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NOT unlimited mailbox, or Tale about the secret limitation of Mail.ru

If at least one person this experience of attacking a rake is useful is already good. If the developers make any conclusions, reconsider their views on the interaction with users - just fine.

Imagine that after a couple of days of living offline, as usual, take the computer out of hibernation, first go to the tab of the open browser with the contents of the email box from Mail.ru (I understand that those who do not use it for ideological or other weighty reasons, it’s harder to imagine, but still try), and instead of the usual dozens of letters in the Inbox, which are already ready to quickly rake out, look, you can see only the last two readings. The first thing of course is the thought that the network connection was not yet different, refreshing the page, hmm, the same thing, on the other tabs you can see that there is Internet access.
Well, the cache is to blame. Reopen the mail in a new tab, relogin in the box, finally we enter through the private mode and come to the disappointing conclusion that the problem is more serious. We begin to brainwash the first version that came to mind about exceeding the limit on the volume of the box. At the same time, we find out from the administration of one blog that it receives the letters sent back from our mailbox back to us. We send a message from another mail service and admire its transformation into a boomerang, returned from mailer-daemon@corp.mail.ru with the verdict of “Mailbox full: addressee @ mail.ru”.

Develop the idea of ​​limits. Since we do not see any warning letters and no notifications about this in the interface itself, we are trying in vain to find where to look at the space occupied counter, which seemed to be pushed to the bottom of the list of letters a few months ago (at the moment it can be seen in light. mail.ru , which I completely forgot, in a state of shock), but now it cannot be found even in the depths of the settings. We despair, we send the sincere rays of diarrhea to interface developers and all sorts of managers who find this thing superfluous. We tear off the folder page of the drawer, the calculator and begin to summarize. Um, even two and a half gigabytes is not typed, something is not right here.

We nagulivaem that initially 10 GB is provided, and then it should automatically increase by itself, moreover, they promise to do this in advance (80%), and not when the finish is close, as in Yandex.Mail (200 MB), for example. But maybe something is buggy and you can-need to increase the size now manually? Where is the magic button, give it to me, I'm losing correspondence! Either we recall, or we think that, it seems, in the past years, the “magnifying glass” was moved to a separate page, which means that it is necessary to find a link to it. We are actively googling and are right: e.mail.ru/cgi-bin/sizesettings . We recall some of the rays of diarrhea to developers for not cutting the pages completely, but simply removing the links to them (looking ahead to say that this also applies to the documentation pages). So what do we see there?
Your mailbox can store up to 10240 MB of information.
Employed: 2305 MB (22%)
Available: 7935 MB
Twenty-two percent, Karl! And because no buttons.
Dead end. We are digressing from him to send a letter to technical support with a request to urgently increase limits.

After that, once again scroll through the head of what happened and go back to the list of folders and a calculator. This time we add up not the volume, but the number of letters. And here it is, a round, clearly critical value: 350,000 . We delete several letters (quite, because the basket is also summarized), we send several new ones, we finally make sure that the kick-off starts exactly with the accumulation of 350,000 letters. Two days later, when waiting for a response from tech support begins to alarm, this “discovery” will be sent-added to the ticket. And before that, one day ( as it turns out for 90% of those who applied ), a response was received from Yandex.Mail to the question whether they have such a hidden stick in the wheels:
If we are talking about the number of letters that the mailbox is capable of receiving, then in that case I can assure you that the mailbox is dimensionless. There are only restrictions on sending letters, but not on receiving.
You can easily find out about the sending restrictions in the help , the information is quite logical to find quickly: “Problem solving - Creating and sending emails”.

And where does Mail.ru read such information? This information can not be found even through the native search for help. The following two pages are excluded from it, as excluded from the table of contents, only search engines know about them now. I speak about the Russian version, they are not hidden in the help in Ukrainian.

Mailbox capacity
By registering at Mail.Ru, you have become the owner of an unlimited mailbox.
When in your mailbox will remain less than 500 MB, you will receive an email with a proposal to increase the volume of the box by 2 GB.
Underlined by me, notice what the correct wording is. Compare below with the tricked out in "44 reasons." The principle and condition of the expansion of the box there are different.

Email Restrictions
Entangled in declensions. :)
To secure your mailboxes, as well as our mail system, in Mail.Ru there is a limit on the number of received messages that a user can receive: 500 letters per hour.
It is not known whether the page concealment means the cancellation of this limit, so you should keep it in mind.

And why.mail.ru promo page
â„–1 Unlimited Mailbox
In Mail.Ru Mailbox size is not limited. When registering a mailbox, the user is given 10 GB, then the mailbox is increased as necessary. As soon as the percentage of the mailbox is close to 80%, we will automatically increase its size. With Mail.Ru Mail you will always be in touch, because your box will never overflow!
The underlined sentence is not present in the "carousel", but below.

A clever combination, by the way: the number one is the number of the reason, but before switching to other facts, the arrows on the sides can be perceived as "service number one among unlimited".

This text now makes me shudder. “Always in touch”, “never overflowed” - having entered into the opposite of advertising phrases the reality I perceive them as mockery. Do you see any asterisk footnote or small print with the clarification that unlimitedness is declared solely in relation to the volume, without taking into account other factors? There is no such chewing.

Advertising - information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, the formation or maintenance of interest in it and its promotion in the market.

A product is a product of activity (including work, service) intended for sale, exchange or other introduction into circulation.

Advertising is not allowed in which some of the essential information about the advertised product, about the conditions for its purchase or use is missing, if this distorts the meaning of the information and misleads consumers of advertising.

And now the correspondence.

[Ticket # 2015120521053032] was created on 12/05/2015 at 17:12 Moscow time.
Clarification on the cause of the problem sent on 07.12 at 16:35.
At 19:34, the first reaction (“hello” is omitted in quotes):
Did you receive a letter with an offer to increase the mailbox size after receiving the error?
08.12 at 09:22
According to help.mail.ru/mail-help/UA :
2.3 All Mail.Ru Services, including the postal service, are provided “as is”. Mail.Ru does not accept any responsibility for the delay, deletion, non-delivery or inability to load any User data, including the User settings, and is not responsible for the compliance of the postal service with the purposes of the User. All issues of granting access rights to the Internet, purchases and adjustments for this relevant equipment and software products are resolved by the User independently and are not subject to this User Agreement.

Your mailbox contains a large number of letters.
You can delete unwanted correspondence from the problem mailbox (after copying the necessary information, or send it to another mailbox).
You can also install and configure any email program using POP3 or IMAP protocols and store correspondence there.

If you are sending large files, we recommend that you place them in the Cloud and send as a link:

We apologize for any inconvenience.
Sincerely, Elena S.
To be honest, I expected that it would come to something in the style of “fool himself” and “eat that way”, that is, quoting his Majesty the Agreement, but I thought about another specific point:
7.1 The User acknowledges that Mail.Ru may impose restrictions on the use of the Mail.Ru and Mail Services, including: the storage period for email messages and any other materials posted by the User, the maximum number of messages that can be sent or received by one User, the maximum the size of the mail message or disk space, the maximum number of calls to Mail and Mail.Ru Services for a certain period of time, etc.
Which was reflected in the answer:
1) You quoted the wrong agreement clause that best fits this situation, but oh well, if such customer focus on functionality, then it would be naive to wait for a careful sign-off through the agreement.
2) You acknowledge the fact that you do not consider it necessary in the documentation to indicate these technical limitations (by the way, what other secret limits can be encountered in your product, are they also suggested to be recognized only experimentally?) And even at the moment of their inclusion notify the user about it ?
3) You acknowledge the fact that you are frankly misleading the user by promising him an unlimited mailbox on promotional pages, but in practice the promised unlimitedness is simply unattainable, since perhaps user units receive the most heavy letters so that the occupancy rate reaches at least 10 gigabytes.

The position is clear. Thanks for the apologies.
We work daily to increase the technical limits of the Post.
Thank you for being with us and apologize again.

Sincerely, Evgeny Kuznetsov
User Support Team Leader
Mail.ru mail system

So, the only benefit from the correspondence is the hope that in the future software and / or hardware will pull the requirements and users who are uniquely greedy for mail resources.

Hope that such users deserve a few minutes of time, for which you can concoct an article on the implemented technical limits in the documentation, unfortunately it was not given. It is a pity if the company likes an exciting game of “tie their eyes and hit their foreheads against the wall.” I don’t even stutter about adding a letter counter and programming notifications that would warn in advance about approaching the “wall” and in quantitative terms.

PS: I had the first registration at mail.ru 10 years ago and since then this postal service has always remained basic in use. During this time, I managed, due to two years of inactivity in 2010–2012, to lose a box with all its contents, which was also not a little, and, after recovering in “sent”, I found there still some surviving letters from previous years sent from the web -version, which only emphasized the bitterness of the loss of "incoming". But the condition according to which this deletion took place was clearly stated in the Agreement with the deadlines; therefore, it is truly my own fault, there were no complaints about the service even then closely in thought. Playing by the rules.

There was not even a desire to turn the box into a transit box and go to some kind of Yandex. Mail where the storage period is not regulated. And then there was no specifics or a warning shot in the air ... That's when it was insulting, and within the limits of access to the Internet was (just was not up to it), and with a mobile phone tied to the mail, which theoretically could receive a warning from automation, but so that the “surprise” was discovered on its own rather late.

If at least one person this experience of attacking a rake is useful is already good. If the developers make any conclusions, reconsider their views on the interaction with users - just fine.

Oh yeah, I anticipate the question "how can one accumulate such darkness of letters in three years?" It's simple. Subscriptions to several lively blog forums: you can also archive the original text of messages, which can be seriously changed, and it is convenient to search for information later.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272661/

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