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In this pro all clients are wise.

Often you can meet with ridicule - look there, they are asked to do it as “Yandex.ru” for 500 bucks. However, an experienced freelancer will treat even these offers with attention, as it may well turn out that a client who asks for such a thing is actually quite sane and his offer is quite reasonable, the amount of work and payment are completely the same.

Now I came across an interesting article that explains very well how this can happen. In the article, an English-speaking colleague shares experience on the topic of what to do if a client talks about one thing, but really wants something completely different.

The author begins with a story about a client who asked him to do on the site “like an Amazon,” although his site was a standard business card with a couple of pages, the main ideas of which were to provide contact information and brief information about this person. Instead of writing to their habro analogue about which clients are not “smart,” the freelancer tried to figure out what the customer really wanted. As a result, he came to the conclusion that "like the Amazon" means: professional, easy to navigate, stylish. Understanding the true motives of the client, it was not difficult to explain to the client that, in order for his website to contain these three elements, he does not need a copy of Amazon, his website must be “like this and that.”
I invite those who wish to familiarize themselves with the original , for starters, I will translate some points that the author emphasized separately:

The key idea: “If a client asks to do“ like X and Y ”, this is a direct signal that in fact he does not need either one or the other, he needs some quality that causes these X and Y”.
Thoughts on this topic arise a lot, but since this is my first post here, it may well be that it’s not at all interesting to anyone except me, so I’ll probably end up in torment and return to my righteous work to the joy of the bourgeoisie .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27224/

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