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How to copy Skype and Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox settings profiles from one / home to another

On December 4, Linux Mint 17.3 “Rosa” came out (a short review here ).

There was a need to quickly move to the next release, not saving / home, but transferring only a few settings.

UPD 2: in a wonderful comment to this topic, hiddenman explained very lucidly why I needed it. It is possible that this comment is more valuable than the article itself, therefore with its permission I quote:
Colleagues, in our time, the advice of the author can be called useful rather than useless. If 15 years ago I calmly used the old $ HOME, now this is not the case. The many complex (and often crooked) components that have been added to the Linux environment in recent years have created quite a few problems with almost all of the software, with major updates.

All these KDE, XFce, Pulse Audio, GNOME / GTK settings, etc. etc. They are very different and often actually create problems in the form of underground knocks, which are almost impossible to identify, especially for a newcomer. Sometimes these are minor things that can be easily corrected (such as the xfce interface that went with an update), sometimes very strange things.

From the last interesting thing I came across - the “manager”, when opening any flash-video, started to play, but without sound. After a few seconds, the video stopped, then the whole browser hung. ...

Simply, the curve gtkrc file and / or the nonexistent path to pixmap can crash your program and you will get tired of looking for why.

And for nearly 20 years I have had a decent amount of many dozens of workstations (and also servers, but not from home, of course).

If a person does not have anything specific in the settings, then in modern distributions it is now more correct and easier to set it up from scratch. If you, like me, want to save all your wonderful settings for the whole row, then you can use your old home, update it regularly and then deal with problems.

UPD 1 : I thought that the topic would be useful " for beginners ." In kamentah found out that there are easier ways.

Everyone knows that user settings are in the home directory. But at the same time there is little written about how to install the system from scratch, with a clean installation of / home. Therefore, I decided to share this pair of hacks on a “clean” move. That is, how to install it cleanly and not lose the settings of these applications made earlier, that is, in general, in particular, for: Google Chrome, Skype, Sublime Text 3, Mozilla Firefox.

For a long life in IT, I have developed a number of simple, essentially non-demanding rules that I try to follow, since "Move" have to. Of course, many of them, and so almost everyone knows, but still:

0. Do not store important information on a disk that is “available” to the OS.
1. Do not store important information in one place, make a backup.
2. Before making critical changes to copy everything that can be copied.

That is, before the “clean” installation, I created a full copy of my / home partition, in order to lose nothing.
If you have any other important parts that lie, for example in / etc, it is advisable to copy them separately.
All my / etc 'configs, respectively, are duplicated in other places, and I couldn’t transfer anything from the system partition as unnecessary.

Then I made a clean installation, and began to “return” everything I needed to the site, to the “new” / home.


1. Freshly installed Linux Mint 17.3 "Rosa"
2. All previous profile settings are in a separate copy folder on a separate disk under seven locks on a separate ext4 partition.

To begin with, of course, I updated and installed all the applications I needed, for example:

$ sudo -i # apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-get install curl mc git skype sublime-text 

Yes, of course, you can zatruitsya somehow differently, I used to so.

If for some reason you do not have skype in the distribution kit, you can always install it from skype.com . For installation, you will most likely be helped by something like:
 $ cd Downloads $ dpkg -i skype... $ apt-get -f install 

The last command is needed to “deliver” Skype dependencies if they are not there.

Google Chrome is simply loaded from www.google.com/chrome and then we perform the same set of actions:
 $ cd Downloads $ dpkg -i google... 

Now about the data transfer itself.

Since The old user and the new user are two different users, then the new user has the right to read a copy of the old user data, of course - no. In order to get these rights you need:

 $ sudo -i # chown -R new_user_name:new_user_group /path/to/copy/of/old_uer_name_home_dir 

new_user_name is the username of your new system
new_user_group is the name of the group of the user on your new system, it usually matches the new_user_name

Now you can transfer all the necessary folders: Downloads, Music, Pictures, etc. etc.
For this, I usually use either the $ cp system command (do not forget about the -R key, or read --help), or if I want to “see” the process, then I use the Midnight Commander $ mc.

The plus of $ mc is that I visually observe a list of directories and files, and you don’t need to do ls, and don’t have to fool around, you can see everything, it’s clear what buttons to press, etc. is signed ...
Plus $ cp -R is that it works much faster.

After everything is copied, you can transfer application profiles.

The profile for Skype lies in:


Those. I just:
1. I launch, I login and immediately I turn off the newly installed Skype.
2. In my user's home directory I do:
 $ rm -R .Skype 

3. Copy the .Skype directory from the old user, for example, if you are still in your home directory, then this is how it is:

 $ cp -R /path/to/copy/of/old_uer_name_home_dir/.Skype ./ 

Everything, "all" Skype has moved with the preservation of all settings, history, etc. etc.
I suspect that you can transfer profiles from Windows in the same way (I don’t know where it is, google).

For Google Chrome, everything is almost the same, but a little bit "fussy":

1. Start Google Chrome and turn it off.
2. Copy the profile of the old user:

 $ cp -R /path/to/copy/of/old_uer_name_home_dir/.config/google-chrome/PROFILE_NAME ./.config/google-chrome/NEW_PROFILE_NAME 

Here PROFILE_NAME is the directory name of the “old” user profile.
Most likely, if you have not changed anything before, then it should be something like *** Default ***, or something like that.

Here a little more detail User Data Directory - The Chromium Projects .

NEW_PROFILE_NAME is required so that Chrome does not "go crazy" because it lost the profile, that is, so that BOTH profiles were in place when you start up Chrome.

3. Now the most interesting. In order for Chrome to “see” a “copied” profile, you need to “delete” the “fresh” profile.

To do this, you need to run Chrome And in the "Administration Profiles" to erase the new profile.
After that, restart Chrome and the old profile "Pick up" itself.

The fastest way to the profile administration settings is near the window control buttons: image

With Sublime Text 3, everything is the same as Skype, but the profile is in the .config directory:

 $ rm -R ./.config/sublime-text-3/ $ cp -R /path/to/copy/of/old_uer_name_home_dir/.config/sublime-text-3 ./.config/sublime-text-3 

But for Firefox, you’ll have to tinker a bit.

To begin, just copy its profiles from the old storage location to the new one:
 $ cp -R /path/to/copy/of/old_uer_name_home_dir/.mozilla/firefox/PROFILE_NAME ./.mozilla/firefox/PROFILE_NAME 

Where PROFILE_NAME is the name of the old profile, if the profile was one, then most likely it will be something like the Default type. DIGITAL
A new profile is also better not to erase through the console, but then delete it in the Profile Manager.

Now you need to add the Old Profile to the New Config:
 $ nano .mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini 

Here, nano is a text editor, write your name, Pluma, Gedit, etc.
Further, by analogy with what is already written there, we add lines for the new profile. In my case it turned out like this:

 [General] StartWithLastProfile=0 [Profile1] Name=Default IsRelative=1 Path=hj6awt81.default Default=1 [Profile2] Name=test IsRelative=1 Path=ejovorio.test 

After that, launch the Firefox Profile Manager:
 $ firefox --profilemanager 

Now you can select a profile to log in or erase an unnecessary “new” profile, etc. etc., you can also uncheck the box “Use the selected profile without asking at startup”, and then the window of the profile manager will always appear:


That's all.
I suspect that most application profiles are transferred in the same way, and it is not for nothing that you need a / home directory.

In particular, the keys SSH, Robomongo and Nestopia also moved.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272577/

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