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Results GeekWeek. How to find a job, on what to develop and what systems to use

Not so long ago, we already wrote about GeekWeek-2015. The online conference is literally taking place now , and you can still catch the last day of the webinars. Believe me, there is something to see and listen to. We, in turn, begin to sum up.

Fifty respondents tried to cover all relevant topics of IT-present to the maximum. We talked about programming languages ​​and methods, shared our experience in finding jobs, teaming, and creating our own companies, gossiping a little and quite seriously talking about the prospects for the digital world. So, first things first.


Questions of career building were discussed at the conference, perhaps, most often. Of course, the situation in the country and the world contributed to this, but the level of the guests was equally notable for the obvious questions about how to achieve the same success. Ivan Nemytchenko from Skillgrid advised not to be proud of just one university degree, but, during the training, to strive to apply skills in the real world. Vladimir Zheleznyak from IT-Boost and Ivan Booth (ex-Google) touched upon the topic of interviewing in large companies and asked the key question: “do you really need this?”. Andrey Sidelnikov from HR-Expert on Thursday told about the difficulties of transition to the post of the head, and Sergey Kuryavtsev (Connections.vc), Evgenia Sobolev (GENIARS), Alexey Poimtsev poimtsev (Progress Engine) and Dmitry Shkolnikov (Avito) shared some secrets of how correctly open your business, give it a powerful acceleration and, most importantly, how to avoid failure.

The speakers avoided lengthy arguments about the need to study well, try, wait for your chance and believe in a miracle, yourself and your team. After all, for anyone who wants to start a successful career or drastically change its practical data, tested on other people's experience, is more important and interesting. We believe and hope that we have been able to contribute to this work, and soon the IT labor exchange will be replenished with well-trained specialists and equally good job offers.


The second pressing question of almost any IT conference: “How do you code?”. Fortunately, the composition of the speakers and their approaches gave room for reflection. Adherents of classical training and those who prefer to try new methods also performed. Yuriy Afanasyev from Banki.ru on the very first day of the conference shared an interesting opinion on the benefits and harms of comments in the code, and also told why he uses the DRY method in his work. Sergey Baranov and Vladimir Grinenko , in turn, told about the charms of creating the final product from blanks and whole components. It is noteworthy that the guys represent completely different areas of activity.

A correspondence dispute broke out between supporters of old and new programming languages. The role and value of the first ones were defended by the head of DriverPack Arthur Kuzyakov and the creator of the Khasang community and the teacher of GeekBrains Igor Dolgov. The first one talked about the wide possibilities of using Javascript for creating commercial applications for Windows, the second one went further and gave a number of master classes for new developers. Another point of view will be presented today by CTO Health Samurai Nikolay Ryzhikov, who will demonstrate the principles of functional programming using the example of the not very well-known to a wide range of people language clojure.

On Monday, Georgy Gadzhiev suggested some IT philosophy. He predicted the imminent death of the classic system administration and offered to look at the DevOPS methodology. In general, perhaps a third of the respondents told about personal relationships with codes, so there really is something to think about.


At the conference, we talked about specific products. For example, Igor Bochkarev from ProMtech, during his speech on Thursday, called for an end to an endless debate about the advantages of mainstream mobile platforms. Of course, in order to offer to take the new Ubuntu Touch as a basis. It was about system optimization for applications related to the collection and structuring of data. We talked about Ruby on Rails, about how easy it is to go and how convenient it is to work on it. If you need advice on the most ruby ​​of all languages ​​and no less than a ruby ​​framework, contact Fateev Eugene and Ivan Nemytchenko. It did not go without dialogues about Python and its application - CTO in PretaGov Dylan Jay and ITCANFLY head Vladimir Filonov were the initiators in it. And the day before yesterday, we had a lot of fruitful discussions about testing. Alexey Lavrenyuk 's presentation was devoted to testing graphics and performance when creating online games in Yandex. Anton Bevzyuk told about the intricacies of using unit tests, why they should not be afraid, but, on the contrary, actively used to improve the quality of the code.

In general, we made every effort so that every registered user could find a webinar of interest. We will prepare even more interesting speakers and current topics for GeekWeek-2016. Thank you for being with us all this week, and do not forget to look at the final speeches today.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271395/

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