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A couple of words about the "death" of Flash, Animate CC and Web standards

Today, the Internet has begun to break off from articles on " Adobe says goodbye to Flash ."

UPD December 6, 2015 :
Product Manager Flash Runtime and Adobe AIR said that they have no plans to stop working on Flash Runtime and AIR and renaming the product to create content has nothing to do with the fate of the Flash Player and the adjacent ecosystem.

All anything but one nuance that greatly changes the meaning - technical illiteracy and universal copy-paste. Editions reprint each other, adding more and more "facts" that are not in the original. In a word - a spoiled phone.

The original article http://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2015/11/flash-html5-and-open-web-standards.html reports that Adobe is renaming Flash Professional to Animate CC. Additionally, they report that customers want to get more supported platforms, etc.

And I was not surprised that many people do not see the difference between Flash and Flash Professional. On news sites began to appear various ad-libbing, linking to other sources that link further down the chain. And not always on the original.

Today, the word Flash is perceived as a browser plugin. Technically, this is Flash Player. But there is a tool for creating content - Flash Professional. If Microsoft renamed Word to TextMachine - would people shout that “Microsoft stopped developing the Word?”. Even though it is written in black and white that content creation will be supported and data can be edited?


From my own examples I can demonstrate a vivid picture. Local customers ask me what we will do animation for the presentation under iOS. I proudly announce that in Flash Professional. And the client has a stupor. After a moment, he gives:

"But on Habré they write that the flash died and it does not work on the tablet"

And here I fall into a stupor. The technical illiteracy of clients and authors of articles on flash drives people away from the desired result. Fortunately the client succumbed to persuasion and was pleased with the result.

Let's return to the original article. They report that html5 has matured and already supports most of the features of Flash. Going down below, we see that Adobe themselves sees Flash as a key means of delivering premium content — web games and premium videos. But not a word that they stop supporting Flash.

Moreover ... They clearly write that they are working in partnership with Microsoft and Google to improve the compatibility and security of Flash Player. And do not forget to add that they are working closely with Facebook to improve the reliability and safety of the performance of games in Flash Player. So where is the word that they refuse Flash?

If we talk about the development of Flash in general - yes, it stopped a long time ago. Only minor (but significant) improvements are made and security errors are eliminated. But is it bad? From my point of view, Flash has everything it needs. Of course, I would like more. But why?

For big should go to the standalone format of games. And there is Adobe AIR (if you look at Flash). Refusal to support Adobe AIR is not fixed. I have information about the availability of plans for 2016. But will the browser flash die? Of course. But definitely not tomorrow.

And for those who like to talk with templates that Flash puts the battery in - show me how Canvas charges it.


It is also worth noting that the Adobe Edge Animate project will no longer be actively developed. But since I am close to developing Flash Professional - I assure you that Edge Animate will not be developed at all (except for critical errors). This decision was made in favor of Adobe Flash Professional (future Animate CC).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272195/

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