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More IT professions for kids, even more

By the fifth post-children, they learned quite seriously how to troll speakers.

We do open lessons about different professions - we did about pastry chefs, geneticists, cosmonauts. Every time living representatives of the profession came and told about their work. The first prodlenka about programmers received just crazy reviews, so we did another one - but this time not about the code, but about the most different professions in IT.

Below are short excerpts from the stories of Natalia Kasperskaya from Infowatch , Sergey Orlovsky from Nival and Vasily Lebedev from RedKeds . Simple words about the future for children. A whole bunch of interesting professions!


Full room for 300 people each time.

Most likely, it will not be very interesting for you to read the educational programs below - you are from IT, and you understand everything perfectly. But a link to this post can be given to non-IT-parents, and for them with children (judging, again, according to numerous reviews) it will be at least quite interesting.

Natalya Kasperskaya, Infowatch

I have been working in information security for about 20 years. I started in 1994 as an antivirus project manager. Then he was also called AVP (Antiviral Toolkit Pro). Somewhere in three years, we made our own company together with the developers. I headed this company, and for 10 years I was the CEO there.

Then Natalya briefly told an educational program about the fact that there is an information security and she turned to the fact that Russia is the leader in information security in the world (Kaspersky Lab is consistently No. 3 in the market, Akronis is also approximately in the same positions.

In Russia alone, we took the market at 51 billion rubles. Huge, in fact, the volume of the market, and its growth by 2013 was 13%. There are about 250 companies working in Russia. About 70 of them are manufacturing companies ... In January 2015, the number of vacancies in most specialties in the field of information technology, unfortunately, decreased, except for one area - this is the area of ​​security. They found that most companies are now trying to either not raise wages, or even reduce. There is a small percentage - about 13% - that raise salaries, and these are programmers and technical specialists.

From the point of view of the salary, I presented five occupations that are mainly used in the field of information security. The highest paid programmers. According to the SuperJob, up to 105 thousand, but in our experience and up to 200 thousand comes, depends on the specialization of the programmer. The rarer the specialty, the higher the salary. And I will say that somewhere in the third or fourth year of the programmers in general, already dismantled. We have a large number of universities in the country, which produce technical specialists, and if the employer comes to the fifth year, then he has nothing to catch, because all the good ones already work somewhere, so much need.
... There was a crisis of 2008 - the salaries of programmers did not fall. Financiers, economists, unhappy lawyers went around the market with an outstretched hand, and programmers steadily continued to raise wages, they were never enough.

And other specialties. There are information security specialists, they need a little less, so they have less salaries. There are special system analysts in the field of information security. These are advanced people who analyze threats, what to do with them, and then build a threat model. There are engineers who are directly involved in the implementation of various solutions, their reconstruction and reproduction. A system administrator is a person who supports a network. He is the lowest paid at the moment, although not bad either.

Then Natalya began to talk about semantic algorithms with simple understandable children's words. Here, watch her performance (or better show the child) - there really is everything on your fingers:

Sergey Orlovsky, Nival

The history of games has many millennia. The oldest board games are over 5 thousand years old. Of the more or less known, for example, backgammon - they are about 3 thousand years old. In principle, we, as people, as homo sapiens, play since childhood and continue to play as adults. And this is not only our quality, a huge number of animals learn this world through game forms.

Nevertheless, the last 60 years we have a completely new direction - computer games. They originated somewhere in the 1950s, even on mainframes and oscilloscopes. Further in the 1970s, the first game consoles for TV appeared, and the boom of computer games began. In the 1980s, the first personal computers appeared, in the 1990s - 3D games, in the 2000s - more or less modern consoles, which you know as PlayStation, Xbox. Since 2005, appeared online, then mobile. Today, they know you who could see what we are doing before starting the extension, in particular, there is already a new direction - VR (virtual reality), which is now actively gaining momentum, and sometime from this year, at least in my assumptions, will begin to develop very actively in the market.

In turn, this development of gaming platforms for computer games and led to the fact that game genres also greatly evolved from the simplest arcades in the 1970s, to today very complex models describing this world, and allowing interactive interaction with models of this world , studying or learning something useful, which can then be useful in real life. These are strategic games, and role-playing, and business games that are actively used by different companies for training. In particular, these were educational games that have evolved over the past 30 years, but were initially quite primitive. In a sense, the first experiments, since the games were rather boring in themselves, although they gave a huge education, pushed away a huge number of people, developers and consumers from themselves, despite the fact that the direction itself is very attractive due to the fact that the game form is better for learning.

If we look at how you study, mostly at school, or at institutes, at universities — basically, you listen when they tell you something, periodically solving some problems, but it would be much more fun if you would have some kind of environment where all these things could be studied, interacting with this environment in a playful way, that is, just playing games. There are already more and more such good examples. In particular, there is a very famous game Rocksmith, where you learn to play live guitar. Not Rockband, where you had to press some strange buttons, but there is a real guitar, and playing this game with the console or computer, you really get real guitar playing skills.

Or they are very actively using now in education, for example, Paradox’s “Hearts of Iron” or “Europa Universalis” games, where you can understand the history of our civilization, not just reading boring textbooks, but playing for one of the countries, and facing real problems that they had during this historical period, making decisions, playing against other players, and so on. Or a game like “Portal”, where you can understand and deal with the physical laws of this world, acquiring very useful skills for the future. Thus, despite the fact that games, like education, initially did not feel very good, today it is the most interesting area, which is very interesting to do and very fun to play and very useful.

Children look at the brain from the inside in the Nival educational game

One of the rather interesting directions is gamification. You can take existing areas, for example, any course in geography or something else, and attach some kind of game to it, without even creating a separate software product that we are talking about, but simply using additional cards, additional points, such in a way that draws people into this educational process, making it much more fun.

Here is the full performance, there is still a lot about gamification and Nival educational projects for children from the inside:

People often ask the question: “Where to study, and how to become those who develop these games?”. If you take Moscow universities, programmers are best trained at Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State Technical University. Artists - MGAHI, VGIK. Game designers - MSU, HSE, VGIK. Managers - HSE, Moscow State University, MGIMO. The game development itself is a very multidisciplinary thing, it requires a huge number of different specialties, so you can choose what is close to you. If visual art is closer to you, then MGIKHI and VGIK. They said that courses for game designers are being launched, but there are no ready-made courses on game design for schoolchildren, at least not to go to college. It can be said that they are not prepared anywhere, but a certain basic education is then extremely useful in order to grow directly in companies in this specialty, in particular, technical or humanitarian education. Therefore, I believe that Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics and VGIK are extremely useful as a basis for developing independently by analogy with the creative director - towards the game designer, since these specialties are very close. The last is managers, they are always needed in order to lead a love process. They are taught at the HSE, Moscow State University, MGIMO.

Vasily Lebedev, RedKeds

The last 12 years I have been working in the advertising industry. Advertising is a fairly extensive area that covers completely different humanities and technical sciences. It so happened that, in principle, I began to study as a linguist: I studied English, German, Latin. But at the age of 12, I became very interested in programming, particularly in PHP. I was wildly seized by the idea that I can make a site that everyone sees, which everyone will visit, where I can make games, super interesting projects, and millions and millions of people will visit it.

It was such a wild delight that I, not understanding how it all worked, began to learn markup languages, programming, began to draw design and animation myself. Since I was 12 years old, I didn’t understand how it all worked, and I started to do everything “on my knee”. Gradually, it turned out that I began to master not only technical sciences, but also humanities, and on their synthesis it became clear that there was a new need - not only to sit down for programming, not just to encode something, but also to think of something going to program.
It turned out that such professions that we did not know about, because neither at school nor at the institute had we talked about this, have long been in the world, and such a profession is called a creative director — a specialist who thinks out, earns money by thinking new inventions, games, startups, advertising, sites. It so happened that I got a job at an advertising agency and began working as a programmer. But when a task from Honda or Panasonic comes to you, and they say: “You think of a website for us,” it means: “You think of what we need to do, and do it.” But that's fine.

Then the next story went. The big companies began to come, who began to say not “You think up a site for us”, but they began to say: “You think up what we think of”. That is, "Come up with us a game, video, event, maybe, make, strategy, service." And an interesting problem arose: how can you come up with something consciously? I began to study this topic, and it turned out that there are a lot of different creative methodologies that allow me to invent. For you, I have collected different types of projects that you have to come up with, if you will ever work as a creative director.

Here is his speech. Judging by the reaction of the children, Vasily simply burns with a bang, plus there are a lot of videos there. I advise you to look very lively and interesting. In the end - an exercise in creative thinking, which can and even should be done with a child at home:

We have one of the most famous systems in the world - the theory of solving inventive problems, and over the past 50 years we have brought up a whole generation of inventors who have made such a number of inventions together that they have not dreamed of the whole world. The only shame is that these inventions were not always made for Russian companies, but now, again, together with MISiS, we will do everything so that this happens with us.


It was another cool lesson. I remind you that here in the post about programmers there is a huge pile of links to various children's applications and sites where you can learn.

And yes, we again played games from Mosigra

We already have a small catalog of professions: if you are interested in learning about geneticists, programmers, astronauts, confectioners and IT specialties, here are the entries: http://prodlenka.pro/

This season there will be no more Prodlenok by profession, so we will meet in September . In the meantime, you can walk on the site, watch the video, and if you want, subscribe to the newsletters: as a rule, the hall is already crowded a week or 4-5 days before the event, and the mail notification about the first Extensions of the next year will not be superfluous. And - yes! We, in particular, thanks to the usefulness for the IT-sphere, are supported by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications, and so the Minister wrote a message .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/258431/

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