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Social engineering first hand

Kevin Mitnick, the forefather of social engineering, owns the golden words:
The social engineer decided to get the project (source code) of your new product 2 months before the release.
What will stop him?
Is your firewall? Not.
Powerful identification system? Not.
Intrusion Detection System? Not.
Data encryption? Not.
Restricting access to dial-up modems? Not.
Code names of servers that make it difficult to determine the location of the project of the desired product? Not.
The point here is that no technology in the world can withstand the attack of a social engineer.

However, it is still possible to partially protect oneself by studying how the social engineer is moving, how he thinks and acts, and what methods he uses. Knowing this, you can protect yourself from the attacks of social engineers. Details about this can be found in the book about Kevin Mitnick “The Art of Deception”. However, since few people like to read books, you can watch the movie “Breaking”, where the techniques used by Kevin are well illustrated. Below are key video clips from this movie. They can be used for corporate training on information security.

00: Where does the CA begin (part 1)
01: Blind Intelligence (vishing, part 1)
02: Flattering engineering (vishing, part 2)
03: Improvised Masquerade
04: With a social engineer jokes are bad
05: How does SA begin (part 2)
06: And the old woman is proryuha
07: Hack Rematch - Don't Hurt The SA
08: Predator and prey switch roles
09: Physical penetration
10: Three in one - vishing, phishing, masquerade


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271717/

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