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What's new in the field of data storage

Today we return to one of our favorite topics - issues related to data storage. This area never ceases to amaze and is developing very quickly.

Therefore, we decided to prepare a brief overview of what is happening here.

/ Photo fdecomite / CC
This topic is purely scientific, and research is conducted on the verge of possibilities for manipulating the smallest elements. For example, if we talk about DNA, then molecules can be used to store data up to 2000 TB.

At this stage of development of science and technology, such a procedure will require space costs and will not allow reaching the practical level, but the long-term and reliability of information storage is already pushing scientists to consider this option for study.

One of the related developments allows you to store data in the so-called "soft substances". The term “soft substance” can refer to liquids, polymers and even biomaterials. Microscopic particles in a liquid can be used to encode the same zeros and ones, and clusters of such particles can once store up to 1 TB of data in a tablespoon of liquid.

Let's return to more real technologies. Let's start with the Seagate Kinetic Open Storage platform. It allows you to simplify the design of storage architectures and improve efficiency at the level of hard drives and racks. Here you can find more detailed information from the manufacturer.

Forrester analyst Henry Balthazar said that this technology could change the entire IT industry by reducing the impact of storage controllers and file systems. It is suitable for working with distributed Hadoop clusters and Cassandra databases.

Another development of Seagate, the essence of which is tiled recording technology ( shingled magnetic recording , SMR), formed the basis of more than four million drives that were put on the market two years after its launch into production.

Overlapping tracks slow down the recording process, but on the other hand their number on each plate increases and the distance between them decreases. The problem of low write speed in this case is solved with the help of special firmware that optimizes sequential write operations.

HGST, which is a division of Western Digital, has proposed a solution to eliminate existing technical limitations and find an answer to the problem associated with the growing needs of information processing centers. It is about filling the storage helium, which will reduce the resistance. In this case, the thermal conductivity of helium will allow working at lower temperatures at sufficiently high disk speeds.

The perpendicular recording method (PMR) was first used in the late 19th century by Danish scholar Voldemar Poulsen for recording. However, further studies on this topic were more theoretical. Modern devices using this technology appeared on the market in 2004, when Hitachi announced its new drives.

And then Seagate was among the leaders, having reached in laboratories a recording density of 245 Gbit / in2 and a data transfer rate of 480 Mbps. The first commercial product from Seagate, built on perpendicular recording technology, will appear in early 2006.

The development of this direction is one of the priorities of companies such as Western Digital and Seagate, which have proposed heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) technology, which is intended to replace PMR.

PS We try to share not only our own experience in the service of providing virtual infrastructure 1cloud , but also to talk about various research and news in related fields of knowledge.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271679/

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