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AltegroSIM: we are upgrading the mobile communication service delivery

Almost a year has passed since we started blogging on Habré. During this time, several methods have been described for integrating our AltegroSIM, virtual PBX, CRM and everything else that is cloud-based, which is used in business for automation and optimization. For ourselves, it was a discovery how significant the cellular communication occupies in the communication field of any company and how even the smallest at first glance modernization / optimization can simplify the lives of managers, couriers and their supervisors. And it’s not even the direct cost of calls, it’s more a matter of business processes. Sometimes, a properly built scheme of interaction between mobile and office employees and customers not only reduces the size of the monthly bill from the telecom operator, but also affects the sales efficiency in general. Today we will describe a curious case that makes life easier for the classic tandem “delivery service - customer”.

AltegroSIM’s special SIM cards probably don’t make any sense to describe the scheme of work and advantages, because the whole blog is in itself an endless description of the charms and possibilities of the upgraded FMC platform developed by us in cooperation with Megafon.

The ability to fully control calls from corporate cellular allows, at times, work wonders. An employee, armed with a sim card, calls from which are included in the statistics of a PBX and recorded, behaves much more decently and loyally towards both clients and work colleagues. But the very fact of managing calls from mobiles, alarms, controlling the transfer of A and B numbers and the transfer of caller ID is a whole unpaved field for the integrator-enthusiast. The field becomes completely unplowed if you integrate cellular communication, cloud PBX and CRM. Such integration is especially effective where mainly mobile phones are used for communication, for example, in courier services.
A courier, by definition, always calls from a mobile phone, since he simply does not have another opportunity, and any optimization of cellular communication is a blessing and time saving for courier services. Among our clients a large number of delivery services and thanks to such expertise a case appeared. Courier - a person is always busy and always in a hurry, he has to stand in traffic jams, look for customer addresses on the map, make many calls, check the floor or the code of the intercom. Each call is a kind of mini-stress, the courier is ready for not answering that “the subscriber is not answering or is temporarily unavailable” or “oh, I waited for you two hours ago, now I’m already with the child in the store, have to wait half an hour". We decided to slightly simplify the life of the courier. The main hypothesis is that the courier has to keep many numbers in the memory (or cell phone list / notebook), it often happens that the client has specified several contact numbers (mobile, home or his wife’s phone) and in case of a problem, the courier feverishly looks for an additional number trying to figure out what to do next. At the same time, the only invariable sign of the current delivery is the order number.

Our sim cards allow you to transfer via GSM-network not only real phone numbers, but also any digital sequence in the range from 2 to 20 characters. If the order number consists of digits (or part of it consists of digits), then you can quite easily call not the real telephone number, but the order number for the call. Our Simka will handle something like “12345678” without any problems and transfer it to the PBX. Next comes the CRM + PBX bundle: the customer’s phone numbers are listed on the order card and the order number is also shown on the card (or some other numeric identifier that can be automatically assigned to the transaction, by a simple search by mask or, in general, randomly given range).

Let's make a comparison “order number - contact numbers” and force the PBX, receiving the order number in the form of the number A dialed by the courier, knock on CRM, request the telephone contacts of the order and call the real numbers according to the specified scenario. For example: one by one, simultaneously or in cascade (first the first number, without breaking the connection after 10 seconds the second, etc.). The courier's life has been simplified, it is no longer necessary to dial many numbers or call back until they pick up the phone (which is also a matter of the usual PBX scenario - “Avtodozovon”). The courier dials the short order number, which is always at hand, which is in the route list.

Having created such a comparison in the PBX, you can also allow girls from the call center or managers to also operate with the entity “order number” when calling from an office or mobile phone. Another important plus of AltegroSIM: the ability, when calling from a cell phone, to substitute a mobile phone number for a single company number. It is very, very useful for the identification of the caller. Very often, with regular deliveries of something to the apartments or offices (documents, bottled water or coffee in packs), orders are transported by different couriers, respectively, the client receives an incoming call from an unknown cell every time and cannot understand who is calling. if the call was missed, then he doesn’t understand whether to call back. Once we create the rule “when we send a courier’s mobile phone we show a single company number”, we simplify life for all participants in the process - both to the courier, who is sure that he will be recognized, and to the client, who understands that it is water, and not coffee or Generally, the wrong number.

The scheme with dialing an order number, rather than a real phone number, fits very well on the business model of delivery services that work with several online stores or online stores that have several websites with different advertising phones. Couriers also dial order numbers, but now we will add another condition to the PBX scenario: we replace the cell phone number with the company number depending on the order type “household appliances”, “laptops”, “pet food and diapers” or from an online store whose package is delivered. This optimizes the flow of incoming calls to call center numbers or courier cell phones.

At the same time, in order to be able to directly connect the customer and his courier who called back to the missed call, you can create a rule in the PBX: during today, all calls from the customer with numbers such and such first get on the cellular courier, and the courier, if necessary, can return a call to the call center by simply transferring the call. At the same time, when entering a call center or on a cellular courier, for ease of identification, you can also show not the real number of the client, but the number of his order. Recall: AltegroSIM is capable of both transmitting and receiving any sequence of digits that the PBX transmits as callerID or which are specified in the PBX scenarios.

The described case is a special case of using AltegroSIM as an “optimizer” of costs and an “simplifier” of business processes. The longer we work with FMC technologies, the more cases appear that are run-in on real business models. Our marketers have accumulated a whole list of what we will write on Habré in the next couple of months: examples of implementations and know-how, born in the constant struggle for the optimization and integration of everything and everything with mobile communication.

Inevitably - “To Be Continued”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271903/

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