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IBM Bluemix Business Quest - Special Project for Application Developers

Hello, Habr.

Today we will talk about the IBM Bluemix Business Quest competition, which we conduct in conjunction with the Apps4All developer community. The project is designed for development teams, application development studios and young startups who can offer their solutions for the competition partners.

To take part, you need to perform one of the partners' tasks, including Vokrug Sveta publishing house, Branch Metrics, the online cinema ivi.ru and HiveChat using the IBM Bluemix platform.
The authors of the best works will receive memorable prizes and the opportunity to cooperate with IBM and partners of the competition.

And now more about the tasks:

API platform for developers from "Around the World"

Few know, but “Around the World” is not only the oldest Russian popular science and regional geographic magazine, but also the owner of a huge amount of text, video, sound and graphic materials from all over the world. All content is compiled by professional authors, journalists and scholars.

Participants are invited to develop a concept for a future platform with an open API that makes it easy to interact with audio, video, text, and graphic content that is associated with GPS coordinates. Monetization of data is planned on the basis of a fixed fee for requests to the database.

Thus, developers will be able to use “Around the World” data in their web or mobile services, creating new bright projects with professional content.

The team that offers the best solution will be able to further discuss its implementation on a commercial basis with the publisher.

Branch Metrics SDK Integration

The Branch Metrics platform offers developers to find new non-standard ways to use deep links and deep views in mobile applications using the Branch Metrics SDK.

To participate, it is enough to describe what API SDK Branch methods will need to be used, what features of the operating systems iOS, Android, Windows Phone will need for this, and show the MVP with a demonstration of the functionality.

The 3 most creative developers will get a 2 TB mobile hard drive, a startup sweatshirt and a T-shirt that bring good luck!

Telegram bot for online cinema "ivi.ru"

To participate in the ivi.ru competition, it is necessary to develop a Telegram bot based on the API of the online cinema, which will help you choose movies and TV shows for viewing.

Possible ways to implement:
- Survey on a simple tree (film / series, genre, year, country)
- Ivi-recommendations for registered users
- Search by catalog
- Integration with external services (KinoPoisk, Poster, MovieLens, IMDB, etc.).

Access to the API will be provided to those who want to participate.

Technical requirements for bot:
- Written in Python 2.7 or Golang
- Uses the capabilities of the Telegram API such as: Custom Keyboards, Deep Linking
- Built-in or independent or external analytics system, like Botan.io

In exchange for a prototype, the author will receive a mobile hard disk of 2 TB.

Active communications from HiveChat

HiveChat is a new social mobile messenger, as well as a platform for communicating with friends, clients and colleagues. Within the framework of the competition, it is necessary to demonstrate solutions that will help the business to improve communication with its customers.

To participate, you must demonstrate the integration of any MVP product with HiveChat using DeepLink. The most interesting scenarios for introducing HiveChat functionality into a product developer, originality of ideas, description of value for business will be evaluated.

ASUS Zenfon 2 will get the participant who will demonstrate the best business case.

- You can submit your project to bizquest.apps4all.ru , after registering and posting a solution. The call for applications will end on December 10, and the winners will be announced on December 18 on the contest website.

Need tips? Examples? See what your colleagues are doing on the Bluemix Developers Community

If you have any questions, welcome to the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271987/

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