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Traditional non-alcoholic hackathon in Sibiriks: we write free HelpDesk

Traditionally on hakaton we take a small project. Which would have practical benefits. So, with a swoop, we have already done:

This time we decided to indulge in the sacred - to write a HelpDesk. Absolutely free, open source, insanely simple, put on a one-two. We draw design, we impose. All this a week before. We are going on Sunday at 10 am in the office. We are buying energy, and rushed!

Technology stack

Each hackathon we use some technology that had not previously been used in combat projects. It is not enough to read or listen to them at conferences. It is necessary to touch with your hands - before you finally get disappointed. Last time it was Angular (from which 3 more months later were spat).
This time we chose React.js. We finally fell in love with it and continued to use it on some client projects. By tradition, the server part was done on Node.js and MongoDB.

Our favorite rake

The traditional hackathon rakes that have already become for us, which we (possibly) will win next time:

What can HelpDesk

First of all, we wrote HelpDesk to service our projects. We needed a minimum of functions: a form for submitting a ticket, a list of tickets. All settings we made in the configuration file. A single HelpDesk installation can be configured for multiple domains. One domain - one project. Access is divided into user and administrative. The administrator sees all the tickets in the projects assigned to him. The users themselves get into the system by simply creating a ticket (the password comes to them immediately by e-mail).

On the main page of the project, you can attach useful documents and background information.
We provided HelpDesk work not only through the web-interface, but also via email (you can respond to tickets directly from the mail, receive notifications, etc.). Made file downloads for tickets (including from attached to mail). The list of tickets and the tickets themselves are updated via web sockets on push-am.

Statuses, tint of activity and expired tickets, sorting, lazy loading ... Everything works very fast, looks nyashno. In my opinion, it turned out very well, considering that this is in one sitting.

Meanwhile in the office

Test operation

Immediately run HelpDesk to support the users of our products. We get live feedback. Fix bugs. We polish. Fill up on github.

Where to get, how to put

The script itself lives in the githabs https://github.com/SibirixScrum/HelpDesk .
You can try it in action here http://helpdeskdemo.sibirix.ru/ (only not all at once and without fanaticism - the server is weak)!


mongodb 3.0 node.js 


 mkdir helpdesk cd ./helpdesk git clone https://github.com/SibirixScrum/HelpDesk.git ./  svn co https://github.com/SibirixScrum/HelpDesk/trunk/ ./ npm i 


 cd ./config cp ./config.example.js ./config.js mcedit ./config.js 

Basic options


 node app.js 

Results and Respect

In the actors:

We liked React.js, and we decided to use it in some commercial projects.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271453/

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