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The digest of interesting materials from the world of Drupal # 15


November 19 in the world of Drupal an important event occurred - the release of Drupal 8.0.0 . This has already managed to write anywhere from Habr to Hacker News . We decided to collect the most important thing here, in our special issue number 15.

In Russian

  1. Drupal 8. Educational materials and not only.
  2. Drupal 8 promo page on dru.io.
  3. A series of articles on Twig in Drupal 8 on the blog drup.by.
  4. Critical view of the creator of the PHPixie framework and the answer to it .
  5. Queue API and Tour API in Nikita Malyshev's blog.


  1. Around the world passed more than two hundred parties, meetings, sprints, devoted to the release of the eight. Drupal unites!
  2. It's time to register for the next (in time) conference in Russia, DrupalCamp Siberia . Novosibirsk, December 18-20.
  3. And in February, we are waiting for the first post-release DrupalCon. It will take place on February 18-21 in Mumbai, India .

Educational articles and reviews

  1. If you are completely new to the world of Drupal 8, then be sure to check out the three interesting features of the system , as well as a detailed presentation of the tour .
  2. Recall that the feedback form in the eight is available out of the box , and is also much better configured than a similar module from the seventh Drupal.
  3. Among the obvious advantages of the eight, some authors emphasize the advanced features of working with structured content .
  4. We understand logging messages .
  5. The article Programmatically attach files to a node in Drupal 8 addresses the issues of programmatically adding files to nodes.
  6. Drupal 8 has two basic themes built in: Classy and Stable. We understand their fundamental differences .
  7. We continue to build a simple blog. This time, we use Views . And then override their templates .
  8. Performance: enable classloader cache .
  9. Wim Lirs, who is actively working on performance in the eight, announced the release of the BigPipe module. It's time to do another benchmark.
  10. To be updated or not, that is the question. Approximate estimates are given in note 4 considerations: upgrade Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 or Drupal 8 , in the article “ A Simple Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 Migration ”, the issues of automatic content migration from the seven are discussed in detail. For those of you, dear friends, who develop media portals, it will be useful to read an analysis on the readiness of the relevant modules .
  11. There are also quite curious notes about first satisfied customers , as well as diaries of the pioneers themselves.
  12. One of the rather large studios kindly shares some tips on developing sites on Drupal 8, they will be especially useful for companies where this experience will be the first.
  13. The “ Drupal 8 tip of the day: replace hook_drush_command () by a YAML file ” article describes how to create your own Drush commands.
  14. Problems with the working environment for the development of sites on the eight should not be. For example, you can use the Acquia Dev Desktop 2 tool. For those who like to customize everything: you can configure a virtual machine using Docker Compose, using the detailed guide , or use ready-made tools such as Terra Cli , Kalabox or Drude , or install the necessary software manually on Linux .
  15. One of the most "pumped" distributions of Panopoly is running full speed towards the figure eight, although there is still a lot of work to do .
  16. Correctly save user data in the session .
  17. Replace Drupal Make with Composer - a detailed tutorial from Karen Stevenson.
  18. A small example of Headless Drupal 8 with Mithril JS on the front end.
  19. Hundreds of articles have already been written about the configurations, but this review from Lullabot also deserves attention.


  1. Training video course from OSTraining and Acquia.
  2. Lesson: Inline editing in Drupal 8 .
  3. Drupal 8 Page Management - video from the conference.
  4. From the same conference: Drush in the Composer Era .


We remind you that many well-known modules from the standard set of Drupal-developer are ported (sometimes partially) to the eight: Panels (+ Page manager ), Devel , Rules , Token , Features , Libraries API , Views Slideshow , Display Suite , IMCE , Colorbox , Search API , Flag , Taxonomy Menu and many others .
Oleg Kot and Katya Marshalkina worked on the issue. Subscribe to our newsletter , listen to our podcasts , send interesting articles and learn new things with us!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271445/

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