute payment for each call forwarded is included, plus serious work is needed to create a script to handle all of this.

We decided to modify the scheme and use our HIVE cloud PBX and our IP-SIM card. All numerous virtual numbers are now configured in one interface, and a rule is created - any incoming user is immediately sent to the IP-SIM, and the redirection disappears as a concept (the SIM works as a normal IP phone).

The result is a tandem of PBX and Multi IP-SIM to which many, many incoming virtual numbers are connected, and the SIM card itself is represented by the PBX as a softphone. Calls to the SIM card can be processed by smart incoming scenarios: call schedule, voice menus, intelligent routing on a set of conditions. Let's go even further: since the SIM card works as an internal line, we can send to the mobile phone when the caller ID comes in is not the real number of the caller ID of a specific virtual number. When a customer calls, it will be determined not a few significant figures +7 987 654 32 10, but the number of the incoming channel to which the call came. Immediately it becomes clear on which ad was called and to which dialogue you need to be ready.

At the same time, the real client number does not go anywhere, it will be saved in the statistics and can be seen after the end of the conversation by opening the PBX dashboard. True, the dashboard is not always available, for example, when an incoming user came during a walk with the children and there is no laptop at hand. We have foreseen this: HIVE after each call sends a detailed event card to the email - who called when and to whom. For more accurate automation, you can configure and integrate with amoCRM, then the business process becomes completely correct and the transaction is fully automated: with all statuses, tasks and reports. After we assembled the test bench and started to play with IP-SIM, cloud PBX and caller ID substitution, it became clear that the product is very curious and you can fasten some more useful features.

We will try on the example of a specific case to show all the features and capabilities.


Entrepreneur Timur has been selling digital equipment throughout Russia for 3 years, which is purchased via the Internet from Chinese manufacturers. Announcements of the sale are hung throughout the country on the AVITO website, and the scheme involves 93 virtual telephone numbers that Timur purchased from 14 telephone providers. Timur sells smartphones and laptops and super fashionable GoPro action cameras. GoPro are especially popular because Timur’s Chinese partner, hiding under the nickname Laura Lu, once gave good conditions and sales “flooded”.

Timur receives dozens of calls every day and the entrepreneur is not able to remember who or where he is calling from, the classic leaf and pen in the pocket of the shoulder bag no longer help — what accounting can be if you have more than a hundred announcements running and the phone rings every 10 minutes. Timur is tired from morning to evening to rush from the laptop to the phone and wants automation, he is ready to pay the one who solves his problems. Timur decides to buy Multi IP-SIM, since you can’t live like this anymore, he isn’t forty yet, and he has already started to turn gray.

Previously, Timur used a free, intermittently falling, cloud-based PBX of Romanian developers and a Zoiper softphone to work from home, and when he went for a walk with his wife, he included redirects to his mobile phone. After connecting the call forwarding, chaos began: calls rang one after another, incoming unknown numbers were overwhelming the smartphone's dialer. Timur constantly asked the clients the same question: “Sorry, I did not hear, are you from Ryazan or Kazan?”. The nervous system of a businessman fell into disrepair, the gym and going to the skating rink stopped bringing joy.

The first thing that Timur did after connecting Multi IP-SIM + HIVE - in half an hour, set up all 93 numbers as incoming channels. HIVE automatically assigned each channel its own unique ID and, when an incoming call to the IP-SIM was transmitted, it was not a new client number from Arkhangelsk that was transferred, but an easy-to-remember, short identifier of the incoming trunk. Now it has become much easier for Timur to understand what call came from.

But even the short, two-digit ID of the incoming channel is not so easy to remember. 37 or 45 is much more convenient than +7 987 654 32 10, but still not very informative. The digital trading guru decided to spend another half hour and quickly put the spreadsheet in Excel, where in two columns he compared the number of each incoming channel and a clear letter designation. Now 23 is “Samara, laptops”, and 78 is “Tver, GoPro”. Then Timur, with a slight movement of the mouse, imported the created list into his Google account, and the smartphone picked up a new contact list on the fly and uploaded it to the notebook. Now, when entering the Tver number on the smartphone, not a two-digit identifier is displayed, but a convenient and understandable inscription “Tver, GoPro”, you can calmly take a breath and start a conversation according to a previously worked out scenario.

The entrepreneur's life got better, the nervous stress subsided and he returned to the round-the-clock at the oars YouTube nightly channel.

But there are still a couple of unresolved issues: there is not enough to see only the clear name of the announcement, you also need to know the real client number, without this, you will need to call back. Timur again went to the HIVE interface and connected the option “Call card to e-mail”, now, after the end of each conversation, an email comes with all the necessary data: subscriber number A, subscriber number B, talk time and a link to the record. In the same place, in the HIVE interface, Timur also activated the integration module with amoCRM - to automate, so to automate. Now notifications with the necessary information are sent to the e-mail and attached to the contact card in the CRM system. In the evening, after work, you can systematize everything, plan and create a task list for the next day, and the amoCRM mobile application provides access to all the necessary information directly from your smartphone. Micro-business began to resemble a serious, multimillion-dollar trading process.

The described automation, in essence, is a successful combination of several cloud solutions. The flexibility of the HIVE VoIP platform in combination with the Multi IP-SIM allows for virtually infinite adaptation of the virtual PBX and mobile communications to the tasks of businesses of different scale and specificity. The example with the optimization of sales through the bulletin boards is a special case, a wrapper, for the classic functionality of IP-PBX and FMC-technologies. We do not claim that we have invented something super innovative, rather, we did the marketing procedure, analyzed the market needs, and then turned almost standard functionality into a clear and convenient case for the client. There are more and more such solutions on the market and we promise not to hide and share all the ideas and best practices with the readers of our blog.

To be continued.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272699/

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