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Announcement of laboratory works with Windows Camp // Labs and useful links for developers

The Windows Camp 2015 event, in which Microsoft experts spoke about the new Windows 10 and universal applications, received a decent continuation in the format of laboratory work. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the basic principles of developing universal applications in practice, attending the event in person or by connecting online.

And now we are very pleased to inform you about the publication of records from the event Windows Camp // Labs !

Records of laboratory work are available here .

We remind you that laboratory works (code examples, instructions in Russian and English) are in the repository github.com/evangelism/WinDevWorkshop .

A complete set of instructions is available as a PDF book .

Records of speeches by speakers of Windows Camp 2015 can be found on the Channel 9 portal.

If you are interested in specific aspects of development for the Windows 10 platform, see the official examples in the github.com/microsoft/windows-universal-samples repository, or github.com/ms-iot/samples for IoT scripts.

You can also find some interesting projects showing the capabilities of universal applications in the github.com/evangelism/HackSamples repository.

Good luck in your further development training on Windows 10! And good code!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272185/

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