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Main announcements of the Microsoft Connect conference () and the virtual conference Visual Studio Connect 2015 in Russia on December 4

Connect () is an event that summed up the year of development at Microsoft and brought quite interesting announcements, which touched, of course, mostly on Visual Studio. However, in recent years, Visual Studio has become more powerful and more functional, and along with VS updates, updates in the cloud, containers and other areas come to us. December 4, in Russia, we are holding a virtual conference Visual Studio Connect 2015 in Russian, where we will tell about what happened during this time. Come listen !

And on Connect () it was announced:

Read more - under the cut.

We begin with a new developer support program, Visual Studio Dev Essentials, which provides the developer with everything they need to create projects for various devices and operating systems:

Learn more at the Visual Studio site .
In parallel, the new developer program was announced Visual Studio Marketplace - a place where you can find extensions for Visual Studio, Visual Studio Team Services and Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Marketplace will serve as a replacement for Visual Studio Gallery.

A lot of news came from the main front - Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 1 and Visual Studio Team Services (formerly Visual Studio Online). In the Visual Studio ecosystem, the following was announced:

Separate mention is the extension of the Visual Studio GDB Debugger Extension :

Read more about all this in the Visual Studio ALM blog.

Announcements continued with the already well-established tradition of the news Open Source and Microsoft. This time the editor of Visual Studio Code was sent to Open Source. In addition to opening the source code Visual Studio Code, the editor received its own gallery and a new extension model. You can find and download the editor at https://code.visualstudio.com .
Together with Anders Hejlsberg, Technical Fellow from Microsoft, a few words came up on the scene about VS Code Jules Kramer, Technical Program Manager, Angular, Google. Positive words :)

.NET Core 5 (optimized framework and runtime with focus on server-side and cloud) and ASP.NET 5 for Linux, Windows and OS X went to RC. The full implementation of .NET Core has received a Go-Live license, which means it can be launched in production:

Available at http://get.asp.net
Read more in the .NET team blog.
Read more # 2 - on the ASP.NET Team Blog.
Read more # 3 - on Scott Hanselman's blog

Microsoft continues to develop Windows Bridge for iOS :

Read more

Microsoft and Xamarin continue to strengthen cooperation, and this time they announced:

We also announced a collaboration with MacinCloud for Visual Studio Team Services - now users of Visual Studio Team Services have additional opportunities to use MacinCloud. For more details, visit MacinCloud website

Cloud news

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer for Windows and OSX released.

The new developer tool, called Microsoft Graph , gives you the opportunity to use the Office 365 API - access Office 365 (and not only Azure AD, etc.) API for reading and other operations using the same authorization token. More details .

Azure Service Fabric public preview is a tool for developing scalable microservice applications with integration with Azure and Visual Studio, as well as support for Windows Server and in the future Linux. Azure Service Fabric is the only solution supporting the development of stateless and stateful microservices using the Actor programming model. Also includes Service Fabric Explorer, a web-based tool for building and running applications on Azure Service Fabric (you can monitor their status, deploy and manage the process). You can start trying now on the local machine.

Azure SDK 2.8 :

More details .

CodePush in beta :

These are the results of the first day of Connect ()! We remind you that you can watch all the reports at your convenience on the Channel 9 page, and also do not forget to attend the virtual event on December 4, where you can see the most important announcements in Russian.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271199/

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