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The Chrome Dev Summit live, second day

Hi, Habr! The second day of the on-line broadcast of the main Chrome event of this year: Google Chrome Dev Summit 2015 will begin very soon!

Nothing happened overnight with geography; Palo Alto, as it was on the other side of the globe, is. The live broadcast will take place at an inconvenient time (the beginning is at 20:30 Moscow time), but even if you cannot watch it live, the video will be available tomorrow.


Day One - Progressive Web Apps: November 17-18, 2015

About the first day
The first day of the Chrome Dev Summit was dedicated to modern, fast and convenient web applications. Google Chrome engineers shared their experience in creating fast and smooth downloads, reliable operation in the conditions of unstable (mobile) connection and competent interaction with users. All workshops and lectures are available as recordings on YouTube.

The post about the program of the first day with links to the video can be found here .

Day two - RAIL, Performance and DevTools: November 18-19, 2015

The second day of the Chrome Dev Summit is dedicated to the concept of RAIL (Response, Animation, Idle, Load), performance and DevTool. To achieve excellent results, it is not enough just to have a list of things that can and cannot be done. RAIL approach allows you to speed up your applications. On the special cases and the use of RAIL in real products, our developers will tell you today. :)

Note: The broadcasting time is Moscow time (UTC + 3, RTZ + 2).

20:30 - 21:00 >> DevTools in 2015: we work for a wide audience

At the beginning of 2015, the Chrome DevTools development team thought that a growing audience for their product is not only web programmers, but also designers, UI / UX specialists and frontend developers. This helped us to take a fresh look at the prospects for the development of the service. Now DevTools takes into account the interests of a larger number of users. Paul Bakaus (Paul Bakaus) will tell about the upcoming changes that will significantly simplify and speed up your work with DevTools.

21:00 - 21:15 >> Introduction to RAIL

Tips for improving performance can sometimes do more harm than good: additional explanations, exceptions to the rules, unexpected contradictions can confuse anyone.

Phrases like “DOM is slow” or “make a choice in favor of CSS animation” are great for screaming headlines, but in fact there are a lot of pitfalls in such categorical recommendations. Paul Irish and Paul Lewis will share with you ideas about performance, show how important a global and holistic approach to application performance and how to make users notice and appreciate your efforts to optimize the product.

21:15 - 21:45 >> About the applicability of RAIL to your projects

RAIL is a performance approach developed by the Chrome team. It is suitable for Google Chrome, but what about your applications? Can I use RAIL out of the box, or do I have to modify it with a file? Paul Lewis will give you a tour of the RAIL concept and show you the advantages.

21:45 - 22:30 >> Coffee break

22:30 - 23:00 >> Monitor performance with RAIL

In a follow-up to the RAIL theme, Paul Irish will explain how you can apply DevTools and RAIL to web development, debugging, and optimization of your site.

23:00 - 23:30 >> V8 - Gas to the floor!

If your web application rests on the performance of JavaScript, then whose fault is it: the browser or your inefficient code? Seth Tompson will talk about the performance of Javascript, the latest updates to the JavScript-engine V8 in Google Chrome. The second part of the presentation is devoted to writing efficient code that can be optimized by modern browsers today and in the future.

23:30 - 00:00 >> Evaluating quality and performance changes with RAIL

You became the DevTools guru, reworked your application using the RAIL concept, but what next? How have these changes affected the application performance on thousands of different devices of your users? Ilya Grigorik will talk about existing, new and planned APIs that will help you measure, evaluate and improve the performance of your applications.

00:00 - 01:30 >> Lunch Break

01:30 - 02:00 >> HTTP / 2 101

HTTP / 2 is just around the corner. In fact, he is already here. Right now. And it affects not only the user experience of visitors to your site, but also the very approaches in the development of sites and web applications. Surma will talk about how HTTP / 2 makes life easier for developers.

02:00 - 02:30 >> Creating modern web applications on the example of one of the largest online stores in India

Flipkart is one of the largest online stores in India. Peeyush Ranjan, Technical Director, Flipkart shares his experience in developing a flexible, responsive and fast mobile application architecture.

02:30 - 03:00 >> Coffee break

03:00 - 04:00 >> Questions and Answers

A Q & A session of top Google Chrome developers. Got something to ask? Ask a question now .

04:00 - 05:00 >> Practice, questions and answers, closing the event

As in yesterday, you can watch the broadcast on the official website of the Chrome Dev Summit , on YouTube or here:

Note: the video will update as soon as a suitable video stream appears.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/271183/

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