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About the gray blogosphere in gray

The share of "garbage" in the blogosphere is now around 20% and continues to grow, such are disappointing statistics. On the "garbage" (spam blogs or splogs; English splog <- spam blog) you can promote the main blog-acceptor and make money on advertising (for example, contextual), which some craftsmen do, "polluting" the Internet and not considering visitors of their splogov.

If the network “junk” blogs - splogs - “screwed”, by mutual and permanent linking, other networks of the same blogs “about nothing” (to agree with their organizers), then you get a “herd” of splogs that you can “charge” for promotion to the top of a site for almost any search query. In general, “herd instinct,” as established earlier in the rules for blogging , is not good ...

So what is the “gray blogosphere” and “gray blogs”? Primitive splogs and all sorts of RSS-doorways? .. Let's try to define these terms. And at the same time we will understand what is good and what is bad, and for whom.

Indeed, what is “good” for a blogger? .. Recognition and popularity, many readers of his blog (s), getting a steady income. Someone cares about all three components, the other is satisfied only with “more money” ...

And what is good for visitors and regular readers of the blog, since they have become them? .. They must find answers to their questions, extract useful information for themselves . And here a lot of things are kept on the professionalism of the blogger, his understanding of those things that he reveals (tries to reflect) in his articles (posts). The emphasis in writing a post should be on the disclosure of the material (sometimes it is difficult, but the better for the author’s self-development is life in the search), and not his own person under the label of any subject - “self-promotion under the banners” ...

What I'm trying to say ... The quality of any resource is determined by the completeness of the disclosure of the topics stated in the title - this is the foundation and necessity. The material in the author's blog is a reflection of the point of view of its author (the author’s professionalism is also an important question ...). Quality and completeness are the iron framework of any good resource, which you should not go for, otherwise your Internet resource ceases to be a “brick” in building the Internet as a source of Knowledge . A professional blogger is an expert in his field and an Internet builder under the banner of “Web 3.0” (expert environment).

In contrast to the ideals voiced (in fact, the Internet is very heterogeneous and in some places is “doubtful”) blogs appear in the blogosphere with a “low” disclosure of the declared subject matter and the lack of a clear ideological development plan, simply speaking, frivolous blogs with a serious headline. Such blogs - confusing their visitors, fixing them on the same things, hampering the development of the blogosphere - are called “gray”.

One gray blog is not much of itself (although there are exceptions ...), but the “gray blogmass” is already able to influence, lure into its networks new bloggers who see the blogosphere through a gray veil of gray blogs, and they don’t try to make something worthwhile and useful.

The gray blogosphere is a “flock” of blogs that are closely interconnected by constant cross-quoting each other (PR and self-PR), borrowing ideas and topics from each other (this is not data mining (Eng. Data mining - “digging up data”), but simply stealing ). Gray blogs are distinguished by “empty” content, one-sidedness, self-praise, they do not bring practical benefits to the reader, but only distract from business.

The goal of the author of gray blogs is promotion (and self-promotion) for the sake of earning money (on affiliate programs, sales links from the “muzzles” and internal pages, displaying banners (any, the main thing is to pay), contextual advertising, etc.). The goal is good, but not justified by the way it is achieved.

The way to achieve the goal and, at the same time, the second important goal is to attract visitors (for the author of gray blogs - just “not live” traffic, for which they are ready for any provocations) and an increase in the number of subscribers to the RSS feed blog (this is sacred for “gray” bloggers ). Netiquette (from netiquette, from net + etiquette) for “gray” bloggers is an empty word ...

Gray blogs are mostly autonomous (standalone) or blogspot (that is, located in the domain blogspot.com), since they can "hang" banner and contextual advertising. Titled gray blogs are usually associated with earnings on the Internet, an overview of the Internet (and the blogosphere) and Internet services, marketing (a buzzword), SEO and SMO optimization ...

Gray blogs are blogs about the same thing, where this “same thing” is “ground” by different words from post to post. Gray blogs are very similar to each other. The traffic of gray blogs, as a rule, is formed by “cross-pollination,” that is, linking each other by mentioning the blog you want in a post ...

Trends in the gray blogosphere are shaped by populists. In general, they are the “skeleton” of the gray blogosphere, the authorities, the gurus “among their own”. They often write "incorrect" things, for example, with regards to SEO-related topics - they urge to create splogs, doorway pages, automatic site directories, to spam in various communities (the word "SMO" has already become abusive because of them, I’m not talking about the word "SEO" ). And these posts are actively cited, spread across the blogosphere ...

The full article: On the gray blogosphere in gray. Blogs for show .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27242/

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