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Welcome to Moscow Data Science November 27

This Friday, November 27, the anniversary Moscow Data Science meeting will take place in the cinema hall of the Mail.Ru Group's Moscow office - community meetings will be two years old. Traditionally, issues related to the use of machine learning algorithms for solving problems of big data analysis, building recommender systems and SNA will be discussed.

In the program of the meeting:

Anton Lebedevich, Data Scientist, Software Engineer, R / Scala / Java / Erlang: “Visual Analysis of Time Series Using R”
The speaker will share examples of using R for the visual analysis of multidimensional time series derived from server performance monitoring. He will briefly talk about the main libraries for working with time series. On real data, the report will show the results of using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE). Finally, the speaker will demonstrate how to create a web application using R and Shiny for the purpose of rapid prototyping of the considered analysis methods.

Artur Kadurin, Head of the Mail.Ru Group audience segmentation group: “Giraffe and unconsciousness”

On the example of the task of isolating communities in an online game, the speaker will share his own experience in mastering the Apache Giraph, about the advantages and disadvantages of this tool.

Alexander Serbul, 1C-Bitrix LLC: “1C-Bitrix collaborative filtering service for 20,000 stores from the inside”

The report will examine in detail the system architecture and the technological solutions adopted. The speaker will pay particular attention to the algorithms, settings and subtleties used to refine the Apache Mahout Taste library and issue recommendations via Apache Tomcat. In conclusion, we will discuss the implementation of loading changes into the model several times during the day. Alexander will tell you how to measure the quality of personal recommendations: algorithms and architectures of an evaloyator (Java, multithreading, etc.).

Collection of participants at 18:30, the beginning of reports - at 18:50. Registration for the mitap is open. On the site IT.Mail.Ru will be organized online broadcast.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271499/

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