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Ruli24: perfect tuning for your company

2006 is remembered. Then many have miniphones - tiny phones, more reminiscent of a car start keyring. Next - only the thickness of a plastic card or the size of a matchbox. Strangely enough, the trend didn’t just break - it turned around: to understand this, just look at your smartphone or showcase of the cellular salon. Modern phones have become hostages of universalization, the desire to get everything in one and have your office, mail, telephone, Skype, entertainment, and so on. Universalization has affected all spheres of life in modern society - and especially its influence is noticeable in the field of B2B. The world of corporate software did not notice how easily it crossed the line leading to XRM - many systems are called CRM or ERP only out of the habit of the brand name.

The Ruli24 team was no exception - we developed the most versatile system. With a story about why we did it and what we did, we will start our blog on Habré.

Answers to market challenges

Our company is represented on the Russian IT market for over 20 years. We have gone through almost all the stages of the development of the Russian IT system and have accumulated extensive experience in system analysis, development and design of various software, including automated information systems. We have invested all our experience in the system, which is March 25, 2005. It was registered by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks as the “Computer Program“ Corporate Information System ILADA ”. Demanded by customers, it was constantly being finalized and acquired serious functionality. We were one of the first to feel the new challenge of the market - at that time there was still no boom, but a steady increase in the popularity of cloud systems. There was no doubt that the cloud would conquer the market - there are too many advantages with this technology. We made a decision to transfer ILADA to the cloud and deliver the system according to the SaaS model. When Ruli24 was created, we set ourselves several tasks that needed to be solved.

Solving all these tasks allowed us to create a balanced Ruli24 system, which fulfills the basic requirements of almost every customer: optimal implementation costs, convenience, security and an integrated approach to working with data.

Winning combination: a combination of independent modules

As we have already told, the Ruli24 system consists of several basic modules that can be bought and connected completely independently in several combinations, without integration problems, at any moment. Suppose the young company decided to start with the accounting of sales and personal planning: they purchased the Organizer, Business Analytics and CRM as part of the Rule 24 CRM tariff . As they grow and develop, they can switch to any other tariff and expand the system. Based on in-depth analysis of user profiles and market needs, six combinations of Ruli24 supply have been developed: CRM, Project, EDS, Process, Warehouse, Enterprise. We know that there are no two identical companies, so if necessary, we are ready to supply modules about which there is no information on the site, but which are demanded by many medium and large enterprises, for example, the modules of inventory, production and quality management.

We will tell briefly about the basic components of the Ruli system24.

Organizer helps to manage personal and work time. The section contains contact information and some personnel information about employees who can plan their work using a calendar and a scheduler. Scheduler is best suited for keeping to-do lists and recurring events, schedule of meetings. No matter, meeting or call will not be forgotten - the system provides for sending alerts by mail and via SMS. What is especially valuable for the manager is that in the organizer you can see not only the tasks accepted in the work, but also just the viewed ones. More phrases "I have not seen the task" and "I have not received an alert" will not pass.

Contract - an important module for managing agreements with customers and counterparties. In the section, you can register contracts, even being away from the office, issue acts and invoices, control the payment of invoices. Tracking the history of contracts will help in case of need to raise the necessary option and establish who and for what reasons made the changes.

CRM is a standard customer relationship management module. CRM records B2B, B2C clients and all relevant impacts associated with them. Accounting for meetings, calls, orders allows managers to independently control their client pool, and management - to monitor the work of managers. Additionally, a download manager widget is provided that helps to see the progress of the work being done and, if necessary, redistribute tasks. Statistics and a segmentation tool help build commercially significant customer clusters for pre-sales, marketing campaigns and newsletters. In general, CRM covers the company's basic customer relationship management needs.

Records management covers document management in the company. Each document is assigned a unique identification number, its history of changes is tracked. Thanks to this module, electronic coordination is set up - you no longer need to carry a pile of documents and wait for a signature. In addition, you can keep track of which of the coordinators delays the process and instantly respond. Using the tools of the module, you can keep the most accurate meeting minutes and easily send it to participants. By the way, electronic document management is always a saving both on materials and on the content of a large office and archive.

Project. The project management module complies with all current trends in this area. The project in Ruli24 is a hierarchical structure with responsible tasks, plans, deadlines, summary works and so on ... The combination of these parameters is reflected in the classic Gantt chart, where you can visually observe the employment of resources, as well as make changes without leaving the histogram - right on the chart are available all the features that are provided in the table view. The project module focuses on work planning, load estimation and multi-level management.

At the heart of the Business Process module is an automated task chain generation system. Depending on the result, the system determines the next stage. Business processes allow you to automate standard routine procedures in the company, minimizing the impact of the human factor. Inside the chain, it is convenient to control the interaction of workers - all overdue tasks and delayed stages are clearly visible.

Warehouse is a module in which goods are recorded in both quantity and value terms. Using the tools of the module, you can track the movement of nomenclature positions, analyze and optimize inventory. Real-time processing ensures that the data on the warehouse is up to date at any time when the system is accessed. In addition, the module can be completed orders, working with third-party equipment (barcode scanner).

Budgeting helps plan expenses and incomes, maintain a payment calendar for planning financial flows. In this module, you can perform all the significant operations of the company's financial service: control the cash-flow, predict the budget, control the expenses by department. Budget forecast, cash flow control. Plan-actual analysis as a tool to monitor the state and changes in the main financial indicators in the company allows you to track problem budget items on time.

The Personnel module regulates the organizational structure and staffing, allows you to build the full range of personnel policy: monitoring vacancies, creating a personnel reserve, compiling directories of requirements for qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience of an employee. Thanks to this directory, the personnel department can easily draw up employment contracts taking into account all official duties, which further protects the employee and the employer from labor disputes. In the module, you can create a work schedule and take into account attendance of employees with an accuracy of a second.

In the Salary module payroll calculation is carried out using various payment systems and a multilevel charge system. When generating employee benefits, you can use any bonus options - from a fixed monthly bonus to a bonus for fulfilling key KPI performance indicators. Inside the module, the size of the award is consistent with the heads of departments, overtime is taken into account. Provided and social benefits: accounting and vacation pay, sick leave. At any time you can unload the reports on personal income tax and insurance premiums for the period.

Accounting - Ruli24 supports full-fledged accounting and reporting to the fiscal authorities. The accounting system is connected with the other modules of the system, which significantly simplifies the interaction of structural units, updating reporting forms.

In all modules of the system you can find reference books, print forms, graphical representations of data. Filling modules with data, customers form a unique information space for their business and thereby create a valuable asset - a data pool for making management decisions and developing marketing initiatives. All program windows open as tabs on a single desktop, regardless of the module in which the user is located - all work tables and data are always at hand.

What advantages does a business get by choosing such solutions?

The modern market is ready to offer businesses a variety of systems with different levels of complexity, types of interface organization, types of delivery and implementation. But the vast majority of systems, both cloud and on-site, require the implementation of the entire complex at once. This is one of the most dangerous problems of implementation - sabotage on the part of employees and project managers due to excessive complexity. Simply put, employees do not have time to master this amount of functionality at once and refuse to use the system. Therefore, one of the main advantages of Ruli24 is the possibility of gradual implementation, due to the real needs of the business.
Take a small creative agency that creates advertising and develops design. Employees have been choosing CRM for a long time. But they absolutely do not need, for example, a warehouse, accounting and personnel records - there are only five of them. In this case, they can buy licenses for Ruli24 CRM, without unnecessary "bells and whistles". If over time their company grows and acquires, for example, a small printing house, then all that is needed is to purchase a new module, including a warehouse and production.

Another significant advantage is the ease of integration of modules, due to a single repository for the entire solution. That is, to connect new Ruli24 modules, there is no need to use connectors or a paid modification of the integration system. And this, in addition to convenience, a serious saving on implementation.

However, a universal solution is convenient and beneficial not only for growing companies, but also for large organizations. By implementing the system, they get the full range of business automation and can start working from the day they finish their implementation, without waiting for additional integrations. The connectivity of all modules is not only aimed at collecting, storing and processing valuable commercial information, but also affects the interests of company managers and helps them get a comprehensive overview of the situation in business. This ownership of information helps to track any deviations as quickly as possible and make informed decisions based on data.

Business automation is an important stage in the development of any company, initially designed to lead to intensive development. But, unfortunately, sometimes the opposite effect occurs and the chosen system does not solve the tasks set for it. Therefore, you need to choose the system only after a comprehensive analysis of the business, and introduce it gradually, allowing employees to adapt to the new interface and new tasks. With the right approach, literally in a couple of months, managers at all levels will work with passion in the system, wondering how it was possible to spend so much time and effort on ordinary, in general, tasks. Well, a wise leader will always find how to direct the released resources to the benefit of the company. All this will mean only one thing: you and your corporate system are ideally suited to each other.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271565/

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