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How much time do people spend online?

Modern Web 2.0 is developing at an incredible pace that is comparable to the speed of propagation of a shock wave from an explosion in airspace. The basic idea that attracts people to comprehend the wisdom of web 2.0 is the idea that now all the information is very well structured - almost everything can be sent to your RSS reader, from which you can read hundreds of sites without even going to them. And you can not only read the information you are interested in, but also listen to it by subscribing to a podcast feed on the subject you need on the same podfm.ru. You can also watch video podcasts on many interesting topics. You read, listen and watch. You spend, despite the competent presentation of information, everything is as much time as in the era of the good old web 1.0, when you needed to go through sites and directories in search of the necessary and interesting. Maybe time spent much more? Maybe we began to absorb beautifully wrapped and submitted information many times more?

Let's try to calculate how much time a modern “advanced” Internet user spends on this very Internet.
I conducted a poll at FriendFeed about who spends much time on the Internet per week, and this is what I got: on average, about 100 hours of time per week, which is only 168 hours. Even sleep, food and other vital things are included here.

To do this, we will try to assume what this Internet user is doing, with the time layout. Naturally, the timing is very subjective. The time spent for 1 day is counted.
30 minutes - Twitter, FriendFeed, as well as standard instant messaging services.

1-2 hours - posting to a personal blog, including posting photos, presentations and other useful content.

30 minutes - work with comments in this very blog, answers, cleaning spam, etc. Preventive blogging for standalone blogs.

3-4 hours - communication in social networks, forums and other communities. Moderate your own community.

2-3 hours - reading friends feeds or RSS feeds.
Total, we get about 8 hours a day. And this is only 56 hours per week (this is average data).
And now let's imagine that our Internet user is a podcaster, and he releases 2-3 releases of his podcast per week. We also assume that he releases 1 video podcast, for completeness. It is absolutely impossible to create a high-quality audio issue, that a video podcast in less than 4-5 hours, no matter what they say. These include script development, programming, editing, video rendering and uploading to the online storage. And if for a podcast, download is a relatively short action, then the video is much larger in size, and the processing by video hosting is not a quick task, sometimes taking several hours.
So our internet user disappears another 15 hours a week. And we get about 70-80 hours a week, which are spent on work on the Internet, and this is only personal matters. And if a person makes money on the same Internet, then the stated 100-120 hours come out.
This is an approximate calculation, which only makes one understand - for a modern advanced user, the fact that he spends half of his life on the Internet is no longer surprising. And you thought how much time you spend on the Internet? Vyacheslav Baransky
Source: Royber PC

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27126/

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