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Young hackers 414s

The team name 414s sounds like it's some kind of trendy 80s rock band. But the heroes of this story are not famous for music, but computer hacks. With the help of ordinary home computers, they hacked into a dozen computer systems of serious institutions, such as the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and also the Milwaukee School. Young hackers had so much fun and just satisfied their inordinate curiosity.

Team 414s consisted of a group of like-minded teens. But only six young men, aged from 16 to 22, opened up to the public. A group of irony has gathered - a scout research club sponsored by the well-known company IBM contributed to their meeting and close acquaintance. The main purpose of this organization was to teach kids to use computers. And the disciples surpassed all expectations. So much surpassed that since 1983 came under the attention of the FBI and became famous throughout the world.

Young hackers were natives of the picturesque town of Milwaukee, located in the north of the United States. The name for the group was coined when the guys walked around the local park. On the summer tables were engravings with numbers 1-9, 2-7, they resembled area codes. It seemed funny to teenagers and they decided to name their group in the same spirit - 4-1-4 s (in honor of the area code of Milwaukee, Wisconsin).

Milwaukee, WI

Adolescents from 414s were perceived as harmless pranksters, almost characters from the WarGames movie. They used low-cost personal computers and simple hacking methods. For example, they easily guessed the default passwords, frivolously left by users unchanged. The young men were original in their trick and did not harm society. Rather, on the contrary, their hacks have brought benefits, pointing experts to weaknesses in the system. After all, it could have been hacked by real intruders in order to cause real harm. At that time, the computer sphere was poorly regulated by the law.

poster for the movie WarGames

According to the assurances of young hackers, they just "looked around" and played on other people's systems. They were not going to do any harm. In computer hacking teenagers did not see anything wrong. The guys just exchanged information about the next interesting system, together studying the principles of work. As a rule, computers were equipped with Digital Equipment Corporation VMS operating systems.

Subsequently, most members of the 414s team were not prosecuted by the authorities. They were only pledged to stop illegal actions once and for all, as well as contribute to improving cyber security. Yes, in fact, there was no law by which they could be held accountable. The most appropriate rules appeared to regulate telecommunications. Participants pleaded guilty to "excessive anxiety by phone calls." For such offenses, a maximum of 6 months of imprisonment and a $ 500 fine were assumed.

So the guys from the "six" escaped with two years of probation and received a $ 500 fine. But the cybercrime hearing attracted the attention of the Government to the problem of hacker attacks. As a result of covering the story in the news, Congressman Dan Glickman called on the authorities to fully investigate and further adopt the relevant legal regulations that would regulate such issues. One of the main participants, Neil Patrick, on September 26, 1983 testified before the US House of Representatives and spoke about the dangers of hacker actions. And immediately six bills related to computer crimes were submitted to the chamber in the same year.

And found an electronic hacking team 414s administrator Chen Chui. He left a message for intruders, and then contacted the FBI.

press conference with a group of 414s

The media are extremely interested in the group 414s and its main participants. But Timothy Winslow and Neil Patrick are definitely “favorites”.

The first computer experience, Timothy Winslow was in the mid-70s. They brought a computer to the school and showed the students how it works. It was possible to perform simple operations on it, to solve mathematical tests.

Timothy Winslow

Over the next few years, he became friends with a group of like-minded people - the same teenagers obsessed with computers. Since they participated in the scout club, they could practice a lot in the computer business.

And only in 1982, Winslow had its own personal computer - Heathkit H-89. He was placed in the garage of one of the team members 414s. The teenagers connected a modem and began using this computer to access other electronic systems. They were interested in learning more about how other computers and operating systems work. The guys stopped only after they hacked into a dozen computers from different institutions. One of them was the American nuclear research laboratory.

computer Heathkit H-89, from which the illegal "excursions" on foreign systems were made

As one of the band members Timothy Winslow recalls:

I don’t remember exactly when my passion for computers went the wrong way - straight to the problems with the federal government. But I will never forget the ill-fated morning of 1983, when several FBI agents appeared on the threshold of my house. I went to bed quite late, at about 4 or 5 in the morning, just sat up on the Internet. But I did not have time to sleep ... Alarmed mom woke me up with the words that there were several men in the hallway, who seemed to be federal agents. And they want to talk to me seriously ...

Later I remember how I sat in front of a formidable judge with my lawyer. The judge asked why he should not put me in jail. To which I sincerely replied that I had met the love of my life not so long ago and that we would have the first child. And I would really like to see his birth. In general, live a happy and fulfilling family life. In a word, I repented of my deed and asked to give me a second chance.

The judge agreed to the deal, but with the proviso - do not use the Internet during the trial period. Well, pay cash compensation to the state. Only 2 years conditional and $ 500 fine - not so serious punishment for hacker attacks of large companies and organizations.

Neil Patrick, Rufus King High School student

The real star was the young hacker Neil Patrick, who was perceived as the representative of the group. The media was especially interested in his persona, calling the young man an attractive, young, motivated and very energetic young man. His face graced the cover of Newsweek on September 5, 1983.

Hackers believe that they have set the stage for improving cybersecurity and have directly contributed to improving security. They helped create quite a few federal laws governing the field of information technology.

The story quickly gained popularity, glorifying its participants to the whole world. Famous director Michael Wallman shot a short documentary about the hacker team 414s.

According to Michael Volman:

The 80s were more favorable for hacker attacks. The Internet age was just beginning to develop and corporations gradually used computers as a means of communication between people. Many computers were connected via the same Telnet network. And many of these operators in the companies did not even think that anyone would try to penetrate their systems. Programmers often entered very simple passwords to access computers. It was not difficult for young hackers to pick up passwords, because they were not distinguished by a special variety and originality.

film making process

Subsequently, the participants remained to work in the computer sphere and continued to develop, improve their professional skills. Timothy Winslow and now works as a network security engineer, constantly messing with computers. He is still married to that girl, thanks to whom he was given a break and was not sent to prison.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271681/

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