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Become a member of the 1st Free International School on Software Development Techniques

Innopolis University announces the admission of applications from graduate students to participate in the International School on Software Development Methods, which will be held in February in the territory of an IT university in Innopolis. The event will include seminars and workshops dedicated to the intellectual analysis of mobile and distributed data, the development of online games, the architecture of the Android operating system, and the identification of requirements for mobile offers. Free accommodation and meals included, the number of participants is limited. All the details under the cut.

Despite the nearly half-century history of research in the field of software production, this area still remains, rather, the result of the creative activity of mankind, rather than the result of a systematic process. This situation is observed everywhere in all types of software production, but is most typical for the development of web and mobile applications, where developers have innumerable methods of product development, and the concentration of new ideas is much higher than anywhere else in this area.
The main goal of the School is a comprehensive discussion of the problems associated with the production of software. We are confident that the event will become a discussion platform for analysis and in-depth study of not only the basics, but also aspects of the software, and will be of interest to young scientists, trainees and university students, ”says Mohamad Kassab, Director of the upcoming event. "This year, the School will focus all its attention on mobile and global development, namely, to study aspects of designing applications that interact with the Internet of Things, solving key tasks characteristic of the modern world," he said.

The following topics will be covered at the International School:
  1. coding based on mobile application development requirements with an emphasis on detail. Features of using the structure of the Dalvik virtual machine when developing applications for Android, knowledge of which will help to write more efficient code, optimize memory costs, control power consumption, etc. (Advanced Java programming for Android applications.)
  2. further management of information that is distributed across the network to create more efficient and useful applications (Spatial Network: a revolution in the world of network data management)
  3. Combining the above aspects in a specific application area, in particular, video games (developing computer games for mobile and network applications)
  4. collection of requirements for the development of mobile applications around the world within the limits of the collection of requirements on the network, as well as taking into account the diversity of stakeholders, instability of requirements, etc. (Requirements for mobile applications)

An expert in the field of design of operating systems, object-oriented design, software architecture, Professor of the University Innopolis Mohamed Kassab about the section of the School dedicated to the requirements for mobile applications:
“Advanced mobile technologies still form the professional environment. Smart mobile devices, handheld computers and laptops give users access to the wired infrastructure of information systems and perform tasks in different contexts. As a result, there are changes and consequences associated with functional and non-functional requirements. The difficulties caused by such changes have deeper roots, in particular, when development products are video games on mobile platforms. For example, they must meet a number of important non-functional requirements (compatibility, plot, emotional perception). Taking into account these aspects, we will explore a number of problems associated with the development of requirements for mobile applications, and consider the technologies for effectively collecting, analyzing and managing requirements of various kinds. ”

Director of the Institute of Information Systems, Head of the Industrial Software Production Laboratory of Innopolis University Giancarlo Succi on the section “Advanced Java Programming for Android Applications”:
"In this part of the event we will review the principles of Java programming for applications on the Android platform (reflection, virtual functions, control changes, dependency injection), define the structure of the Android byte representation in the standard Java virtual machine (JVM), and discuss the principles of the virtual machine Davlik (DVM), as well as their stack and register architectures. In addition, in the framework of the section, we will study in detail the Zygote process, the DEX file format, ways to clean up memory from unnecessary data in the Davlik virtual machine (DVM), Dalvik and ART, dexopt vs. dex2oat, JNI and DVM, let's talk about the interface for direct access from Java (JNI) and the Davlik virtual machine (DVM).

An expert in the field of distributed databases and Big Data analysis, a professor at Innopolis University, Qiang Qu, said that he was waiting for participants in the section on the revolution in the world of network data management:
“The rapidly emerging mobile infrastructure of the Internet creates a revolution in data management. We will look at advanced applications and services (for example, network data collection, localization based games, etc.) and discuss problems (spatial searches, keywords, group searches, etc.) related to the relevant technicians (IRtrees, Voronoi Cell, etc.). ”

An expert in the field of software development, machine learning, formal methods for designing software architecture, semantic analysis, Professor of Bologna University Paolo Chacarini will tell you about software development of computer games for mobile and network applications:
“When developing digital games, experts face a number of difficulties in commercial software. Prototyping, testing, and multiplatform compatibility force developers to be flexible in matters related to the specification and functionality of the software. Even experienced specialists are forced to change their usual approaches to design and group management, while taking into account user behavior and technological diversity. Computer games design lessons are applied in software development in many industries, including the development of mobile applications and interactive content for e-books and tablets, as well as in such areas as healthcare, the defense industry and education. ”

Invited speakers

Paolo Chankarini
- Professor of Computer Science at the University of Bologna, author of lectures on "Software Architecture" and "Software Development". His research interests include software development, machine learning, formal methods for designing software architecture, and semantic analysis.
Kuno Jacob Tarfusser
- Italian lawyer. In January 2009, he was elected a judge of the International Criminal Court for a term of nine years on the proposal of the Government of Italy. In 2012, he was elected Second Vice-President of the International Criminal Court. His interests include legal software development.

The school is designed for researchers, graduate and postgraduate students. During the event, all participants will have the opportunity to effectively communicate with experienced professors, share experiences with like-minded people, and establish useful contacts. The school language is English. In addition, the school is designed for software developers and programmers who can deepen their knowledge in specific areas of development:

â—Ź collection of requirements for handheld devices
â—Ź collection of mobile application requirements
â—Ź Java dependency injection on Android
â—Ź Zygote structure
â—Ź Dalvik and ART
â—Ź spatial search and group search queries
â—Ź Mobile Multiplatform Compatibility
â—Ź Prototyping and testing video games
â—Ź Game approaches in education, healthcare, defense and training

Event program
1 day

Lecture 1. Advanced Java for Android. Doctor of Science, Professor Giancarlo Succi
Lecture 2. Web data analysis. Associate Professor Qiang Qu
Lecture 3. Game development. Prof. Paolo Chankarini
Scientific section 1. "Methods and technologies of intellectual analysis of large amounts of data generated by mobile devices" (head of the section is Associate Professor Qiang Qu)

2 day

Lecture 4. Gathering requirements for mobile applications. Associate Professor Mohamad Kassab
Lecture 5. Advanced Java for Android. Doctor of Science, Professor Giancarlo Succi
Lecture 6. Web data analysis. Associate Professor Qiang Qu
Lecture 7. Game development. Prof. Paolo Chankarini
Scientific and practical section 2. “Modern technologies for developing mobile applications for Android. Part 1 "(leader of the section is Professor Giancarlo Succi)
Workshop 1. Advanced Java for Android. Doctor of Science, Professor Giancarlo Succi
Workshop 2. Collection of requirements for mobile applications. Associate Professor, Mohamad Kassab

3 day

Lecture 8. Gathering requirements for mobile applications. Associate Professor, Mohamad Kassab
Lecture 9. Advanced Java for Android. Doctor of Science, Professor Giancarlo Succi
Lecture 10. Web data analysis. Associate Professor, Qiang Qu
Lecture 11. Game development. Prof. Paolo Chankarini
Scientific section 2. "Modern methods and technologies for the development of computer games"

4 day

Lecture 12. Gathering requirements for mobile applications. Associate Professor Mohamad Kassab
Lecture 13. Advanced Java for Android. Doctor of Science, Professor Giancarlo Succi
Lecture 14. Web data analysis. Associate Professor Qiang Qu
Lecture 15. Game development. Prof. Paolo Chankarini
Scientific and practical section 2. “Modern technologies for developing mobile applications for Android. Part 2 "(leader of the section assistant professor, Mohamad Kassab)
Workshop 3. Advanced Java for Android. Doctor of Science, Professor Giancarlo Succi
Workshop 4. Collecting requirements for mobile applications. Associate Professor Mohamad Kassab
Presentations of scientific projects of the School participants in the form of poster reports

5 day

Lecture 16. Gathering requirements for mobile applications. Associate Professor Mohamad Kassab.
Lecture 17. Advanced Java for Android. Doctor of Science, Professor Giancarlo Succi.
Final Interdisciplinary Lecture by Judge K. Tarfusser
Scientific section 3. Panel discussion chaired by the Rector of the University Innopolis Tormasov AG "Problems and prospects of software development in Russia: traditional and agile-methodology"

Apply for participation (resume with a list of available publications on the subject of the event and a letter of motivation), you can get acquainted with the school program and the requirements for candidates on our website .

According to the results of consideration of applications, 25 candidates will be selected for participation in the 1st free International School on software development methods.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271665/

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