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Java Programmer Cheat Sheet 5. Two hundred and fifty Russian-language training video presentations and lectures on Java

I think few people will argue that watching videos of good lectures and reports from conferences is one of the fastest and easiest ways to learn something new. The problem is that Java is difficult to find all the good video conferences and reports on the desired topic. Moreover, by the name of many conference videos, it is difficult to understand exactly what topic they are about.

Therefore, I prepared this collection of video reports in Russian from various conferences ( Joker , JPoint , JavaDays , JEEConf , of course, from DEV labs , which Luxoft organizes), and, of course, video from Luxoft Training Center channel. All videos are divided into different categories and, if necessary, added a description.
Update : Attention, the current version with all the links to the video is now in my github'e project useful-java-links , this link .

What will not be in this collection:
1. There will be no video about scala, as scala is a whole separate world, I can recommend this collection for scala programmers,
2. There will be no video in English, I tried to choose a Russian-language video, since not all programmers still speak English perfectly, well, there are too many English-language videos, so I decided to stop only Russian-language videos (and a small amount of video). in Ukrainian), Besides, I am sure that for English-language video on Java in the internet there are quite a few similar collections.

Feel free to write in the comments (or me in a personal note) about other interesting Java videos that are not on this list.

So, let's begin:

1. Optimization and performance issues

1.1 Performance and Optimization

  1. Sergey Kuksenko - “Quantum” performance effects ,
  2. Sergey Kuksenko - Java Performance Question and Answer Session
  3. Aleksey Shipilev and Sergey Kuksenko, Russia - Methodology for performance optimization ,
  4. Sergey Kuksenko, Oracle - Iron counters
  5. Alexey Shipilev, Oracle - Catechism java.lang.String - about string implementation in Java, ways to optimize work with strings and errors that are often made when optimizing work with strings,
  6. Alexey Shipilev - Java Benchmarking: How to read two timestamps!
  7. Alexey Shipilev - Java Benchmarking: How to Write Two Timestamps
  8. Alexey Shipilev and Sergey Kuksenko - Optimizing Java Application Performance: Theory
  9. Alexey Shipilev and Sergey Kuksenko - Optimizing Java Application Performance: Details
  10. Alexey Shipilev and Sergey Kuksenko - Optimizing Java Application Performance: More Details
  11. Oleg Bunin, Andrey Pangin, Alexey Ragozin, Oleg Anastasyev - Round table. Highload
  12. Alexey Shipilev, Oracle - Squeeze me completely
  13. Dmitry Lazarenko - Optimizing JVM work in the cloud
  14. Dmitry Chuiko - Fast loading of your classes
  15. Gleb Smirnov - HotSpot, what are you doing ?! Ahaha, stop it!
  16. Kirill Golodnov - On the infinitely long work of the child processes of a Java application
  17. Andrei Afanasyev - Optimizing the performance of distributed applications ...
  18. Ruslan Cheremin - Disruptor and other tricks
  19. Gleb Smirnov - Side-By-Side Performance Comparisons - which means "slows down" and how to deal with it
  20. Nikita Salnikov Tarnovski - First steps in GC tuning - performance problems due to garbage collection

1.2 Highly loaded applications (HighLoad)

  1. Andrey Pangin - Features of the development of a high-loaded Java server
  2. Alexey Shevchuk - Approaches to Solving the Performance Problems of High-Load Services
  3. Roman Elizarov - Millions of quotes per second on pure Java
  4. Oleg Anastasyev - Beyond the Possible (Keynote) - about the problems in creating classmates and solutions for high-load services,
  5. Andrei Pangin - We squeeze the maximum out of the server: techniques for caching and transferring data to Java - a description of the techniques for creating high-load systems on Odnoklassniki.ru,
  6. Alexander Oleynikov - Practical experience in building high-load services API - a description of creating high-load systems in Yandex,
  7. Valerii Moisieienko - How to Manage 10K request per second in HA manner - the history of the development of a high-loaded application on an inexpensive hardware,

1.3 Garbage collection, memory leaks and memory management

  1. Alexey Ragozin - Garbage Collection, Algorithm Battle
  2. Vladimir Dolzhenko - GC: friend or foe?
  3. Roman Elizarov - Why does GC eat up all my CPU?
  4. Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovsky, Plumbr - Where is my memory, man ?!
  5. Gleb Smirnov, Plumbr - Secrets - in our heads, not in the JVM
  6. Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovsky - Memory Leaks
  7. Alexey Shipilev - What are Heap Dumps Silent About
  8. Vladimir Voskresensky - HotSpot Microsurgery
  9. Alexander Makarov - Exploring the Possibilities and Limitations of JVM for Memory Optimization
  10. Andrei Pangin - Caching data outside the Java Heap and working with shared memory in Java
  11. Vladimir Ivanov - G1 Garbage Collector
  12. Ivan Krylov - StructuredArray and ObjectLayout - how the JVM represents objects and performance issues of object representation,
  13. Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovsky - Heap, off you go
  14. Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovski - I bet you have a leak in your application - class memory leaks

2. Tools and IDE

2.1 IDE and development tools

  1. Andrey Zaitsev, Dmitry Nesteruk, JetBrains - Team Development Tools
  2. Nikolay Chashnikov - Java 8 Support in IntelliJ IDEA
  3. Andrey Solntsev - Eclipse vs Intellij IDEA
  4. Nikolay Chashnikov - IntelliJ IDEA from the inside
  5. Dmitry Naydanov - Play Framework 2.0 in IntelliJ IDEA
  6. Nikolay Chashnikov - Compiler Java and IDE: mutually beneficial cooperation
  7. Andrei Cheptsov, Baruch Sadogursky, Anton Arkhipov - Round table. Java Developer Tools
  8. Alexander (Shura) Ilyin - Analysis of coverage using JCov
  9. Anton Arkhipov - JRebel - a tool that allows on-the-fly reload classes that have been changed since the application was deployed.,
  10. Baruch Sadogursky - Development of modular software: welcome to AD!
  11. Alexey Alexandrov - All inclusive Jeastic PaaS - description of the platform for cloud computing
  12. Baruch Sadogurskii - Managing Modular Software for your NuGet, C ++ and Java Development
  13. Philip Torchinsky - Integration of bug tracker and CI server with IntelliJ IDEA
  14. ladimir Kozhaev - How to write an IDE for your DSL in one day
  15. Evgeny Borisov - Power of Gradle
  16. Sergey Morenets - Gradle 2. Write once, build everywhere - attention: video in Ukrainian

2.2 Debugging, profiling, monitoring

  1. Alexey Ragozin - Continuous Profiling of Java Applications During Operation
  2. Andrey Pangin, Classmates - The Best Debugger - Made by Yourself
  3. Vladimir Sitnikov - Profiler in every home
  4. Vladimir Krasilshchik - Monitoring Java-applications with multiprocess architecture
  5. Vitaly Trifanov and Dmitry Tsitelov - Dynamic race detection in multi-threaded Java programs
  6. Andrey Pangin - The Best Debugger - Made by Yourself
  7. Andrey Pangin - Emergency Dump - Black Box of a Fallen JVM
  8. Andrey Pangin - JVM crash dump analysis, part 2
  9. Andrey Pangin - JVM crash dump analysis, part 1
  10. Alexander Otenko - What is the profiler silent on?
  11. Andrey Pangin - Emergency Dump - JVM Black Box
  12. Alexey Ragozin - Diagnostic Interfaces JVM, or How to make a do-it-yourself profiler
  13. Vladimir Voskresensky - Practical use of OSS for analyzing Java applications - Using Oracle Solaris Studio for analyzing high-performance Java applications
  14. Alexey Shipilev - (The Art of) (Java) Performance Benchmarking II

3. Features of different JVM languages ​​and Java versions

3.1 Groovy and Grails

  1. Baruh Sadogursky, Evgeniy Borisov - Epic Groovy Puzzlers - Revenge Braces
  2. Baruch Sadogursky and Evgeny Borisov - Groovy Puzzlers
  3. Baruch Sadogursky and Yevgeny Borisov - Groovy Puzzlers - Strange, Incomprehensible and Mommies-a-what-is-it ?!
  4. Evgeny Borisov - Marlezonsky ballet on Groovy in three parts
  5. Baruch Sadogursky - Metaprogramming at compiler level in Groovy
  6. Baruch Sadogursky - Groovy DSL for Plugins: Human Language Extensions
  7. Baruch Sadogursky - Transformations of the Abstract Syntactic Tree in Gruvy. SHCHITO ?!
  8. Izzet Mustafaiev - Groovy MOPping - principles for building a DSL on groovy
  9. Baruch Sadogursky - Searching for the Holy Grail (and test it once found) - what search solutions exist in Grail and what testing solutions exist in Grails

3.2 Clojure

  1. Nikolay Ryzhikov - Clojure: interactive development for an interactive web
  2. Maurice Naftalin - Closures and Collections: the World After Eight
  3. Dmitriy Morozov - ETL all the things! - use ETL (Extract, transform, load) in Clojure, how Spark can be used with Clojure,
  4. Misha Kozik - DSL in Clojure - using Clojure to write DSL,

3.3 Kotlin

  1. Andrey Breslav - Type-safe Web with Kotlin
  2. Andrey Breslav - Project Kotlin
  3. Evgeny Gerashchenko - Kotlin, a programming language for JVM
  4. - Kotlin programming language

3.4 Java Embedded and IoT

  1. Alexander Belokrylov, Alexander Mironenko, Oracle - Rise of the Machines: in an Enterprise with 256 KB of RAM
  2. Belokrylov, Mironenko - Power plant with a heart from Raspberry Pi and a Java Embedded brain
  3. Alexander Belokrylov and Alexander Mironenko - Java Embedded in your home
  4. Alexander Mironenko and Alexander Belokrylov - Java Embedded in your home
  5. Leo Priyma - Java SE Embedded 8
  6. Alexander Belokrylov and Alexander Mironenko - Full-fledged Java runtime, 256Kb RAM and 5 liters of beer
  7. - Java ME Embedded: proven technologies in promising markets
  8. Yakov Fain - RESTful services and OAUTH protocol in IoT

3.5 Java EE 7

  1. Markus Eisele - 50 Best Features of Java EE 7

3.6 Java 8, Lambda and Stream Api

  1. Sergey Kuksenko - I, lambda
  2. Sergey Kuksenko - JDK 8: Hammer Lambda
  3. Sergey Kuksenko and Alexey Shipilev - Through thorns to lambdas, part 1
  4. Vladimir Ivanov - Java 8 and JVM: what's new in HotSpot
  5. Sergey Kuksenko - Java 8: Advanced Stream Techniques
  6. Dmitry Kozorez - Java 8 Time API
  7. Vladimir Ivanov - Java 8: what's new in HotSpot JVM?
  8. Maurice Naftalin - What's New in Java 8
  9. Alexander Ilyin - Type annotations in Java 8. And why is it good
  10. Sergey Kuksenko and Alexey Shipilev - Through thorns to lambdas, part 2
  11. Sergey Kuksenko and Alexey Shipilev - Through thorns to lambdas, part 1
  12. Sergey Kuksenko - Stream API, part 2
  13. Sergey Kuksenko - Stream API, part 1
  14. Sergey Kuksenko - JDK8: Stream style
  15. Alexey Fedorov - Compromises in Java 8 with examples and pictures
  16. Alexander Belokrylov - Meet Java 8
  17. Dmitry Kozorez - The long road to the Lambdas
  18. Mikhail Sokolov - Java 8: Lambda Expressions and Stream API
  19. Oleg Tsal-Tsalko - Java 8 Date & Time benefits
  20. Oleg Tsal-Tsalko - Java 8 Lambdas Hands-On-Labs
  21. Pavel Grushetzky - Java for hipsters and rocks stars
  22. Oleg Tsal-Tsalko - 10+ new features you need to know using Java 8

3.7 Java 9+ and the future of Java

  1. Ivan Krylov, Vladimir Ivanov, Volker Simonis, Nikita Lipsky - Round table. The future of the Java platform
  2. Vladimir Ivanov - Future of Java: 9 and beyond
  3. Vladimir Ivanov - Java Platform: Past and Future
  4. Shura Ilyin - Project Jigsaw. Take 2
  5. Alexander Belokrylov, Oracle - Java: evolution is inevitable
  6. Anya Barsky - Java Life Story
  7. Olena Syrota, Oleg Tsal-Tsalko - Standard Java JSON binding. When? - a description of the existing JSON libraries, their features and problems, the expectation of standard JSON in Java 9

4. Java frameworks

4.1 Spring

  1. Baruch Sadogursky, Evgeny Borisov - Spring Puzzlers - Home
  2. Evgeny Borisov - Spring Data? Date!
  3. Baruch Sadogursky, Yevgeny Borisov, Nikolay Alimenkov - Why does Spring have so many configurations?
  4. Evgeniy Borisov - Spring the Ripper
  5. Evgeny Borisov - Spring-Ripper, part 2
  6. Evgeny Borisov - Spring-Ripper, Part 1
  7. Evgeniy Borisov - Spring 4.0: A New Generation
  8. Vladimir Sonkin - Using Spring 4 and AngularJS to develop web applications based on REST architecture
  9. Merkuryev Eugene - Spring is coming, spring is the way! New to the Spring Framework
  10. Artem Bilan - Spring and Messaging: The Next Development Generation
  11. Vladimir Tsukur - From CRUD to Hypermedia APIs with Spring
  12. Igor Khotin - App infrastructure for microservices with Spring Cloud 1.0.0 - microservices, cloud, Spring and DevOps,
  13. Sergey Morenets - Spring Boot. Boot up your development - a description of the Spring Boot framework, why this framework allows you to create applications much faster,

4.2 Web frameworks (JavaFX, Javascript, AngularJS, etc.)

  1. Sergey Grinyov - JavaFX: FXML and SceneBuilder
  2. Artyom Ananyev - Informally About JavaFX
  3. Dmitry Kuzovets - FXML and SceneBuilder: Separating User Interface from Logic in JavaFX
  4. Pavel Nesterenko - Java + JavaScript: switch to the mobile side
  5. Evgeny Rodin - Asynchronous data processing in Java web applications
  6. Evgeny Rodin - Website development with Java tools (using a simple website as an example) - website development examples using mysql, tomcat, etc. technology
  7. Dmitry Sokolov - How to Choose Libraries for a Modern Java Web Application
  8. Vladimir Sonkin - Using AJAX in Java Web Application Development
  9. Aleksandor Dvoretsky - How to prepare for the creation of loaded sites
  10. Vladimir Sonkin - Using Spring 4 and AngularJS to develop web applications based on REST architecture
  11. Victor Polischuk - Web-application I have always dreamt of
  12. Nikita Lipsky - Java Applications for Native User Experience in Client-Side Java Applications — native clients for working with the web instead of a browser-based web (from mobile to desktop applications),
  13. Olga Semeniuk - Less JS! Web components for back-end developers - an introduction to web components for backend developers

4.3 Other frameworks and popular libraries

  1. Tsytovich Pavel - Basics of developing an application on the Android platform
  2. Andrey Shevchenko - Generating large reports using Jasper Reports
  3. Vladimir Krasilshchik - Java-mapping for pragmatic programmers - using libraries and frameworks for mapping (dozer, spring type converter api, nomin, scala dsl, transmorf, etc.)
  4. Andrii Golovei - Highly available and scalable application for dummies with Storm - Storm framework for machine learning, high performance computing

5. Databases, Search Engines and BigData

5.1 NoSql and Caches

  1. Oleg Anastasyev - Beyond NoSQL: NewSQL on Cassandra
  2. Alexey Zinoviev - Mom, I want Hibernate so much for NoSQL, well, or whatever you have in mind
  3. Jacob Zhdanov - In-memory accelerator for MongoDB
  4. Oleg Anastasyev - Class! Naya Cassandra
  5. Roman Antipin - Voldemort Frankensteinization, or Key-Value data in Odnoklassniki
  6. Jacob Zhdanov - From Disk Architecture to In-Memory
  7. Alexey Ragozin - Glitter and poverty of distributed caches
  8. Alexey Tokar - MongoDB in production - myth or reality?
  9. Artem Orobets - How do you store your data?
  10. Roman Nikitchenko - Big Data: from mammoth to elephant - transforming legacy with Hadoop - how to transform legacy projects into new Big Data applications with a modern technology stack,

5.2 Sql databases and JPA

  1. Nikolai Alimenkov - Barefoot on the hibernate rake
  2. Jacob Sirotkin, Sidenis - Migration from PL / SQL to Java

5.3 Search engines

  1. Mikhail Khludnev - In Search of Tommy Hilfiger - about Apache Lucene, a free library for high-speed full-text search, about various search engines,
  2. Alexey Tokar - To find a needle in a haystack - about fuzzy search in dictionaries from the Yandex developer

5.4 BigData, Data Scientist, Machine Learning

  1. Alexey Zinoviev - Java as the main working tool of Data Scientist
  2. Roman Nikitchenko - Apache HBase: crazy dances on the elephant back
  3. Serhiy Masyutin - Big Data Analysis - attention in the Ukrainian language
  4. Boris Trofimov - Scalding Big Data: Thorns and Roses,
  5. Taras Matyashovsky - Introduction to Real-Time Big Data with Apache Spark - focus on the Ukrainian language
  6. Serhiy Masyutin - What are Big Data, Map-Reduce technology and sample projects?
  7. The NP-hard problem with Apache ZooKeeper - about Apache ZooKeeper, how to work and solve various problems,
  8. Andrii Golovei - Elastic stack in BigData - using full-text BigData search using Elastic solutions (Elastic Search)

6. Features of the Java language

6.1 Serializations

  1. Roman Elizarov - Facts and Fallacies About Java Serialization
  2. Olena Syrota, Oleg Tsal-Tsalko - Standard Java JSON binding. When? - a description of the existing JSON libraries, their features and problems, the expectation of standard JSON in Java 9

6.2 Work with bytecode, java agent'y, class loader and compile on the fly

  1. Anton Arkhipov, ZeroTurnaround - Javassist in the service of a Java developer
  2. Nikita Lipsky - Ahead-of-time compilation
  3. Anton Arkhipov - Java-agents, Instrumentation API and Javassist
  4. Anton Arkhipov - Java class loaders: a collection of rakes
  5. Vladimir Ivanov - Dynamic (JIT) Compilation in JVM
  6. Dmitry Zavalishin - JVM bytecode converter for Phantom virtual machine

6.3 Asynchronous and multithreading

  1. Baruh Sadogursky - How to write asynchronous multithreaded HTTP applications
  2. Alexey Shipilev - ForkJoinPool in Java 8
  3. Nikolai Alimenkov - Applied Threading
  4. Dmitry Chuiko, Oracle - CompletableFuture is already here
  5. Gleb Smirnov - Dismembering multithreading
  6. Alexey Shipilev - Pragmatics Java Memory Model
  7. Gleb Smirnov - Java multithreading under the hood
  8. Roman Elizarov - Theoretical minimum for understanding the Java Memory Model
  9. Dmitry Chuiko - New at java.util.concurrent
  10. Aleksey Shipilev - Bulletproof Java Concurrency
  11. Sergey Kuksenko - Memory Model
  12. Ruslan Cheremin - Java Memory Model: Close Degree Terminals
  13. Alexey Fyodorov - Atomics, CAS, and Nonblocking Algorithms - issues of multitasking, atomics, non-blocking algorithms, CAS, etc.
  14. Mikalai Alimenkou - Java Concurrency Applied - examples of practical solutions for multitasking

6.4 Integration

  1. Nikolay Alimenkov - Do we need JMS in the world of modern Java technologies?
  2. Jacob Fayn, Farata Systems - RESTful Services and OAuth Protocol in IoT
  3. Alexander Belotserkovsky - Windows Azure + Java = Open Integration
  4. Vadim Tsesko - Akka Framework and its use in Yandex
  5. Vladimir Tsukur - Together it was great to walk with HATEOAS! - Web Api development,
  6. Maxim Yunusov - “Scalable application in 15 minutes (using AKKA for Java)
  7. Vyacheslav Lapin - Weakly connected Java server and web-interface through REST API

6.5 Security, Java Security Model, etc.

  1. Mikhail Dudarev - Escape from the sandbox. Java Zero Day Vulnerabilities
  2. Mikhail Dudarev - USS "Enterprise" - through Java Web Containers' Black Holes
  3. Mikhail Dudarev - Dangerous Types, or the Java Security Model in Practice

6.6 Java Virtual Machine and JVM Implementation Features

  1. Andrey Pangin - Java Runtime: Daily Responsibilities of the Java Virtual Machine
  2. Oleg Pliss - Virtual Machines. Part 1
  3. Oleg Pliss - Virtual Machines. Part 2
  4. Oleg Pliss - Virtual Machines. Part 3
  5. Oleg Pliss - Virtual Machines. Part 4
  6. Artyom Ananyev - OpenJDK Project
  7. Andrei Breslav - Compromises in the Development of Programming Languages
  8. Andrei Breslav - Compromises, or How programming languages ​​are designed
  9. Nikita Lipsky and Pavel Pavlov - Excelsior JET: internal architecture - description of a fast JVM implementation of Excelsior JET with compilation into machine code,
  10. Nikita Lipsky and Pavel Pavlov - Excelsior JET: A Review of Features - a description of a quick JVM implementation of Excelsior JET with compilation into machine code,
  11. Nikita Lipsky - AOT compilation - static JVM compilation in Excelsior JET, its advantages and capabilities compared with the usual compilation,
  12. Nikita Lipsky - Java is losing weight. Reducing the size of a Java application distribution without dependencies — using the Excelsior JET static compiler to reduce the size of Java application distributions,
  13. Nikita Lipsky and Misha Bykov - Entertaining stories from the life of JVM technical support - about JVM Excelsior JET technical support , Excelsior JET technical support and JVM implementation features, differences between JVM and problems in the transition between different JVM,
  14. Alexey Shipilev - OpenJDK Frameworks: jmh & jcstress
  15. Shura Ilyin - OpenJDK Test Base
  16. Shura Ilyin - JTReg: OpenJDK test harness
  17. Shura Ilyin - OpenJDK TestFest Intro
  18. Alexey Fyodorov - JDK: CPU, PSU, LU, FR - WTF ??? - Describes four types of JDK updates at Oracle (Critical Patch Update (CPU), Patch Set Update (PSU), Limited Update (LU) and Feature Release (FR)). What is the difference between types of updates, what changes are possible in each type of updates.

6.7 Aspect-oriented programming

  1. Nikolay Garbuzov, Donriver - Aspect-oriented solution of classical problems
  2. Igor Sukhorukov. Aspectj scripting

6.8 Reflection and Invokedynamic

  1. Vladimir Ivanov - Invokedynamic: luxury or necessity?
  2. Vladimir Ivanov - Deep immersion in invokedynamic

6.9 Working with Native Libraries and Code (JNI / JNA)

  1. Peter Kudryavtsev - Effective development of Java applications using JNI / JNA technologies

6.10 Features of the Java Language

  1. Vladimir Sitnikov, NetCracker - Express yourself regularly - a description of regular expressions, their use and problems,
  2. Alexey Ragozin - Data structures in Java, we reinvent - the description of the implementation of collections in Java and possible methods for improving them,
  3. Svetlana Isakova - Simple words about type inference

7. Code quality and architecture issues

7.1 Refactoring, code quality, programming techniques

  1. Yakov Sirotkin, Nikita Lipsky, Oleg Anastasyev, Philippe Delgyado - Refactoring and Technical Debt
  2. Anton Keks - How do we save Java? - Part 1 - about Java problems, about how Java can be made better, which familiar Java programming approaches are actually more harmful than useful,
  3. Anton Keks - How do we save Java? - Part 2 - about Java problems, how Java can be made better, which familiar Java programming approaches are actually more harmful than useful,
  4. Nikolay Chashnikov - Write code faster, make mistakes less
  5. Nikolay Chashnikov - Development of API in a Java-project
  6. Nikolai Alimenkov - Paradigms of the PLO
  7. Mikhail Ershov - Compatible API Development
  8. Nikolay Chashnikov - Write code faster with few errors: is it possible? - how to avoid mistakes when writing code,

7.2 Architecture, business rules, business model and application examples

  1. Anton Keks - Architecture of Internet Bank without Enterprise
  2. Konstantin Krivopustov - Selection of technologies for corporate applications
  3. Alexander Tobol - Platform for video for a quarter
  4. Anton Keks - How I created a Java desktop application, downloaded 9 million times
  5. Victor Polishchuk - JBoss Drools Expert vs Dirt - description of the JBoss Drools business rule management system
  6. Dmitry Zavalishin and Alexander Shlyannikov - Java technologies in the Digital Zone - examples of implementations of applications in the Digital Zone (using a script pool for flexible customization of the business model of a taxi application system)
  7. Jacob Sirotkin - Why can't a genomic assembler be written over the weekend? - history of the development of genomic assembler
  8. Jacob Sirotkin - Release History - the continuation of the history of the development of genomic assembler
  9. Evgeniy Borisov - eXtreme Application Platform (XAP)
  10. Baruch Sadogursky - Bintray: Scalable cloud service from scratch
  11. Anatoliy Sokolenko - Key Problems of Microservice Architecture - what are services and microservices, how to implement them in practice, what is better than standard architecture and what problems arise with such an architecture,
  12. Izzet Mustafaiev - Fault tolerance - look, it's possible!
  13. Oleg Tsal-Tsalko - Distributed systems and scalability rules
  14. Baruch Sadogursky - HTTP apps in Java about writing an asynchronous download manager with parallel file downloads, single file, interrupts and pauses for the repository program.
  15. Maxim Ivanov - Hey, I've seen something like it before! - approaches to making architectural decisions. HYIP (using fashionable basewords - microservices, nosql, etc. for the sake of basewords) and its implications for architects.

7.3 Application Testing

  1. Gleb Smirnov - Mutation testing, or What is silent Code Coverage - a description of why 100% Code Coverage of Unit tests does not guarantee the correct operation of the code, what is mutation testing and how it helps to improve Unit tests, description of the mutation system pitest (http: // pitest .org /)
  2. Alexey Ragozin - How and why to emulate a distributed cluster in the JVM - library description, which allows for unit testing tasks to emulate a distributed cluster on one node
  3. Alexey Ragozin - Network is a big JVM - part 2 of the lecture "How and why to emulate a distributed cluster in a JVM"
  4. Mikalai Alimenkou - “TDD for database, how is it possible?” - TDD methodology description
  5. Katya Kameneva - How I lost my QA job - about the implementation of TDD technologies
  6. Dmytro Chyzhykov - Testing Web Apps with Spring Framework - testing Spring MVC applications
  7. Andrei Solntsev - Boy nakodil - the boy protested!

8. Other

  1. Alexey Vishentsev and Ilya Agoshkov - Advanced Deployment
  2. Dmitry Cherepanov - Self-contained Application
  3. Sergey Kuksenko - Quantum Performance Effects
  4. Kuzma Deretiuk - UrsaJ HTTP File Storage
  5. Dmitry Chuiko - Java Mission Control
  6. Igor Khotin - The Craft of Metaprogramming on JVM - About Java Metaprogramming

Update : Attention, the current version with all the links to the video is now in my github'e project useful-java-links , this link .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/272025/

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