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Product Design Digest November 2015

For five years now I have been publishing regular reviews of fresh articles on the topic of interfaces, new tools and collections of patterns, interesting cases and historical stories. From the tapes of several hundred thematic subscriptions, approximately 5% of the worthwhile publications are selected that are interesting to share. Previous materials: April 2010-October 2015 .

Product Design Digest November 2015

Patterns and Best Practices

Josh Clark - Designing for Touch
Josh Clark a couple of weeks ago released a new book, Designing for Touch, by A Book Apart. On A List Apart is available one of the chapters on how users hold devices . Steven Hoober and Luke Wroblewski have written a lot on this topic, but here they have collected everything at once in one piece.

Josh Clark & ​​mdash; Designing for Touch
The State Of Airline Websites 2015 - Lessons Learned
Joshua Johnson is reviewing the websites of 20 airlines for interface patterns. Homepage, search and booking.

The State Of Airline Websites 2015 & mdash; Lessons learned

Long-Term Exposure to Flat Design |
Kate Meyer talks about the long-term exploration of flat-design interfaces in NN / g. There are many specific answers to the fear that this style often kills affordans and makes it harder to work with the product. Younger users do have less problems with this and they are more willing to explore design, but even this does not add comfort to them.

Long-Term Exposure to Flat Design & mdash; Slowly Makes Users Less Efficient

Design Principles: Choosing the Right Patterns
Gustavs Cirulis that it is important to use patterns intelligently. He cites an example from the experience of Intercom, where they compared navigation solutions and tried on a specific situation.

Design Principles: Choosing the Right Patterns

Sites of which Russian companies are adaptive - online stores, services, digital-agencies
The company ADN Digital Studio conducted a study of domestic online stores on mobile. Who has mobile versions and applications.

Interface states

Mobile Inline Form Validation
Three years ago, Steven Hoober described in detail how to validate forms in mobile interfaces . Three years later, he says that error messages are an anti-pattern and it is better not to bring the matter to them at all. Since the writing of the 2012 article, he has practically not used the patterns described in it.

Mobile Inline Form Validation

Mailing letters

Designing with constraint: Twitter & # 039; s approach to email

Baymard Institute Studies

The State of Mobile E-Commerce Search and Category Navigation


Mobile Patterns

Guidelines for platforms and companies

iOS 9

iOS 9 Design Guidelines

Material design

Exploring Meaningful Motion on Android

Apple TV

If it’s not an iPhone, it’s not an iPhone

Apple Watch

iPhone 6

Android phone templates

Understanding the user

Why We're Addicted To Our Smartphones, But Not Our Tablets
Liraz Margalit's interesting ClickTale calculations on why smartphones are perceived as more personal devices, unlike tablets. Besides the fact that they are just more often used, there is also a psychological attachment.

User Research With Small Business Owners - Best Practices and Considerations
Chelsey Glasson and Aidan Bryant on conducting research with small business representatives. These people are constantly busy and demanding of tools, so there are many features of working with them.

Empathy Cards

Adapting empathy maps for UX design

Interface speed

Why Performance Matters, Part 2: Perception Management


The Same Findings, Different Story, Greater Impact: A Case Study in Communicating Research

Interfaces that kill

ipad and fat fingers nearly led to a plane crash

Design for children


Information architecture, conceptual design, content strategy

What is Use Case and why are they needed?
Anna Abramova talks about one of the best techniques for designing user and program interaction.

Design and design of interface screens

Sketch 3.4
Sketch 3.4 came out (by reference there is a large list of innovations and fixes). Yap Kwang Yik made a review of the most interesting improvements .

Sketch 3.4

True, the version was buggy and Bohemian Coding had to immediately release update 3.4.1 , and then 3.4.2 . As a result of all this gimp, the developers decided to leave the AppStore . The application will be distributed and updated from the Bohemian Coding website. Other materials:

Adobe Photoshop CC 2015

Photoshop CC 2015 and Fuse CC

Adobe Project Comet - User experience, prototyping and design app

Better Icon Design in 6 Easy Steps
An excellent set of simple rules for creating high-quality pictograms / icons from Scott Lewis from IconFinder. After:

Better Icon Design in 6 Easy Steps

Animaticons - Animated GIF Icons
The creators of the Animaticons project went against the trend of trendy formats and launched a library of custom animated icons in the GIF. Not very future-friendly, but cheap and cheerful. After:

Animaticons & mdash; Animated GIF Icons

T-Shirt, Tank Top and Clothing Mockups
Breezi's PlaceIt online service allows you to try prints on clothes quickly and cheaply. The set of layouts is constantly updated and now there are several dozens of good templates.

Prototyping Tool Reviews


User research and testing, analytics

10 User Research Myths and Misconceptions
Jim Ross refutes myths and misconceptions about user testing.

10 Things I Learned About UX By Being Drunk
Richard Littauer for $ 250 checks sites in a drunken state . He talked about what he learned during the testing of a drunk design.

The user is drunk

An Interview with Alfonso de la Nuez, CEO of UserZoom
Interview with the CEO of one of the oldest remote user research services UserZoom, which received an impressive investment of $ 34 million.

An Interview with Alfonso de la Nuez, CEO of UserZoom

Picking the Right Methods to Improve Navigation
Excellent memo on testing navigation from Jeff Sauro. What user research can answer specific questions about it.

A / B testing


Visual programming and browser design

Live guidelines and component systems

Envato Sites - Envato Sites Website Builder by Envato & ThemeForest
Envato launched their site builder Envato Sites in partnership with Theme Forest. Now all this variety of free themes will not have to be screwed by hand. A little more about the launch .

Web typography

Using the System UI Fonts In Web Design: A Quick Practical Guide

CSS animation

Font icons

Work with SVG


Layer Layers in CSS

Work with Bootstrap and Foundation

Foundation 6 is Here


Design Virtual Reality


How We Fixed Our Icon Problem
Translation of an article by Bobby Grace from Trello on how the company systematized working with icons in the interface.

New scripts

UX strategy and management

Design leaders

Design Leadership: What & # 039; s Next?

Building a design culture

UX strategy

How to hire designers

On Building Digital Capacity And Attracting Talent

Product management and analytics

Why is no a key word when creating a product?
Oleg Yakubenkov made a translation of Intercom theses, plus added another collection of tips from Intercom.

Growth hacking is bullshit
About why you should look at the metrics system and find a balance between small minor tasks and large strategies. And do not believe in the existence of a "silver bullet".

Growth hacking is bullshit

Hooked on a feeling
Presentation by Stephen P. Anderson on the difference between product requirements and experience.

Methodologies, procedures, standards

Parts without a Whole - What does design thinking become in organizations?
The This is Design Thinking team conducted a survey of 400 practicing designers and managers on the use of design thinking practices in large and not-so-large companies. In fact, they released an e-book / report that contains insights.

Parts without a Whole & mdash; What has design thinking become in organizations?


IBM's Design-Centered Strategy to Set the Squares
A large and detailed enough story about how IBM turned its attention to design and came to the need to hire 1000 designers. The story about Phil Gilbert, who came along with the purchased company Lombardi Software and, with the approval of CEO Virginia Rometty, began to introduce design thinking practices, improve the overall design culture, and massively hire people. Video

IBM's Design-Centered Strategy to Set the Squares

Redesign Cases

The ultimate ecommerce CRO & UX case study - RS Components
A good case with a systematic approach to improving site conversion. From the formulation of the problem to the individual work on a large set of components of the site.

And one more case about online store . The most interesting in this story is the second experiment, when the change of images in the catalog gave a CTR increase of 15.9%. An extra example of the fact that working exclusively with content can get a significant increase in performance. Content optimization is becoming an increasingly relevant topic.

Uninvited Redesigns


Enterprise Software Design - A Call to Arms
Tom Hobbs’s very good philosophical article on how consumer user interfaces have become comfortable and human-loving and how to run the same transformation for enterprise software. Systematically, deeply, inspiring.

Enterprise Software Design & mdash; A Call to Arms

Car Interfaces

The virtual reality

Cable Usability in VR

Trends in the media

For general and professional development

Andrei Yakushev added to his aggregator conference videos an international version with English-language speeches.


Tilda Education: Design for a Digital Environment
The Tilda Publishing team launched the first online course as part of its design school.

Tilde: Design in a digital environment

Why We Should Really Be Concerned About The Tokyo Olympics
Strong material on the philosophy of modern design from Ian Lynam. He examines two stories of Olympic identity (Mexico City '68 and Munich '72) as examples of systematic work on visual language on the scale of an international event and compares them with the failed process around Tokyo 2020, which symbolizes soulless crowdfunding for three kopecks. Not exactly about the interfaces, but it concerns any design applications and affects including digital products.

Why We Should Really Be Concerned About The Tokyo Olympics

Ergonomist number 42, November 2015
There was a fresh issue. Aleksey Kopylov highlighted the article Increased user interface conversion through objective usability testing based on user electroencephalogram analysis mentioned in this journal .

Time for Us All to Ditch Spec Creative Pitches
Initiative #SayNoToSpec from the studio Zulu Alpha Kilo, which recommends to refuse to participate in tenders and test work. Zak Mroueh lists five issues because of which the studio has changed its policy. They recorded an excellent video on this topic - they tried to request the same from representatives of other industries, who, naturally, were in shock.

Relevance is a state of mind
Dan Brown from EightShapes reflects on what to do with more mature UX-specialists in order to remain relevant and how not to rage when you hear about the “new methodology”, which has been around for a dozen years. He advises to move towards mentoring, using his wide professional experience.

Jarrod Drysdale - My Designer Is Driving Me Crazy!
The book Jarrod Drysdale "My Designer is Driving Me Crazy!" For clients and managers, which teaches them to work properly with designers. Available in alternative formats like video course and mailing.

Jarrod Drysdale & mdash; My Designer Is Driving Me Crazy!

Jokes about designers for 400

Facebook Design

People and companies in the industry

How Apple Is A Giving Design A Bad Name
Don Norman and Bruce Tognazzini, the legendary Apple designers in the 70s-90s, about the current state of interface design at Apple. About how and why the processes have reached its current state. In the course gets and Google. Don and Tog have not given out such a powerful charge for a long time.

How Apple Is A Giving Design A Bad Name

Sessions AMA

Designer Appointments

Conference proceedings

Google SPAN 2015: New York & London
Last year, Google held its first design conference FORM, in which it takes place under the name SPAN already in two cities - New York and London.

Google SPAN 2015

According to the results, a SPAN Reader book is published with presentations of speakers (they are available on the web at the links at the end of the article). Other materials were also released, including a video panel discussion on modern prototyping tools and good product design .

Somehow I received an invitation to the London part, although I did not submit an application. Already posted video recordings from there. I was there, I advise you to see a panel discussion about prototyping tools , Luna Maurer performances about manual generative design and Ken Wong about virtual reality . And also Davide Fornari about mechanical generative design - quietly according to the flow, but the story itself is a bomb.

O'Reilly Design Conference 2016
O'Reilly launched their design conference, the O'Reilly Design Conference. It will be held January 19-22 in San Francisco, USA. The composition and format promises to be one of the most powerful. Mary Treseler, who is in charge of her, gives a detailed interview with UXMatters about what will happen .

O & rsquo; Reilly Design Conference 2016

RSD4 - Relating Systems Thinking to Design
September 1-3, 2015 in Banff, Canada, held a conference Relating Systems Thinking and Design, dedicated to complex system problems that design can solve . Part of the video material is already available . The rest will appear on the channel .

RSD4 & mdash; Relating Systems Thinking to Design

Fresh links can also be tracked in the Facebook group of the same name or received once a month by mail . Thanks to everyone who also publishes links in it, especially Gennady Dragun, Pavel Skripkin, Dmitry Podluzhny, Anton Artyomov, Denis Efremov, Alexey Kopylov, Taras Brizitsky and Yevgeny Sokolov. More and more materials in reviews appear thanks to them.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272605/

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