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Mandriva Install Fest in Yekaterinburg

Mandriva Install Fest will be held on June 14 in the restaurant Sunday, in the Russian Hall. Beginning at 17-00. Everyone gets beer and snacks to his own taste and wallet. Who wants to try Mandriva 2008.1 on his laptop - you can bring with him, there is electricity. In any case, you can grab a triple extension cable, so that there are enough reliable sockets. Mandriva One 2008.1 distribution kit of Mandriva.ru will be presented to everyone who came.

Event organizers: GNU / LinuxCenter-Ural and online store Arhimag.ru.

We are waiting for guests to drink beer and just chat in real life. Friends and girlfriends are welcome.

Contact details:
Ilya Shpankov
+7 912 2761769

In view of the fact that, as it turned out, very few people know about this event, I will explain. This event called Mandriva Install Fest will be held all over the world at the same time. And, of course, in many cities of Russia. Here you can find a complete list of declared cities with attendances, addresses and passwords:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27163/

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