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Analyze resumes with HeadHunter. Who earns how much and in which industries he works

Recently, the Petamelon hackathon came into our hands with a dataset with ~ 6,000,000 CVs from NN. Naturally, there were no personal data and contacts, but there were many other interesting things: the expected salary, age, gender, approximate address, education and industries in which a person is looking for work. It was decided to try to use this data in our project about the choice of schools . The idea was to determine in which industries school graduates work and how much they earn. But I, of course, could not resist and built a bunch of other useless, but cool tables and graphs.

The distribution of resumes by age has an interesting form and seems to be divided into two parts: before graduation and after:

In Moscow, with age, the expected salary goes to a plateau of ~ 50,000 rubles:

In the data, instead of the floor, there were zeros and ones. The unit was slightly larger. Probably these are girls, I thought:

And when I looked at the distribution of the sexes by industry, there was no doubt: 1 - just girls.

Could not resist and checked who has more salary expectations in Moscow. In women, this is naturally explained by the fact that the distribution by industry differs: salaries are lower in hospitals and schools.

In addition to resumes, we also had vacancies, so it was interesting to compare supply and demand. In general, everything is logical: the interns are more than necessary; specialists in IT, marketing and banking are not enough:

To make it clearer who is in which categories, here is the handbook:

Then an attempt was made to compare the regions of Russia by expected salaries and popularity of industries. Surprisingly, the highest expectations are not in Moscow, but in the Far East. Why so, who knows?

Distortions in industries are sometimes expected and sometimes strange:

Then the same thing was done for Moscow universities. For some reason, I didn’t see almost any signal on the expected salary, for all universities the result is approximately the same:

And according to the specialties the expected results were obtained. Graduates of technical universities want to work as programmers and engineers, I can’t say anything about the other universities. If your university is in the picture, see if it’s a normal result or not.

For almost all Moscow schools, we namainili from VC in which universities their graduates enter . Therefore, knowing the distribution of industries for universities, we can estimate the distribution of industries for schools. If your school is in the picture, please validate the result:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271407/

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