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Centralized Email Alerts

Previously, we ignored Email alerts as such. There are many services that allow you to send alerts from sites to their users by mail, but there are no services where users could choose where and how many alerts to receive.

Yes, we said that Email is not cool and can be replaced with push notifications.
But there is a huge reservoir of users who are used to receive email alerts. It is less distracting to someone just familiar.
However, e-mail has its drawbacks, for example, trusting the e-mail box to the site — you put yourself at risk of receiving spam, and letters from different services look different, which can be confusing.
So why not make secure alerts in the format of small blocks from various services under the control of the user? The user will be able to choose the frequency of receiving letters, will be able at any time to unsubscribe from a particular channel, in the future to set up a quiet clock. Moreover, it will be possible to add several boxes and select from which channels to which boxes to receive letters.

We have already partially implemented this, in more detail under the cat, who is too lazy to read - you can try our service by adding mail in the “Profile” section in the “Beta Email” block.

What does this look like?

It looks like this. That is the usual block with the history of alerts as on the site. When you click on the title - goes on the link.
"Pushes" can come from several channels, in parallel with the pushes to other connected devices.

Why do you need it? What are the benefits?

By the user

Control over the number of letters

You can customize how often they will come. For example, select 60 minutes (1 hour) And the letters will arrive no more than once per hour. In the first letter, you will receive 1 notification, and in the second, an hour later, you will receive one letter at a time with several alerts.

Drawer security

Many have multiple mailboxes. One for correspondence, another for registrations on sites. The third for some important mailings.
Many do not trust their mailboxes, because receiving an ID can send spam to it. And the process of unsubscribe is sometimes not so simple.


Many letters come to the mailbox and all of them are not standardized.

For example, an alert from Spark looks like this:

Moreover: if you had another notification within 10 minutes - it will never come to you at all. As a result, you can skip something important.

And yes - it is not clear that they wrote where they wrote. Not entirely clear: 1 new event. I have never had more than one event.

And from VC.ru it looks like this:

Yes, again there is no text, you can not see who wrote what. Also, it seems that many notifications do not come either - if you have written several comments, they will not all give you alerts.

When using PushAll, you will receive unified alerts. Those. what comes in the form of alerts to you through the push will also look in the mail. Most likely there will be a text and from whom and where. That is, the information content should increase.

For example, an alert from Freeloot looks like this

Avatar in the picture, the name of the service, the name of the sender, the text of the letter. When you click on the title - go to the dialogue.

Selection and compression

The user sees the title and 3-4 lines of text. After reading them, he can choose whether he needs to read further. He can click on the link or ignore. Toning tons of alerts will be much easier if they are more capacious.

From third-party services

Easier to get a user to start receiving alerts

If the user is already subscribed somewhere to alerts via PushAll - it will not be difficult for him to subscribe to the channel. If he has not used PushAll yet, he may be interested in the method of receiving notifications when he does not shine a box.

Cheaper by price

As you remember, we submit 3 million alerts per month for free. Those. if 10,000 people are subscribed to you, they will all choose the method of receiving E-mail and you will send them 10 alerts per day, then you will receive 3 million alerts at the end of the month.

And it will be worth it - nothing.

For comparison - https://pechkin-mail.ru/ - 10 thousand subscribers will cost 11900 rubles per month. However, “Without restrictions - on the number of mailings sent. The maximum of sent letters per month is limited to 20 (twenty) - multiple of the maximum available size of address bases on the tariff. (For example, at a rate of 2100 rubles - the number of letters is limited to 200,000) "

That is, you have to take the amount, but they do not even have such a tariff. 100k letters will cost 5,000 rubles. Those. 0.056 rubles per letter. That is, 3 million alerts, even at a price of 3 kopecks per letter will cost 90 thousand rubles

Actually, why is it so cheap (free) - in parallel, users can receive alerts from 10 channels as well. In our experience, you still have most of the users choose the usual push-notifications. And Email can be used as a pushing archiving method, choosing delivery time - 24 hours.

Unify all alerts

You send an alert to a specific individual user, or to the entire channel or group. You no matter where the alert comes, push, to telegrams, to mail, or maybe in the future, even via SMS.

The user himself decides how easy it is for him to receive alerts from you. You just choose what information he should receive.

Savings in integration with other services

No need to take emails in one place, sms in another, web push in the third, push applications in the fourth and work with all of this separately and force the user to subscribe to you on different platforms 100 times repeating the ritual time after time.

Make one integration with the service of alerts - and the user will continue to drive to everyone himself.


In fact, we began to compete with all the services of email-alerts. But most likely it is not so, because they provide only an interface for mailing, and we provide a platform for companies and users.

I googled - I did not find any such service where users could trust email to one service, and then subscribe to many sites without sending them their email.

Although not - I found - subscribe.ru for example. But it seems they only have global mailings, it is not clear whether there are trigger mailings to individual users.

What is already working?

Works add mailbox, its confirmation. Set time between letters.

Selfpush works including deferred submission by time.

22:09 - broadcast works. Fixed the problem of changing the status of old pushes.

Tonight we will test and add receiving alerts from channels.

What will happen next?

We are interested in the option of creating an OAuth system, where users could register on third-party sites without transferring their mailbox.

In this case, the user ID in PushAll will be used for identification, and the site will only be able to get a link to Google+ and other public data from the data. At the same time it will be possible to close access to all this data, passing only the ID.

When you log in via OAuth PushAll, the user subscribes to the channel of the selected site. The site is always up to date - signed user or not. In this case, the user can easily close the site access to mailings with one click.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271591/

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