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Moscow Python Meetup on "Async: why and when?" At Rambler & Co

Friends, I hasten to inform you that on May 28 at 19:00 in the office of Rambler & Co a meeting of the Moscow Python Meetup community will be held. The topic of the meeting is “Async: why and when?”.

The program includes interesting reports, communication, holivars and a sea of ​​positive.

Who will tell about what:
"Async: why and when? Comparative analysis of framework data: asyncio, gevent, twisted, tornado »
Alexey Grechishkin , Rambler & Co, Timlid
Zlata Obukhovskaya , Rambler & Co, Timbled Rambler-News

“Is R dead? Or statistical data analysis using Python »
Pavel Klemenkov , Rambler & Co, Head of Machine Learning

"Overview of the situation in asyncio"
Andrey Svetlov , LevelUp, Python Core Developer

"Let it crash: what Python can learn from Erlang"
Benoit Chesneau , Enki Multimedia, Web Craftsman

Mandatory registration on Timepad is required for participation. There you can find more detailed information about the passage.

Do not forget to take your passport with you - you will need it in order to pass through security.

UPD. The broadcast will be available on the day of the event at this address http://rambler-co.ru/live/async-why-and-when .

UPD. Added a video to each report.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/258371/

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